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Posts posted by MK1

  1. A good move for Woolies in light of the fact CP (Charoen Pokphand Group) also intends to capture more of the Australian market. It is also predicted that more discount type supermarkets are likely to open in Australia due to the ongoing success of discount supermarket chain ALDI.  Could it be that “makro” (CP All Plc owed ) is also next to open in Australia too in light of Woolworths moving up to be closer to the front line of sourcing?

  2. The worst thing about the east side structures was that most so called lease holders sub-leased out their properties on to others who thought they were going to make money big time, based on false-pretences,  when in actual fact there was no actual lease contract written down on paper to begin with.


    When someone failed in their business venture there, they kicked them out, then continued to unofficially sub-let the premises on to the next sucker at exorbitant high rent rates and conditions.


    Better that the all the structures are cleared so that the corruption at the hands of those who benefited the most is totally eliminated.

    • Like 1
  3. It’s true that all dolphin aquariums have an unfortunate variable mortality rate due to the stress these mammals endure in captivity overtime. However, logically this can be reduced providing their given reasonable space to swim and live rather than what is proposed similar to that of a kiddies’ pool as some have described.

    The proposed operators should be called to account by showing cause what experience they have in carrying-out such a venture to ensure both integrity and long term well-being of the mammals.

    This is because the time and cost in training a dolphin i.e.USD$100,000 (per mammal) to performing stage is considered to be unavoidable very expensive and time consuming task. Plus there is always the risk they won’t perform or eat due to stress then unfortunately die. Just like the old saying you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

    In terms of the long term viability of the project, investors should rethink and revise their aquarium design providing much more tank space to ensure a return on their investment.


    Photo of Seaworld dolphins 2014, Gold Coast Qld

  4. Air Algerie Crash; Four Possible Theories

    3:30pm UK, Thursday 24 July 2014 Sky News, Alistair Bunkall

    What could have happened to Air Algerie's flight from Ouagadougou to Algiers? Here are four possible scenarios.

    1. Plane ran out of fuel - being reported by some Algerian media. In my opinion unlikely. At only 50 minutes into a four-hour flight, this would be a dramatic miscalculation.

    2. Shot down by rebels. Possible, but still in the unlikely category. The Federal Aviation Administration issued this yesterday: "The US agency banned all flights into the territory and airspace of Mali saying the security situation remains fragile."

    3. Hijacked. Air Algerie flights have been hijacked on at least six occasions I can find, but there have been no reports of demands being made before the plane crashed.

    4. Weather. A source tells me that air traffic control asked the aircraft to divert near the Algerian border because of bad weather and to avoid another aircraft. It is now clear that there was a storm over Mali but I assume it did not collide with the other aircraft otherwise we would have reports of a second missing plane.


    Source: http://news.sky.com/story/1306771/air-algerie-crash-four-possible-theories

  5. I guess by entering the fast-food market quickly, Australian consumers probably won’t notice that their foods are heavily laced with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG –food additive no.621) just like the other fast food chains.

    More so for CP food products, which predominantly relies on the flavor enhancer in almost all their processed manufactured foods so as to disguise the real quality of their food.

  6. Noted, that there was no ‘Lithium Ion batteries’ on the MH17 cargo manifest.

    As result of the tragic loss of those on board MH370 now ‘lithium Ion batteries ‘cannot be sent on most passenger commercial flights or for that matter any type of battery via air mail postage.

    What is on the last page then?

    Opps my apologies, sorry I missed the small print. Interesting that no hazardous goods notice is outlined on the AWB.

  7. During press conference Friday evening July 18, Mas authorities rigorously defended the air-route as safe but it defies logic when this was a well known hot war-zone.

    Despite what Mas have to say, given this event and the previous one, they've clearly demonstrated they’re a “risky airline” prepared to do what other airlines may not.

    Singapore Airlines and Air India planes were very close by when MH17 was shot down, the majority of airliners still take this path.


    Irrespective of what other airlines may do, while an area is considered a war-zone, it does not mean the possibility of being shot out of the sky may not eventuate.

    If it was safe to do so before; then they would be still flying in that area today, which now this event has occurred, they're clearly not (see below Radar24-18/7/2014).


  8. whistling.gif I tried to warn people that using a one year multi entry non O visa each year..... going back to your hone country each year and getting a new one year multi entry visa ... was going to be a problem sooner than later.

    The method the immigration would like you to use as a long term stay resident in Thailand is:

    • Get a non O visa in your home country .... either a one year Non O multi entry o a 90 day non O single entry.
    • Use that to enter Thailand
    • Then in Thailand get your 1 year extension (retirement, marriage, employment, or education) from your local immigration office.
    • Then renew that extension annually as required each year at your local immigration.

    That is the way immigration prefers you to do it for a long term stay. The reason is, as I said then, that using this method gives the local immigration more control over long term stay residents (as per example 90 day reporting required).

    This trend will continue .... simply because the local immigration has more local control that way.

    Secondly, a wise man would understand that a double or triple entry tourist visa is not intended as a long term stay visa.

    The clue is in that word "tourist".

    And in the name a "single entry tourist visa, the key part is 'single entry".

    Getting two in a row is just like waving a red flag at a bull.

    A word to the wise.

    As it says in the Bible, "they that hath eyes, let them see: and they that hath ears, let them hear"..

    I can appreciate the proverb ‘when in Rome do as the Romans do’ but in this circumstance we're referring to the laws of a Buddhist country are we not.

