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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. I believe incident took place at OP's gate, ie driveway , ie not a public road.

    Splashing water does not fall under the assault, wish you luck having this so called assault stick.

    You are Thai , so you saying all Thai men carry guns and have brain less than a monkey to shoot someone at their property to then spend good part of their life in jail?

    In my experience it's usually the Americans with "Brain less than a monkey" especially if they are from Texas.

    And this has what to do with the OP? FYI there are at least 3x as many gun murders per capita in Thailand as there are in the US. Some say 10x. Thais are violent. I've posted the links to those statistics so many times that I won't do it again for the ignorant.

    America bashing is a lot of fun on this forum and is allowed for some reason. I presume you're a chicken shit Brit hiding behind a keyboard?

    You assumed wrong, and made an ass out of yourself as a result. (Yet surprisingly, I remain ass-free ;)

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  2. If it happened out in the public road, you are guilty, and may be charged with assault.

    If it happened in your garden, you have the right to kill him and get away with it.

    In most countries of the world, throwing water at someone would be considered common assault (if it hit them, the more serious crime aggravated assault).

    From what you have said, you appear to have admitted guilt all the way along, my advice, pay up or run.

    By the way, never try this foolishness on a Thai man, he would likely pull a gun, shoot you dead, and get away with it (on either occasion according to your statements).

    I believe incident took place at OP's gate, ie driveway , ie not a public road.

    Splashing water does not fall under the assault, wish you luck having this so called assault stick.

    You are Thai , so you saying all Thai men carry guns and have brain less than a monkey to shoot someone at their property to then spend good part of their life in jail?

    In my experience it's usually the Americans with "Brain less than a monkey" especially if they are from Texas.

    AnotheroneAmerican is actually really a Thai, he has confirmed it on one of the threads

    Yes I know. Comment stands.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  3. 1. Both sides are stupid

    2. Any farang who believes that side one is "right" and one side is "wrong" in this clusterf#ck is also stupid

    Agree 150%

    Yes Chooka. Any allegation by a TVF Poster against the reds has to be followed up by a post from a red troll that says "but Suthep doe it too." It was your lucky day today, was it? 150% Wow! That is impossible & stupid!

    Stop cluttering up my clear, concise post with your inane babble.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If it happened out in the public road, you are guilty, and may be charged with assault.
    If it happened in your garden, you have the right to kill him and get away with it.

    In most countries of the world, throwing water at someone would be considered common assault (if it hit them, the more serious crime aggravated assault).
    From what you have said, you appear to have admitted guilt all the way along, my advice, pay up or run.

    By the way, never try this foolishness on a Thai man, he would likely pull a gun, shoot you dead, and get away with it (on either occasion according to your statements).

    I believe incident took place at OP's gate, ie driveway , ie not a public road.

    Splashing water does not fall under the assault, wish you luck having this so called assault stick.

    You are Thai , so you saying all Thai men carry guns and have brain less than a monkey to shoot someone at their property to then spend good part of their life in jail?

    In my experience it's usually the Americans with "Brain less than a monkey" especially if they are from Texas.

  5. Never done a single 90 day report in 12 years. Always travel to US in April and then renew visa in May. Never been fined, or even had it brought up as an issue.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    "Always travel to US in April and then renew visa in May."

    Visas aren't renewable. Presumably you skip three 90 day reports and then go out of the country. When you come back to Thailand you do a new extension of stay in May, which is less than 90 days from your re-entry into Thailand? Or are you saying for twelve years you've been returning to the US and applying for a new visa?

    Of course if you've been staying in Thailand for periods longer than 90 days without reporting and someone at Immigrations decided to check your records at some point, you could be in for a big surprise.But until then I'm sure you've been impressing your friends with endless tales of you flaunting the law over the past twelve years. I bet they're looking forward to more of the same bragging in year 13.

    What a croc ! No one forgets 3 times in a row, admit it, you cant be bothered and feel you have better things to do and its a pain in the ars*.

    Just tell the truth you'll feel better for it, than manufacturing lies.

    "Just tell the truth you'll feel better for it, than manufacturing lies. "

    If everyone followed that advice the Thai Visa forums would wither and die.

    Don't see any part of my post that could be construed as bragging or snarky. Just stated what I have done. If anyone's friends are dreading a conversation it is probably yours, with all the self righteousness you appear to have on tap ready to pour.

    And you are right, it was the visa extension, not renewal, each May. If the immigration ever brings it up maybe ill rethink, but for now I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. It seems to bother you, so it's worth it just for that :)

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The lunatic SUTHEP failed to accomplish anything so the courts held a judicial coupe AGAIN. If u can't win an election let the courts give a guilty verdict on trumped up charges. Let's see what happens now.

    Sent from Kukaz iPad Air

    So you think Yingluck did not abuse her power then? Charges seems pretty solid, as was the ruling. If you disagree then you might want to take off those Thaksin colored sunglasses for a moment...

    I think everyone is abusing power ... including the CC .... so when is Suthep going to answer for all his crimes? Probably never ... and therein lies the proof of abuse of power .... pots and kettles everywhere in here

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Now say "including me" and you will be right!

    • Like 1
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Looks like the highest ranking cabinet member remaining would be Nattawut ...new Prime Minister?

    That would be hilarious. But I suspect this is just act 1 - they can't allow the elections to go ahead without rigging them properly first.

    You do realize that the people you are defending as the bastions of freedom and democracy are completely corrupt and stealing the country blind? Why the love?

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Cabinet stays - so Court takes some wind out of the red shirt sails...Looks like the court wants both sides to negotiate this sh%t out...

    Aim_The Nation ‏@Aim_NT 1m

    BUT any Cabinet members who took part directly or indirectly in Thawil's transfer, he or she cannot stay in the caretaker's posts: court.

    And another change of the story...

    There are still a few who are "Post Thawil" and one of the deputy's as well - so a few bozos left hanging around.

    Deputies are not classed as cabinet.. Only top level ministers.

    pretty sure that is incorrect

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