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Posts posted by wealth

  1. get ready for the "traffic chaos" as never seen before. A whole working day for sending and picking up kids from schools will be a tough lesson.

    It's getting worse by the hour.

    Sometime the police cuts off traffic the hard way. As I have witnessed a couple of times at Ratchada. They simply stop traffic inflow for about 30 minutes, at an intersection, and hope that in meanwhile traffic will ease in the inner circles. Then they open for a minute or two and close it again. Is this a solution?

    When you come to your office after a three hours ride and a record of a 15 km long ride during that time, totally exhausted and washed away from your tasks, what is your worth or value for the company? When you have appointments with your clients at different location or try to deliver goods what happens when that is cut down to half?

    Check the timeline. This scam was all setup waiting to be destroyed and have people in debts they never can pay back. After all, whoever controls the debts controls the people.

  2. she had a tandem relationship which speaks of her (bad)character. I suspect that she even had more relationships running, even with her son's father or family in one or the other way.

    Even neighbours realized her character. She probably has many contacts in Bangkok and elsewhere where they discuss and execute scams of all sorts. Thailand has one of the largest pimping industries in the world surfacing in different ways and often the afterwards soothings' skillfully implemented.

    I think in this case there's no way out for this creature.

    How old is her son?

    If she would be innocent she'd talk, talk and talk ... would be shocked about the death etc..

    At least bail should be denied since she'd use all her swindled assets. Maybe then she will be more talkative ...

    R.I.P. Guenter Gruber

  3. What makes it almost impossible for me here is that many seem to have internalized the notion that the Red Shirts are simply a paid mob of terrorists paid and commanded by Thaksin. This, i am sorry to say, is completely wrong.

    Who's clan is in charge and power now? Answers everything.

    If those so called independent groups and intellectuals don't change ship they will wake up the hard way.

    Even a tasteless cartoon can bring you to court.

    What intellect is this?

  4. when there is a curfew and emergency rules, warnings of getting hurt or shot, what do so called journalists do? Hanging out with the mob? So they went here because the mob was there and the mob went there because the journalists were there? Nobody went home to have it cooling down.

    Not sure if some of the journos can get a lawsuit for violating the laws and almost acting for marksman than Mark's man who in that case had to hide himself in the army barracks.

    Could it be that none of the witnesses can rely on being heard because they themselves were breaking the law?

    What a sad stunt.

  5. in the pharma industry it looks quite different. All or almost all use the original recipes, but with a much lower concentration of the effective substances.

    To get the same effect from an original one has to buy double the amount of meds, so there is not much difference at the end price.

    They only hope by cutting down and label it wrong it would help. Maybe some, but with most it won't.

  6. there is quite a high number of brand names which are secretly guided by them to keep their brand flying. You never hear any of those complain about it. WHY? They then also secretly giggle when someone fights for them to make their brand higher in value and happy to receive free PR

    then there are some who care, like Versa..., who has detectives around quite efficiently. You hardly find any copy of that brand and better don't try. Less than one or two month and you're in troubles big time.

    Unless those brandish foolish companies not show up in public or at least establish contacts and employ detectives I don't give a hoot.

  7. What has whining in foreign countries and obfuscating truth about internal political problems to do with a state visit, obviously talking about her family interests primarily?

    Thaksin wasn't an elected PM, only caretaker PM.

    I think this lady lost big-time now.

    Not sure if this can be interpreted as close to treason and/or unconstitutional.

    Seems to me as if now the strategy is all or nothing, trying to setup chaos.

  8. they should/must make a two way verification. Like mobile pin for every time when login.

    Spyware termination is weak in this country. Most even don't know what it is with all their copied software.

    They think a antivirus program is sufficient. NO! It's not.

    Recently they came in through Firefox browser, my spyware terminator killed it right away. Uninstalled and re-installed again.

    BTW, Microsoft got another 570 million Euro fine from the EU, because of their IE tricks.

  9. Across Africa, elephants are being slaughtered by poachers in record numbers
    -- and their tusks hacked off with chainsaws -- to make luxury items,
    statues and trinkets in Asia. But in days, Thailand will host a key global summit on illegal trade in endangered species, giving us a rare chance to stop this futile massacre.

    Thailand is the world’s largest unregulated ivory market and a top driver of the illegal trade.They’ve
    been in the hot seat for years, yet so far little has been done to
    clamp down on their role in the elephant attack. But Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has just announced that she is considering a full ivory ban. That's why we started a global petition on the Avaaz site, to give this campaign the last push it needs to win.

    This is the best chance we’ve had in years to have a meaningful victory for Africa’s elephants -- we just need to put people power behind it. Join me now to stop the bloody ivory trade. Sign the urgent petition and share it with everyone.

    - Leonardo DiCaprio

    Almost 700 000 signatures now


    • Like 2
  10. the captain once invited me to the Doulos, I think they are all under the same umbrella. He showed me around to all places on the ship. Quite impressing.

    No, it's not just "god books", they have a big range of high quality books. But sorry, no "Thai Cartoons" available.

    Everybody works who travels there and pay. I think Asians around $300 - $400 nd Europeans, Americans around $1000 - $1,200 per month.

    Only the captain is permanently there for a couple of years before they change.

    They also use a special currency system, calling them units so that the price of the books can be adjusted to local standards. With that money they buy food, water and whatever they need to continue the journey.

    The Doulos is the oldest ship in the world which is still operating, around 120 years plus. Before there were two, but one sank. Not sure about the exact figures, but you can Google it.


    She's 99 years old and was sold in 2010. Is in the Guinness book of records as the oldest still operating passenger ship.

    Wonder who bought it.

    Pity they sold her.


  11. Should have a catalog link, I would think. Not hard to put together with only 5000 titles. (Just floating a suggestion.)

    they often use local books, like here in Thailand a book about the King, history and so forth. always the latest editions. In other places it would be other local books. Hard to come up with a catalog.

    Most of the books here are in Thai. Maybe 30 - 40% in English

    Sometimes there are queues of 3 - 4 kilometers before you are on the ship.

  12. the captain once invited me to the Doulos, I think they are all under the same umbrella. He showed me around to all places on the ship. Quite impressing.

    No, it's not just "god books", they have a big range of high quality books. But sorry, no "Thai Cartoons" available.

    Everybody works who travels there and pay. I think Asians around $300 - $400 nd Europeans, Americans around $1000 - $1,200 per month.

    Only the captain is permanently there for a couple of years before they change.

    They also use a special currency system, calling them units so that the price of the books can be adjusted to local standards. With that money they buy food, water and whatever they need to continue the journey.

    The Doulos is the oldest ship in the world which is still operating, around 120 years plus. Before there were two, but one sank. Not sure about the exact figures, but you can Google it.

  13. What about the mysterious "black chocolate bar"? Investment gone wrong for "blacks"? Are they restricted to some area in Bangkok only?

    Well, what most of them doing is no secret. Funny, the author picked that one. Apart from the (blood)diamonds, drugs, scams and whatsoever it seems as if the Russians are set to face competition and blackmailing.

    This article was probably a setup?

    Who is patronizing them anyway?

    This is your homework now.

    Bit concerned that the Russians are getting angry.

    What a mess Thailand has become, and all for the love of money and greed. Now the blacks are brave to run the show for their patrons.

    Seems to become the last chapter in history books.

    Feel sorry for the honest black people here.

    Who was it to invest in diamond mining and other strange stuff?

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