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Posts posted by wealth

  1. If so, I hadn't expected anything along this line for at least a few more months.

    The Washington Post reports the U.S. has asked the Hong Kong government to arrest Snowden now. The next step, which looks imminent, is to file with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to extradite Snowden to the U.S.

    Report: Espionage Charge Filed Against Edward Snowden


    U.S. charges Edward Snowden with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs


    extradite him from where? He's not in Hong Kong any longer I think.

  2. British secret agency, GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) is working under Codename Tempora and is worse than anything you have heard so far. Snowden's next big revelation.

    GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world's communications

    Exclusive: British spy agency collects and stores vast quantities of global email messages, Facebook posts, internet histories and calls, and shares them with NSA, latest documents from Edward Snowden reveal


  3. Great start ... now refine it ...




    ... and work it out. Maybe for the most talented a scholarship at

    ... Yehudi Menuhin

    music school


    for those who are not familiar with Yehudi Menuhin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G11hBjd9eME

    Vanessa Mae has some Thai blood, but as a free spirit she will not be able to support any of these programs and instead is preparing for the winter Olympic to start skiing for Thailand - no kidding

  4. To participate, post your question below and recommend your favorites. As he makes his way through the thread, we'll embed his replies as posts in the live blog. You can also follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #AskSnowden.

    We expect the site to experience high demand so we'll re-publish the Q&A in full after the live chat has finished.

    here a better version of his online interview


    There will be more coming like that ...

    don't miss out ...

  5. video has been removed by the user. Still there's a downloaded version at http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/06/21/16/33/video-shows-thai-man-assaulting-pointing-gun-at-russian-expat and probably many others.

    BTW, the lightning seem to come from the window and not as someone claimed that it was set-up.

    The tone doesn't always go with the picture. depending what kind of extension you're using to up-load on YT.

  6. This was also my first impression


    A great stage

    "This is a place where you can make many connections," said Regina Ip, a Hong Kong legislator and formerly the city's top security official. "Our common law system gives Mr. Snowden plenty of opportunity to contest any request for rendition or for his asylum claims."

    ... Hong Kong was a British colony until it was returned to China in 1997. Under what is known as the “Basic Law” – the territory's mini-constitution – it has a well-respected and autonomous legal system based on British common law, with far stronger protections for human rights and freedom of expression than exists on the mainland. ...

  7. Seeing as how this story is already reaching into every possible angle, how about this one..just a theory

    Due to the ongoing ''harrassment'' of Russians trying to get into Thai only business dealings, whether legal or not,here, it has been suggested that the two guys involved in this ''production'' were paid actors indeed and that it was made and uploaded by a certain editor of a local newspaper and downloaded to you tube as some sort of attempt to show Phuket in bad light.[not that it needs much more to do that anyway]
    IMO, If so was a rather amateurish attempt at best..but is possible...coffee1.gif

    I am thinking that the Thai man was set up and manipulated into this situation by the Russians, as a stooge.

    Firstly, it appears that the Russian was expecting this guy because he had his video already primed in the right position and running. And the Russian appeared to be almost waiting near the door as if he was expecting the Thai man.

    Plus what normal person would open a door without first inquiring who it is and so quickly without hesitation?

    Also the Russian was too cool, calm and collected. He just knelled there and let the Thai man do his stuff. Even after the incident he just got up and calmly walked away.

    Looks like an elaborate set up to me, for reasons yet we do not know.

    no nah, I myself was hijacked here in TH. A gun on my head and another one on my back in a car. I thought it was my last minute.

    I started listening to my heart and started to sing. - Yes, to sing. They were so confused and everybody started bursting out laughing. This probably saved my life. If you show fear, people here switch to an animal instinct and do what they intend to do.

    Later on they confessed to me that they were hired to kill me as someone from the Mafia in a high place suspected me to be police.

    This young man did the right thing.

    First stay cool, you never know when and where they will strike. He actually didn't barricade himself which would have only fed on the killing mob to show up in an unexpected time and place.

  8. The U.S. Government can revoke its passport issued to Snowden even though no charges against him have yet been filed. The law says if a U.S. passport holder is not eligible now for a new passport, the existing one can be revoked. I doubt very much Snowden is presently eligible to obtain a passport.

    The government of Iceland, or any other government, would have to make up its own mind about Snowden showing up while holding a revoked passport, if that's what the U.S. government chooses to do.

    Snowden also has to clear immigration in Hong Kong, were he to choose to leave the territory of the PRC.

    too late I think ... he's gone and free ... by now ...

  9. Reuters has few details on what exactly raised questions about Snowden, and how those questions were answered, presumably by Snowden himself. He'd previously gotten security clearance after a USIS investigation — they're a private firm hired by the U.S. to do background checks. Snowden had top-secret clearance. As Reuters notes, Snowden was just one of 480,000 contractors with that clearance level, so the U.S. is probably looking for a way to avoid a repeat performance. On Thursday, the Senate held a hearing to look at how the government evaluates whether an employee or contractor is fit to handle confidential information. Sen. Claire McCaskill indicated that USIS “is under active criminal investigation,” but didn't specify whether it related specifically to Snowden's case, or predated it.

    Meanwhile, there's been a development in Snowden's plan to avoid extradition, maybe: An Icelandic businessman offered to fly the whistleblower to his country in a private jet, should Iceland guarantee Snowden asylum. Previously, Wikileaks had pledged to help Snowden accomplish the same mission. According to Reuters, the private jet-sending businessman runs a company that processed payments for Wikileaks back when other institutions cut off their access to donations.


  10. Maybe this is what Thailand needs, Dashcams EVERYWHERE and constant uploading.

    Russia is the land of dash cams, we should take note and when something happens, upload it and let it go viral.

    you can even set up a live broadcast on Ustream and keep the record.

    as you walk around filming all the fakes (including smiles) on offer with life broadcast, girly bars, drugs and almost public narcotics trade, would cause what ... ?

    Sure some will do just that.

    Announce it here then ...

    At least we are communities who want to live in peace together, no?

  11. he got quite a warm welcome from Merkel in Germany. The internet spying program was discussed in detail almost behind closed doors. At the Brandenburger Tor Obama defended Prism since it has foiled "exactly" 50 terror attacks. No mention in what time frame.

    After playing the American and the German Hymn they played the farewell song "smooth criminal" (Michael Jackson). 555 ... just half an hour ago.

  12. Does anyone know if there is a dedicated website in Thailand for missing children, where one could post a photo and perhaps a few clues, i.e birthmark or something prominent? perhaps Thaivisa could consider this as part of their service?

    it will not work as I was told 2 years ago. They prefer to communicate in a large scale here in Thailand via email, but wouldn't publish it for perhaps red herrings building up, or just false stories.

  13. I dislike this stuff very much, but I question whether anything can ever be done. This stuff is set in motion and it seems to me to be an issue for Federal Courts and the Supremes, both if which have already endorsed or rubber stamped too much erosion io the 4th. You guys bash me for whining about the Bush appointments, but our current Court will be 5-4 now on these issues assuming Scalia hold ground and refuses to erode the 4th (6-3 if not). Breyer may be viewed as a liberal, but not so much on criminal issues.

    The problem is judges and courts somewhere have deemed this acceptable. Secret or not. Perhaps the secret is just courts set up that are not public record. Not sure, but this is great stuff arouse the consipacy dudes.

    Anyway, the point is you can blame the president all you want, but thus is a judiciary issue just as much if not more.

    Same as in North Korea, I see sad.png

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