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Posts posted by wealth

  1. one cannot limit freedom. Only brute force can limit freedom temporarily. She's wrong on that.

    But we all can work on more responsibility and that applies especially to a government body that must be accounted for of what it is doing. - MORE RESPONSIBILITY PLEASE.

    If it bothers her so much she can always counter it in a democratic style, for example:

    To have a Q & A session on a weekly base for a few hours, - open, transparent and for everyone to see and to follow up. Tough questions asked on a board before addressing them, no censorship unless rude language is used.

    Create think tank discussions for certain themes and have all confronting sides participating on a TV show. Invite experts, but no politicians. Politicians can't grasp the truth and are no experts of anything. Most of politicians are legalized liers, or puppets to a greater NWO - worldwide, especially big bro. ...

    Can she do that?

  2. "high-quality" journalism of the New York Times and Financial Times.

    as if the media is not controlled by the rich and allmighty

    as if for example the worldwide marches against Montsanto get any news coverage

    all got their nose stuck inside the butt above them

    Thanks to alternative media coverage for many years, Monsanto has moved out of Europe last week. No kidding. Governments used a trick and slowed down whatever they could, so they threw the towels. THE US even threatened European countries years ago to have Monsanto going it's way to fully control the food market.

    There was a coverage in the Media about last week's decision to move out and it is feared they may try something else again. For now, Monsanto is out of Europe.

  3. Print media maybe dying but the freedom of free speech is also , this is happening on all fronts whether Thailand or Australia , you only have to make a comment on a particular race to emphasize a point and you are labelled racist in Oz, in Thailand a particular pattern is to muzzle opposition parties by intimidation and court action, people have become soft .bah.gif

    you may follow up on Alex Jones and others who are currently in the UK to cover the Bilderberg meeting. Real brave-hearts.

    Some politicians asked for media coverage, but non of the established ones show interest. Why? No wonder when they go down.

  4. Here comes the Thai defense

    "Your excellency, my client just notified the branch of the bank that he has a gun ... in the US ... and a knife. He only asked for reimbursement of his expenses for delivering the memo. My client even thinks the teller is stupid to give him such a generous large amount for delivering the memo. The teller gave him the money in a kind of envelope as requested, a Thai custom, so my client couldn't see the amount. He would have returned most of it right away, he thinks it was to much and not appropriate. My client is honest your excellency, and doesn't lie. He's a law abiding citizen both in the USA and here in Thailand and edited the memo in a way to match the comprehensiveness of English language in our country " tongue.png

    Not sure at this point who deserves the Darwin award for 2013, the teller or the alleged robber?

  5. deportation ends at the airport by placing him into the plane to a foreign destination, make sure he doesn't come back. Done!

    Unless there was/is an arrest warrant there is nothing else the Aussies can/could do.

    Were the German authorities informed? Did they get a legally backed up consent? They probably only applied for a travel document. If none of these happened then it could become a serious international issue.

    Not in Australia it doesn't, the duty of care ends when he lands at his final destination. The Australian Government is responsible for him until he reaches that destination that is why all deportees are escorted.

    I think it would be interesting to get an official German version about that case.

    Some of the bigger media there picking up on that right now.

  6. deportation ends at the airport by placing him into the plane to a foreign destination, make sure he doesn't come back. Done!

    Unless there was/is an arrest warrant there is nothing else the Aussies can/could do.

    Were the German authorities informed? Did they get a legally backed up consent? They probably only applied for a travel document. If none of these happened then it could become a serious international issue.

  7. If there is/was no official arrest warrant or an agreement to have him sent to Germany then it could be constructed as abduction.

    Interpol only gets active when there are major crimes involved.

    Europeans often use Russian airlines to send criminal fugitives back to their country (they are much tougher and not so soft)

    He may have asked or called up the Embassy for a new passport and they have told him to come by to take the bio-metric data(fingerprints) and then wait about three weeks. He didn't show up. I don't think they gave him a specific date to come. They usually just say to come to the Embassy. There they would inform him that he is wanted (or not) for outstanding cases.

    In emergency cases they will issue a one time travel document within a short time.

  8. He said a remote-controlled bomb was used in the attack and a number of nails were part of its component.

    That's not the kind of explosive device you'd expect to be used in a supposed dispute between Thai street vendors.

    Perhaps there's something a bit different going on here...as much as the BIB and the government would like to avoid it.

    The only other case scenario could be about the announced crackdown on copyrights violation. If this is the case it would go high up in the corruption hierarchy.

    For example a person or group has ordered fakes(could go from hundreds of thousand to millions of Baht), the middlemen delivered, vendors backed off and didn't pay out of fear of getting caught, - boom!

    There are hundreds of cams in that area and normally the detectives there're doing a good job. - One more time please.

  9. this is just one of many ways to make fake accounts. Probably hundreds of these scrips squirreling around. People can even use hotmail.com or others as reply address and for verification.

    I find them constantly on my sites.


    You think anyone cares at FB? NO! Quantity before quality.

    The poor naive users at FB will be the victims on a large scale.

    FB accelerated member registration to satisfy Goldman Sachs as the main sponsor(500.000.000$)

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKXspt459LE in reply to khunken -

    Good info

    Yes, this is part of the root causes in the case above.

    FB has moderators who have access to all data. I leave it up to you of what you think they're doing with it. I can show you in detail how these scripts work.

    So yes, the moderator is to blame to the fullest.

    The real number of FB members is about 5 - 20% from their figures given (50 to 200 mil). The rest are fake accounts to create a feeling to be trusted so to lure more and more into it.

    • Like 1
  11. Good advice

    Live you God/Creator's given rights, no matter what. You can't lose.

    As a matter of fact a constitution can only write down God's given rights and nothing else. It also comes with obligations.

    Whether you under maritime law or civil law. Most of you don't know that you're under maritime law as a person or subject, a kind of collateral for government credits. A newborn for example gets registered with capital letters and as a corporation in order to print more money for govts with huge interests(Feds). The banks you're subjected to are written on the back of the original birth certificate. (Canada/USA/UK(not sure about UK) and other nations)

    The history about these laws are quite interesting. Especially Maritime law was introduced for international shipping, but how did humankind get caught into it?

    Now when you study T's setup by those who made him "rich" you'll understand the dots and connect it in the right order.

    It also explains the rush to get over 2 trillion B credit.

    Incidents like the above are to distract the population to search any further and they got them busy by luring them into making credits for all kind of things.

    So yes, a dictatorial measure to subdue the whole population. - How sad.

    • Like 1
  12. Sasanah Tamruat no more Sasanah Buddh.

    This is really really against all principles of a free democracy and free speech. But at the end, a direct democracy will haunt the system they're trying so hard to create.

    Facebook is a setup by whom? Who are the moderators there? Why can't one delete a Facebook account, but they can suspend anyone they like?

    May I ask all of you politely to do your homework and check the background of FB? Who set it up and for what purpose? You will find out quickly that Zuckerberg (Sugar-Mountain) is just a front with no power or influence.

    I'm afraid if a cartoon like this is the reason for a State affair we will have a war soon again.

    This is more like the Danish Cartoonist, same reaction and now the Fatwa from the self declared rulers of TH.

    Kim-Jong-Un_North__2516339c.jpg where's my girl? She rocks. Bring her back home ... we need a first lady ...

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