    So rather than use revelations from the bible, perhaps you should have referred to a quote from Buddha;

    “If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good.”


    • Like 2
  9. The High Court has not dismissed the case, it was hearing an argument, by the Australia Government, that is very similar to the Tampa incident i.e. exempt asylum seekers / refugees from the Migration Act if picked up in international waters

    "The High Court hearing has now ended. The government has given an undertaking not to return those on board without 72 hours written notice. The parties have said they will agree on the minute of orders, and Justice Crennan will make formal orders once this happens. The case is now adjourned until Friday, where Justice Crennan will hold a further directions hearing into the matters raised".


    What this hearing clearly shows the Oz government underhand & deceitful approach to this particular matter.

    So what happens now, do they just bob around out at sea for the next 3 or 4 days or are the transferred to PNG for the next 2 years then deported back to Sri Lanka. I doubt the Navy has a Sri Lankan cook or enough food to feed 150 extra people onboard.

    I assume so until the Court has made its determination on Friday. Other than the matter of jurisdiction in international waters, I suggest forcible return / deportation to Sri Lanka is the other major issue to be considered as it’s against international convention i.e. non refoulement. In this case, Oz government executive powers might be curtailed by the High Court

    Some discussion by ABC was made that potentially the asylum seekers may go to Manus Island or Naura while they await a full bench decision not really expected for at least another 30 days subject to the directions hearing on Friday.

    Scott Morrison must be feeling like the’ bogan of bogan’s’ (Bertrand Cadart, Mayor of Spring Bay ) now that this legal intervention has occurred. Furthermore, he must be also wondering which Greens pain in the rear stitched him up.

  10. High court adjourned for late lunch due to resume in an hour. Not over yet Neverdie, Chooka was probably referring to Murdoch network news feeds(just kidding) but despite this who we know they're in bed with the very people who instigated this cloud of secrecy on the high seas.

  11. Why people keep wanting to go there is beyond me. A lot of the people I speak to and friends as well want to get the hell out. If only they were told the truth about how expensive it is to live there and how much the government rip you off, they may quickly change their minds. At least corruption here is out in the open and you know what you're getting before you arrive.

    These views, whole heartedly, I did share almost 10 years ago but not entirely now because Thailand has not moved forward in the last 10 years and still remains uncertain and unstable.

    In particular, Thailand has not improved in the areas of health, education, public transport, trade & labor, law and order just to name a few.

    Most of these problems can be blamed on the previous government but not entirely.

    Sure the cost of energy in Australia maybe horrendous however the projected models of people moving into total solar power due to the now short term benefit return on your investment leaves Thailand behind in the dark ages still.

    In comparison to Australia, any capital investment in Thailand is at 100% risk where as you're almost assured of capital growth in OZ. Also another measure is not too many people seeking economic asylum to Thailand. Most Burmese and Cambodians are heading back to their own countries because of the real prospect of economic change and development. Thailand now has a real problem filing the void of the labor shortage gap.

  12. These new laws are just a reactive measure and are not proactive towards reducing the problem. Unless their offshore Thai consulates have the increased capacity and authority to issue all Tourist-Visas it won’t necessarily eliminate the problem of overstayers because those banned can always return under a new identity.

    By vetting all visa applicants offshore to begin with, Thailand can at least pick and choose which quality-tourists or expats meet the criteria by conducting background checks such as checking out the applicant’s criminal record including assessing their financial capacity before being approved a visa to enter the country.

  13. there not the same

    a non immigrant visa is a visa an you need depart every 3 months

    if you have a non b visa and than LATER obtain an EXTENSION you only report every 90 days

    Note; I asked the thai embassy about getting my Cambodian GF her 1 year Non B visa in PP as she had a wp. they told me;

    As your girlfriend has already received a Non-B visa once, existing regulations prohibit us from issuing another non-B to her again. Please contact your nearest Immigration Office in Thailand to extend the existing visa, as this is the correct way to extend her stay in Thailand.

    As to BlueDan; you made him lose face so no way would he admit he was wrong.

    to get an extension;

    (4) The business concerned must have duly submitted its financial statement as at the end of the two fiscal years and certified by an auditor or tax auditor, showing a sound financial condition and an on-going active business as attached order

    Plenty of traps to fall into when there’s no multiple entry permit including if the company is financially unstable in terms of tax reporting.

  14. Question;

    my gf just received her non B visa an she has her wp.

    are u saying that she cant or can travel to Ranong for her 90 day exit/return?

    As long as she has her work permit with her to show immigration she should not have a problem getting another 90 day entry.

    The OP would not of had a problem if he had one.


    I’ll second that too, crossing the border at Ranong should not be problem with a Non-B plus providing you can produce the valid WP.

    The people at the Immigration office there are extremely helpful compared to other provinces.

    The problem with Alex_4000 is that most likely had no proof of onward travel while having just a non-B and no WP. Subsequently, he could not prove evidence to the contrary and denied departure for renewal.

    If you’re unsure, call the Ranong Immigration office to check your status before going there.

  15. Phuket like the rest of Thailand is the midst of a boon for rising gambling debt, during the Football World Cup season, even though those affected will be reluctant to acknowledge it in fear of reprisals also.

    With that said, plenty of gangs down on their luck so far will be quiet pleased to take up any bounty contract’s right now, so you can imagine this won’t be the last incident.

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