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Posts posted by Nip

  1. 18 hours ago, connda said:

    Life is not a free ride.  It has risks.  You accept the risks in order to live life at it's fullest.  When things go wrong, you should be the first to accept the inevitable.  If not, then you're a proponent of the graphic below.


    It must be great to be you. We could learn so much from you. Have you thought of writing a weekly column?

  2. 7 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    Do some research into the NACC. What is their success rate since 1991? How many big fish have been caught? So what are these guys going to do? They want their jobs, so they will put their hands under their backside and sit on them until they are directed.

    NACC and PACC and AMLO and Ministry for Justice indeed every single Ministry and Government body is run by? Yes you gueesed it. The Royal Thai Police so nothing is going to change. Also you will find policemen heading Thai charities. Where there is muck there are police.

  3. 3 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

    Not a criticism, just a query. I'd like to know whether the ACT report gets into the details of each allegation, spelling out point-by-point why it is making each one. Or is it just mimicking the same broad accusations as everyone else. The people at ACT are quite brave in my opinion, but the devil is in the details, so to speak. 

    Every now and then ACT raises it's head and every now and then it disappears as quickly as it appeared. Nothing to chew on here folks. Don't waste your time as many including I have done in the past. Oh the Crime Buster also raises his head once in a while. Phuket will never change as long as those investigating the police are the police. 

  4. 4 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

    Why? Am I missing something from the story, it sounds like a horrible accident, not a murder. 


    And you wouldn't hide your face if you were in the cop shop? His being on social media was to ask for some help, he was hardly on there living it up, was he?

    Google I think its Sun Fruit Dan on You Tube. ... He's an absolute scum bag. Even posted photos of him doing a wheelie on his motor bike. CCTV  video shows he was at fault.  Didn't attend the funeral.  His girlfriend posted just prior to the accident that she was terrified of him. He was within hours of the accident promoting himself. Grrr

    • Like 1
  5. I recall as a child in my country when bus drivers went on strike the army dusted down the troop carriers etc and they replaced the busses. Maybe the Thai army could stop beating each other up and run the routes north and south at least? That is if they really care. Its not a solution and some will argue the troop carriers not legal also but it kept my country ticking over.

  6. Isn't this interesting? This policeman Boonlert is the best known police scammer on Phuket. Been involved in 5 or 6 high level scams and moved to inactive posts numerous times. The most investigated copper I'm told by the PACC. Involved in a drug dealing case with former tourist police volunteer Garry Halpin the South Afrcan with the counterfeit dollars , 3 cases in property theft by Thai women over their husband and boasts of driving a red Ferrari I'm sure others can add to his CV.. 

  7. 2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Mind you only idiots go there so one less fool on the planet.

    I would suggest its you that is none too bright. As far as I can see from the report there is no mention he took drugs. Yes there are Full Moon parties on the islanf and yes many take drugs but many more don't. I've been on the island and many of my friends too and my kids. We don't take drugs so if I was found dead by your estimation I would be a dumb druggie and deserved to die. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Remus1830 said:

    How crazy is this it is very well known that it costs about 30 million baht to become head of patong police.Then the collections start and a certain amount per month is paid to phuket town etc etc.The whole system is built on corruption and all the police know this that is why it is very hard for police to find out about corruption as they all know it is expected of them.

    Indeed. But Chalong can't be far behind as it's the hub for drug dealing on the island and Surat is the retirement home. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

    Well In Australia a few of them are sitting in jails now But that is amazing not a single youth entered into becoming a priest Maybe time to change the rules and let Priests get married

    I agree they should be allowed to marry. That said about 15 years ago I was at a book publishing conference in LA and on sale was a self published book called; "The Book your church does not want you to read." Im not sure if it was published perhaps not but I bought it and the statistics were more than shocking ie that over 40% of Catholic priests were suspected of or accused of child abuse and c 70% were aware of the problem yet less than 1% were charged the rest were hastily shipped out to rural parishes in South America. It was a very detailed study by a team of professors not a whimsical piece. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    In every religion you are going to get bad apples  Look at the Catholic church and its bad priests dealing with boys. The only difference between the two is if the priest is found guilty he will go to jail  Here they get defrocked and send you on your merry  ways and in civilian life he probably commit the crime again. Thailand biggest downfall is there judicial system They have the laws but dont enforce  them and these Monks are really a law on there own

     "The only difference between the two is if the priest is found guilty he will go to jail"  You must be joking. Very few priests go to jail. They are usually ignored or moved to other countries or parishes. You clearly have not being reading or watching tv. The amount of damage done as a consequence of this is that this year not a single youth or man in Ireland a bastion for the bu¥¥ers entered the priesthood.

