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Posts posted by Nip

  1. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:

    I don't think so ...  Trump called him ... so it's obvious the US recognizes Thailand's Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha as the PM.   He has worked hard to bring Thailand back from the brink of complete disruption and lawlessness ....  

    It's sad that you choose to stay in a place when all one see's is negativity ...  :wai:

    I actually thought you were joking! As your fellow countryman used the say on the tennis court ... " You can't be serious? " 

  2. 15 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    This is the correct answer. If he had been driving correctly, it would not have mattered how sharply the vehicle in front of him stopped.


    As sad as it is, technically, it is his fault. Doesn't make him evil, I'm sure lots of people do the same, but still technically preventable.

    It seems that after the accident a number of his motorbike boy racer posts on You Tube were removed. Also the video does not show that any vehice stopped abruptly in front of him.

  3. 1 hour ago, Italian guy said:

    3 people unfortunately... two of which passed away. What a tragedy!

    The 5 years old girl will hardly recover from this. As for the guy, what can I say... remorse will be his hardest punishment for the rest of his days...

    RIP mum and child

    If you watched his video the pain in the Glass is not in any way remorseful now and less likely to be in the future. He pitties himself. Why don't you contribute to his legal fees while your at it?

  4. 20 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I only watched the beginning of his first video after the accident - and it made me cringe...


    Nonetheless, it was clearly a typical accident.


    Reckless driving?  I can't see it as anything other than an accident - despite the accused's horrendous video :sad:.

    I agree with you. But there are accidents and there are accidents. He had on board the woman he supposedly loved who was carrying his unborn child. Yet in traffic he is riding at a speed that it was necessary to take the evasive action he describes? Me?  Of course I would not be riding a bike in such circumstances and certainly not at the speed he was clearly doing. This of course has been noted by others. Any of us who ride bikes in Thailand ride defensively and consider all else on the roads as fools. That's how I was taught. It seems in videos posted and now removed he fancied himself as a boy racer and sadly a young life was lost. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, sambum said:

    I didn't see his comments on Facebook, but any quotes from him that  have read didn't come across as "cocky" -  far from it - he seemed genuinely distraught. Maybe you can provide a link so we can see the "cocky" bits?

    Have a look at his You Tube page Sun Fruit Dan and see that he may not be corky but he's an insensitive moron and more important a scary individual. 

  6. All over the Internet this man has been exposed by people who knew him. I would suggest those who support him do a quick search. His videos for eg that detail how he rode his motorbike recklessly have been taken down. However the videos of his girlfriend stating he scared her are still there because he can't remove them. His excuse for the accident changed from one video to the next. His first video hours after the accident is to cover his ass and shows no remorse in fact at the end he says ah well life goes on. This guy is a nasty piece of work and it's there for all to see.

  7. 4 hours ago, 8OA8 said:

    The auctions are genuine, however "allegedly" on many occasions the brain has been removed from the car prior to the seizure and the car won't ever run unless you know what has been removed, hence the person in possession of the necessary component's (brain/computer..) can purchase the car in the knowledge that they will have a clean (duty paid) car for a fraction of the real cost of same vehicle in Thailand "allegedly".

    Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

    Indeed this modus operandi has been going on for years. Your buddies steal a brand new car - drive it to an isolated area. Remove most of the engine parts, seats, trim etc and then push the car into a ditch. Not too much damage done but enough for the entire to be a non viable repair. Then when the auction comes up s few months later buy the shell for a pittance and replace everything. Simlar scams I saw as a student carried out in main dealerships were shocking also. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    I agree with you Nip. But please don't take it back 'cause it was rhetoric.


    I'm way up north east way and there is seething and hatred everywhere, the locals are well aware that the "same people that were killing us are now ruling us." Thai authorities have a terrible recent history of murdering Thai people in their hundreds and often thousands. The difference now is 'social media'. A massacre now would be 'round the world in seconds in all its bloody detail.


    Thailand is a 'tinderbox', and in my farang circle we are all aware that it could kick off at any time. We all have 'contingency' plans (just in case). I am in the process of winding down my affairs and will be ready to 'ship out' at a moment's notice.


