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Posts posted by Nip

  1. When I first came here to live 16 years ago I met this old German guy down Soi 20 Sukhumvit. After berating a taxi driver and almost removing the taxi door from its hinges he said he'd had enough of the $hit and was heading to the Philippine. He spent some time with me shredding the system and I gave the stock Thai Visa retort at that time ie If you don't like it so much why dont you bugger off then. Now I have become that German man and I want out of here for all the same readons and more but today I think the vast majority might just agree with me. I've given it my best and I'm off as are most of my friends. It's gonna get a lot worse F Troop are tightening the screw.

  2. It's welcoming to see that Thai Visa members without exception realise that this proposed 99 year lease is as fake and feckless as the 30 year lease with another 30 year extension option. There is no legal obligation for the 30 year lease to be extended 30 more years and those who have fought it in court have lost it unless large brown envelopes were involved. Also if the owner of the property leased dies or the company folds the new owner has no obligation to the renter. The general consensus in the legal process here is any purchase (lease) is considered to be a circumvention of Thai law. As others have noted this 99 year lease is only being muted because the property market in Thailand and in particular Phuket is dead. 

  3. 5 hours ago, timewilltell said:

    They need to get down to the land office in Phuket and check all the sale with right of redemption cases - used to skirt the law for money laundering and theft transfer of stolen property. The courts do nothing and I think we all have a good idea why money lenders always seem to get the benefit of any 'I didn't know anything about it' doubt

    I seem to recall one of the many opportunist roving Governors making a commitment to the feckless Phuket Honorary Consules that an office would be set up to help deal with matters such as this. No surprise ... No Office ... Silent Obedient Consuls and No more monthly meetings. Shameful how our Embassies and Consulates become Thai conspirators.

  4. I have a Thai friend ( female ) she works for the Thai social services and says for the past 10 years she has faced similar cruelty and brutality. That she is ashamed of her fellow countrymen. That when she brings these abusers to the judicial system that nothing happens. because those who police and adjudicate are devoid of normal human compassion. Recently after numerous self threats to quit she finally gave up because she realised she could do nothing. That certain public do gooders were only looking to publicise themselves and taking advantage of abused women and children. For 10 years she gave her all and achieved nothing because nobody really cares.

  5. 17 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    'Her mother - who was not named in the Thai Rath story - told police yesterday that she is convinced that her daughter is missing because of an accident while diving'


    This doesn't sound good. It may very well be the case, but we should be open minded to all possibilities. 

    Perhaps this is more likely what the police want the mother to say than what she actually said?

  6. 5 minutes ago, chrisyork said:

    I do agree with that, Nip.

    Westerners, property and Thailand have been a scandalous combination for deacades.

    I'm afraid I've always taken the view that the victims tend to be the ones who've brought their assumptions, culture and wealth with them and not modified any of it in the light of the society they find themselves in.....

    But I don't see any particular relevance to what is happening to JH....

    I read the facts.....

    But I also "get" the context.......

    My understanding is the BBC were advised to remove the meat from the Jonathan Head story and left the veggies thinking well what can happen if the lawyer has admitted to his crime?  They were wrong of course. I know of another even more shocking story about to break that will drive nails even deeper into the system. 

  7. 8 hours ago, off road pat said:

    It's a old scam,...while he can not leave the country he can not do any visa runs, and will be overstaying....!?!?!? and hey will charge him accordingly !!!

    The court issues a directive to Phuket immigration to provide him with a court visa for the duration of the trial and he is black listed so even if he has his passport he is not permitted to leave Thailand... legally that is.

  8. I've lived here 16 years and now there are many many more reasons why not to come here than there are to come here. It's taken a while to accept that in the eyes of most Thais we are lesser beings and they really don't want us here. Anybody who invests time or money in Thailand  is crazy. As the song goes ...."This party's over I'm going home."

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