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Posts posted by Nip

  1. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Most of us have commented on the appalling driving we see on the roads and many of us have bemoaned the tea money stops while nothing was done to stop poor and dangerous driving. I hope that finally they have seen the light and will address the real issue. The carnage on the roads has to come down, and I wish them every success in actually starting to do so.

    With all due respect sir .... Oh yee of TOO much faith. Nothing ever changes in Thailand just the names of the Police chiefs. He has paid for his snout to be placed in the feed trough. The rule of thumb here is "Mind over Matter" They don't mind and the people don't matter.

  2. I'm no crime scene expert but I did see some of the crime scene photographs. One photo showed a close up of David Miller lying on the beach. It seemed to me his skin color was pink as if he was not long dead. Another photo showed him in the water this time his skin palor was very grey. This led me to think that perhaps David  was alive when he was first found and was then drowned? I could wrong? Probably am but I'm curious.

  3. 1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

    I have the answer here but don"t tell anyone


    There is a new invisible resort that is hidden from view, its so good and top secret only TAT and quality tourists know about it and I do not lie. (But lying is not a problem anyhow is it). So that is where all these new tourists go and also the reason we do not see many in the old resorts. Sure fact the Europeans have voted with their feet and who can blame them? But come December TAT will say best ever year for British tourists, just after the UK says tourists numbers to this place have hit an all time low like last year.


    Its all called the brownstuffgame and some live in it up to their necks, can smell it from here.


    Its another Far eastern Mystery.

    The Inactive Post Hotel?

  4. 5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    He is thanking Nip and you come with a sneer because of that. Does not make any sense at all.


    I disagree with Nips post BTW, too many suggestions about the guy, all based on nothing but some posts and likes/dislikes.

    The comments I refer to in particular were made by the dead woman herself in a You Tube post and the others were made by Danny Glass himself in his You Tube videos so no speculation FACT. 

  5. 12 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Very bad police work.  And possibly unjust and unnecessary.

    Did he really do something wrong? Isn't he punished enough by the death of his girlfriend and unborn child? 

    So now he is hindered from leaving the kingdom for 4 months already. And the red bull killer still enjoys freedom wherever he wants. 


    This is a very wrong justice system. 

    This case has been discussed all over the internet and there are suggestions that this may not have been an accident? His girlfriend who it seems he was no longer living with posted on Facebook before she died that she feared for her life with Sun Fruit Dan as he is known on You Tube. He didnt go to the funeral and deleted videos of him racing his motor bike. He also deleted hundreds of negative and daming comments on his You Tube page. He showed little remorse for what happened and apparently never commented on the death of his unborn baby. .... Utterly dislikable worm. Look at his You Tube page and decide for yourself.

  6. These guys be they Bandidos or Outlaws work hand in glove with the Thai police. They are everywhere in Thailand. Mostly Scandinavian in particular Norwegian and in Bangkok. Basically untouchable. I've had the misfortune to meet them and the fortune to not have got involved with them. They offer security services. I met one recently down Sukhumvit Soi 33 while watching a rugby game. He introduced himself to me as a fu6king animal as he walked past me. This guy was Australian and I was more interested in the rugby. I fear for the bar owner he's in it up to his oxters and he ain't gonna get help from anybody least of all the Thai police. 

  7. 2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I suspect he has only dropped it because of the level of publicity it is getting, though I hope the BBC will continue to publicize it widely. If he wasn't a complete scumbag he would have dropped the second case against Ian Rance too. I hope Mr. Rance wins his case and then turns around and sues him in return. If ever there was someone deserving of a royal shagging in the courts, it is this horrible toerag.

    Rance as far as I know sued the lawyer already and this filing is the lawyers tit for tat response.

  8. 3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Same old story, another Farlang fleeced by his ever loving Thai wife who is different from all the rest.


    I`ve been with living with my Thai girlfriend in Thailand for many years. Would I officially marry her and buy land and property in her name? Not in a million years. It`s well known how flimsy the laws are in Thailand, so why would two allegedly professional business men risk investing thousands and thousands of pounds in Thailand mainly on trust and with all the restrictions that go with it? 


    Sorry; but I have little sympathy for these guys, they really should have placed more thought into it and know better.

    You clearly have no grasp of what actually happened. Far be it for me to enlighten a dimmed brain.

  9. 12 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Some hi-so's must be really  sweating at the arrest of their supplier!

    Perhaps he will make it off with a fine?....

    hope  the fellow does not end up hanging on his necktie in jail, as it seems quite trendy with embarassing detainees!!

    Your referring I presume to the convenient and profitable Thai - US prisoner elimination and share proceeds pact.

  10. 16 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    That reminds me, 'got to put the money in wife's account I made fro selling the gun and heroin'.


    But a pretty face like that, just misguided? 



    Everybody here .... well almost everybody here I suspect .... accepts this as a humorous throw away comment BUT ... In the cold light of day in a Thai court or police station it could cause some bother. So your a gun runner and drug dealer. I'm just being mischievous of course but .... 

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