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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Stradavarius37, on 02 May 2014 - 22:44, said:

    Mango Bob, on 02 May 2014 - 06:38, said:

    The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

    No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Reading some of your recent post it seems you are the thug with your insults and bullying. A typical Suthep follower. You support a man who doesn't trust farangs. What the hell is wrong with you. You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

    Better than being a Thaksin apologist.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Nice comebackwhistling.gif

    Thanks man!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  2. When the idiotic brain dead Red movement is eventually squashed, I just hope somebody is appointed to weed out the meddling red mob farang supporters on this and likewise forums. The way I see it, the non red posters look at things from all sides, but this wretched group of losers wear blinkers and only use the opportunity to incite hatred and unrest in retaliation of there lack of intellect and unhappy childhood. What a bunch of tossers. Be gone with the lot of you.

    What a joke you are. Who the hell do you think you are. I want to see you out and rallying on May 14 instead of hiding behind your computer supporting someone no better than Thaksin in his effort to talk over the country. He even said he does not trust farangs but you still support him. Tells me something about you,

    Your rambling outburst confirms my statement. When have I ever said I support Suthep or that I am of yellow persuasion. No of course I haven't ever, but your disposition will not let you believe otherwise One thing I can guarantee you is that I am indeed not a red fanatic, but I however support some of their grievances especially the rice farmers plight. As I stated, a non red supporter can see things from all sides. I suggest if you wish to contribute something worthwhile towards a solution to the country and peoples plight or you wish to be critical of someone's view, lift your game and use a little acumen; or are you just proving to the TV members you are just one of those reds I mentioned above with your schoolboy bully comments.

    Looking through Mango Bobs posts, I think you are wasting your time. I think he may be a troll or perhaps a child? Your choice of course smile.png

    With all the name-calling he doing, I'm going with 'child'. He's very immature as he throws out inflammatory statements and, when he's called on them, then resorts to name calling. I've decided you're right; it is a waste of my time to respond to him as nobody of any importance could possibly take him seriously.

    Take him seriously? No one of importance reads TV. Or any anonymous forum for that matter. Important people don't waste their time on these rubbish back and forths. Fortunately - I am not important!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  3. The easiest way is to buy an old Lamborghini, hire a scientist to transform that into a garbage burning time machine, and then fly back and kill your own grandfather..... thus stopping your earlier self from giving a deposit in the first place.

    Unfortunately, your history will be also wiped out and you will fade into non-existance.

    I am afraid there is no other way even remotely possible.


    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  4. Stradavarius37, on 02 May 2014 - 22:44, said:

    Mango Bob, on 02 May 2014 - 06:38, said:

    The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

    No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Reading some of your recent post it seems you are the thug with your insults and bullying. A typical Suthep follower. You support a man who doesn't trust farangs. What the hell is wrong with you. You can not accept anyone elses opinion without the insults. You must be living a very sorry life.

    Better than being a Thaksin apologist.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  5. Thailand is virtually crime-free compared to inner-city USA, but looking around you'd think it was the opposite. We don't erect two meter concrete walls topped by sharpened spikes back home like almost every house here does. Even the second floor windows have bars on my house in Thailand. Do Thai thieves carry around two-story ladders? It seems like overkill to me.

    Yes I feel safe, but I'd also feel safe with no walls or gate around my house. I grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Back in the 90s it was nicknamed the murder capital of the world for a while. But most houses have little more than a white picket fence just to mark the property line or keep the dog from soiling the sidewalks. Most houses have no fence at all, especially in subdivisions.

    You'll see some houses in downtown DC that have bars on their ground floor windows, but that's a leftover from the MLK riots of the 1960s.

    Are there really a lot of burglaries in villages that don't have penitentiary-like facades?

    Yes there are

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  6. The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

    i once had a glass of water, it was cold and lookd quite inviting. then, someone flicked their booger into it. this glass of 99.9999% water now needs to be thrown away. how can such a small miniscule obsolete amount make such a difference? ah.

    some people will be willing to ruin the future of their children to see their enemies a bit uncomfortable. (poor)

    while others are willing to cut their arms off to see the death of their enemies. (middle class)

    and others are willing to see peace by burning everything. (wealthy)

    as for me, i Honour my ancestors, Fear my God, and obey the laws of the land.

    hatred is fickle. if you hate someone... you have to hate his friends too, and their friends, and places they go, and new people they meet. and befor you know it, you hate everyone and are alone. the reds will soon be alone. be patient.

    Felt nauseous and bored at the same time with this post - a rare feat

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  7. The concert organizers should have know what would happen if they had a proven anti government protestor on stage. Don't blame the Reds blame the organizer of the event.

    No, blame the reds. These champions of democracy are just thugs. If Mango Bob supports them, then he is a thug too.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  8. The US has said this every year for the past 5, and probably longer. Regardless of torrents and piracy in general I still get my payments from the PRS and am now accumulating royalties from the many streaming services like Spotify, Beats Music, iTunes, Rdio, etc. The reality is, those who steal will always steal. So we creators have to rely on ethical, honest people to keep supporting creativity by paying for it.

    Kenny Rogers Loggins is right!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  9. these taxi drivers you are recommending reporting, are they the same ones who carry samurai swords and have been known to use them (and caught on vid doing) to attempt decapitation of farang?

    yes ,most will have a weapon or 2

    but thats no reason to let them bully you or steal your money

    maybe im crazy ,but i dont take shit from aholes and usually when they see i aint backing down they willback dow rather than deal with someone more dagerous

    ok ,it might be a nasty result but ive spent the best part of my life in this business so a knife is joke unless

    someone is an expert with it and even then if id give myself 50/50 or better no matter what trainig hes had but ........


    I'd like to challenge you to a spelling contest - I like my chances :)

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  10. I have no idea what you're even saying.

    Oh God, not another post whining about TV members....from a TV member....albeit one with a very shaky self image.

    OP Don't worry. If you don't like it try another forum where you'll be a "better fit"....

    I'm sure you see yourself as a heroic defender of all things Thai.

    That's because you're probably not bright :)

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I think they hide under the floorboards until the sun goes down, then they shuffle over to the keyboard and begin to spread their negativity. I can't verify this, however I heard that the mods sometimes go round and slide some food under the door from time to time.

    Hide? These guys never go outside, day or night.

  12. My son has a Sony PS4 system, and i bought him a "Skylanders Swap Force" game on a recent trip to the US. This game uses character figures and I was wondering if anyone knows if they are sold anywhere in BKK?

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