  11. 20 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    I have been married to a Thai man for 22 years. Thai citizenship was a piece of cake, compared to going to do those visa runs every damn year. 

    If the op is not married, then it's very difficult to buy land. 

    However if married the bank will accept her salary as income as they did with me. The loan was actually in his name, but his income was 5000 baht a month. My income with a letter from the school was 40000 and I did not have a work permit. We went to 6 banks. No, no, no, no, no, yes. 

    Our last payment is in 8 months. 

    When I became a Thai citizen my husband transfers the house to my name. Not all Thai are crooks ?

    Bottom line at this moment and in the foreseeable future she cannot buy land in Thailand in her name. Yes I admit not all Thais are crooks but most in Phuket are. I'm happy you have been lucky and bucked the trend.

  12. 30 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

    seems no one actually answered the op's question, but instead told her who not to trust, including her husband..... Yes, you could register the property under your son's name, however you wont be able to sell it our lease it out without a court approval as long as he is a minor, that means for the next 15 years.

    Another issue worth consideration is getting married and apply for citizenship which is much easier for foreign women married to thai men than the other way around.

    The best advice is to tell her the truth. Fact is you cannot trust anybody in Thailand least of all the judicial system. Thai citizenship is a long drawn out affair that is as malleable as Thai Law. Trust least in Thailand those who smile most. The only way forward is a condo. 

  13. You cant trust any lawyer or land agent in Phuket. You cant own land in Thailand. The only safe option is for you to purchase a condo in your name and use a Bangkok lawyer like the Rachada Law Office (Benny). No matter what advice you are given learn from the hundreds indeed thousands who had their property stolen in Phuket. Note that Phuket Lawyers are known to forge signatures to steal property so if you can take out a small loan you can lodge the Chanotes with the bank for safety.

  14. 29 minutes ago, bosun said:

    I am sure your friend has done the rounds already ...  but I took my MRI scan of a rotator cuff tear from Bkk hospital to the UK's leading shoulder surgeon in Harley Street. He recommended everything but surgery ! Sure enough 6 months later I was active again . Now my other rotator is very painful and this time I went to Bumrungrad to a sports injury surgeon.

    Same advice. Basically shoulder surgery has some of the worst success rates of any joint surgery. Please ask your friend to think very very carefully and as others have mentioned choose very carefully as it is a big risk especially if he is a bit older. All the best

    And sorry the cost is around 350,000 plus at the leading private Thai hospitals

    I've just had the same experience in Ireland. Just this week the top bone specialist said in his experience 'Cuff' surgery has a success rate of less than 33%. He injected a steroid cocktail and recommended physiotherapy for 3 to 6 months. 

  15. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    According to Thai criminal laws, Deception by any means for the purpose

    of obtaining monetary or property gains is a criminal offence punishable

    by 5-10 in jail, and that that goes for ALL nationals... 

    Indeed but a monetary donation to the court poor box or police social club fund strikes out that punishment in the Thai parallel criminal code.

    • Haha 2
  16. Yes of course it suited them that Yingluk exited stage right but methinks they did not consider this charade through ie they are backing themselves into a corner like a kid caught with his hand down his pants and the sublime will become even more ridiculous. The last thing they want is for her to be extradited or the alternative there be a political impasse because for e.g. Britain refuse. It's a loose loose situation as it will also drag the unsavoury Section 44 into the mix and human rights. Also how come they didn't or dont call in the brother as well? It also seems all the promises made to the farmers who lost the rice harvests in Isaan due to the weather were not compensated as promised which adds further fuel. Aye interesting times ahead. 

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