    Make no mistake; when it does explode here we (farang) will be right in the firing line. F Troop are only hanging on by a thread and liars must have good memories

    Agree entirely. I have already made the move. What a relief!  I was not sure at the outset but now Im positive I did the right thing especially for my kids. And my friends who have not yet escaped are like you making urgent contingency plans but are being hampered by the demise of the property market. There are lies and there are Thai lies. This police state is about to crumble under the weight of corruption and false information. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


    It can be challenge living in Thailand. The culture clashes, the injustices, the lack of democracy, the lack of free speech, the corruption and the sheer avarice of the country make living here tempestuous. Most farang would agree it is getting worse but what makes you think it will get better afterwards?!

    Ha Ha ... I was not entirely sure about saying things will get better. I take it back. My belief is the country is close to a major 'collapse' that the sleeping dogs up north will sooner rather than later start to bark then the games will begin. For me the daily shenanigans is a warning to sell up and ship out. Alas in Phuket were the tourist numbers are still being massaged and corruption rules It's too late.. 

  10. When I came to live here 15 odd years ago there was at that time many good reasons to live in Thailand and I would be goaded on internet forums such as this for daring to criticise. Now it's more likely I would be applauded. Thailand is fast becoming a unviable place to live for foreigners and history tells us that it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I'm off .... Just like most of my friends who can. Again before many people would say naff off ya tool but now I'm not so sure? 

  11. Smoke and Mirrors. People this is a Police State supported by the Army. Almost each and every Government  Ministry Dept Commander is a policeman including the Ministry of Justice, Immigration, AMLO the Anti Money Laundering Office, the DSI, NACC and PACC. They even control the football association, certain charitable organisations and as all must have noticed most of the foreign embassies. This is why Justice is a myth here.

  12. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Many Thais in need of cash do the what Thai people term Khai-Fak process whereby they transfer

    the property at the land department to the lender subject to a loan of a

    specific time and interest payable at the end of the specified period, should

    they fail, the land than will be transferred fully to the lender, and it's 100% legal....

    what happened in many cases is when they fail to pay, some cries blue murder

    and act as if they didn't know what they got themselves into.....

    You are correct up to the part that the % charged must not be more than 15% per annum and the loan shark must have a registered tax paying loan company. 99% of loan sharks are opportunist criminals who disadvantage the poor and intentionally lend money that can never be repaid. They are scum pure and simple. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    The difference is, all the good things about living on a tropical paradise Island are available to me every day when I wake up.

    Curious as to what you consider to be the good things? The bad things in many people's eyes far outweigh the good. Phuket is sinking in the continuing deluge of corruption that the local and national authorities refuse to plug. This story is just another example of the rampant property fraud the judicial system supports and has resulted in the total collapse of the property market in Phuket. 

  14. A number of years ago I was staying in a motel in Brockton USA with a few buddies. One afternoon they headed into Boston on business and it was arranged that I would take the hired car and pick them up later. Which I did. We met in an Irish bar and of course had a few indeed far too many pints of Guinness. At closing time we hit the street the worse for wear and I handed the designated driver the car keys. Well he said ... Where did you park the car? With close to 10 pints on board I could not remember. We walked up and down the main road and all the side roads for almost an an hour until nobody saw the humour in our predicament. We ... Well I had lost the car and had no idea how we were going to find it and get back to the hotel until somebody had the bright idea to call the police and report it stolen. Which we did and they found it within 20 minutes. Unable to fully explain what happened we came clean and the police thankfully saw the funny side.  

  15. Good luck Mobi. I too very recently abandoned Thailand and returned home. I had all the same concerns and annoyances  but am delighted after 16 years to have abandoned the sinking ship and reentered the real world. Thailand has slaughtered the Golden Goose. The party is over. Time to go home or elsewhere.

  16. 19 hours ago, jubkhun said:

    If you are taking a Thai lady home with you, then you are not exactly leaving Thailand and its problems behind are you..

    You are a very slow learner my friend.

    But on the bright side he's leaving you behind. A lesson well learned. Methinks you are the slow learner. 

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