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Posts posted by MK1

  1. The question is - was the content of the article true and if so is there proof ? If yes then this lawsuit is complete face saving bullshit. If no then they could be held for slander. Good luck to them either way, freedom of the press to report the truth is very important in this world...

    Correct, same as the proof is in the pudding and not based on hear say alone.

  2. you cant rule out that maybe its a classic red flag thingy:

    Red shirts put a few bombs in their own Red Shirt City to anger all the red shirts and blame the yellow shirts,, to help them gain support to come to bangkok and and take to the streets.

    maybe they are just trying to gather people to whirl up support.

    red flags are one of the most effective ways to get sheep-people to follow a power-obsessed leader.

    it does not mean that I am favoring suthep either!! I reckon that he also would do no less!! (and then do some 'wai' poses with a smile to all the cameras).

    both sides are wolves in the sheeps clothing.,

    "Red flag thingy"?? Perhaps before you start with the tinfoil-hat-theories, you should get your terminology right. I presume you mean false flag "thingy"....

    thank you for correcting me... Yes,, False Flag.

    in the english language, one says: "thingy" for an unspecific thing.

    as I couldnt remember the correct name (at the time of writing), I put "thingy"...

    i am pretty sure that everyone who reads it knows what I am talking about...

    and understanding is often more important than the actual written words.

    but I do find it a bit immature when someone tries to belittle a valid comment (as you have done).

    i can remember me and my sister (when we were kids) pretending to be hurt,, so we could get the other one in trouble.

    me blaming her for doing something she didnt do.. and then pulling faces at her behind mums back as she was getting told off..

    I was 8 or 10 years old!!!!!

    if me and my sister (and almost all children on earth) do this as kids... then try amplifying it to an adult educated level!!!

    and thats your "false flag"!!

    completely valid.

    i suppose you also think that every government is perfect too???

    dont criticize those to make effort to expose the people that are in power.

    they are not so squeaky clean as you imagine.

    give power to anyone,, and somewhere down the line it gets corrupted.

    The Russian revolution is a perfect example.

    if you think you live in a perfect world where the governments dont do false flags and lie through their teeth for hidden agendas, then I pity your way of thinking.

    you would be a perfect person (in the governments eyes). so you can wear a sheep costume, while I wear my tin hat (if we are to go for the cliches) smile.png

    Where do you get, from my post, that I think "every government is perfect"??? That's the kind of logical leap beloved of conspiracy theorists (e.g., the US Air Force did not scramble jets after the first aircraft hit the WTC, therefore the military must have been given a stand down order). Look, I know that false flags do happen, but they are rare because, if discovered, they can shatter the legitimacy of the movement/side that uses them. They are very risky for this reason. This is why I also argued against those who suggested that the attacks on Suthep's people might have been an 'inside' job. Not impossible, but again highly unlikely given the risks involved. Simpler, more logical explanations are usually the correct ones, and it's often the case that 'false flag theorists' simply want to believe 'their side' could do no wrong...

    If you’re the so called role model we should look up to, then why not respect other valued member views and allow them the opportunity to voice their own opinion, without fear of being persecuted and mimicked by you as you have done to the likes “Costa and “easybullet3”.

    Rather than playing the self-appointed umpire, why not go out on a limb gives us your opinion on who did it and why? as opposed to posting convoluted views.

  3. you cant rule out that maybe its a classic red flag thingy:

    Red shirts put a few bombs in their own Red Shirt City to anger all the red shirts and blame the yellow shirts,, to help them gain support to come to bangkok and and take to the streets.

    maybe they are just trying to gather people to whirl up support.

    red flags are one of the most effective ways to get sheep-people to follow a power-obsessed leader.

    it does not mean that I am favoring suthep either!! I reckon that he also would do no less!! (and then do some 'wai' poses with a smile to all the cameras).

    both sides are wolves in the sheeps clothing.,

    The best most balanced rational posting on this subject matter so far. I couldn’t agree more, this series of bombings has been the same as if stirring up a hornets nest.

    He blames it squarely on the 'red shirts' and you call that balanced?? Someone needs to buy a dictionary.

    I’m sorry to read that you’re upset with myself giving credit to someone who I thought posted a reasonable open and balanced comment.

    Perhaps if you prefer to read only Pro-Red opinions to bolster your Ego, you might like to open a Pro-Red only topic on this subject. That way yourself and other fellow Red shirt supporters can pat each other on the back with the same one-sided biased lawless views without interjection from outsiders.

  4. you cant rule out that maybe its a classic red flag thingy:

    Red shirts put a few bombs in their own Red Shirt City to anger all the red shirts and blame the yellow shirts,, to help them gain support to come to bangkok and and take to the streets.

    maybe they are just trying to gather people to whirl up support.

    red flags are one of the most effective ways to get sheep-people to follow a power-obsessed leader.

    it does not mean that I am favoring suthep either!! I reckon that he also would do no less!! (and then do some 'wai' poses with a smile to all the cameras).

    both sides are wolves in the sheeps clothing.,

    The best most balanced rational posting on this subject matter so far. I couldn’t agree more, this series of bombings has been the same as if stirring up a hornets nest.

    • Like 1
  5. Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: Floating debris spotted by Chinese satellite image

    The Age- 22/03/2014 (10:21pm AEDT)

    Lindsay Murdoch

    Melbourne; A Chinese satellitearrow-10x10.png has identified another object in the Indian Ocean that could be from the missing Malaysia Airlines airliner.......

    Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/world/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370-floating-debris-spotted-by-chinese-satellite-image-20140322-35ap6.html

  6. Red shirt training day no doubt.

    It is about the right sort of intellect that you would expect from Jatuporn and his idiots.

    If it were near suthep's house i would say yes , but this is not so I have to say it was suthep's thugs.

    'diehard60' postings are similar to the tactics of the perpetrators who cowardly throw grenades and run.

    • Like 2
  7. There is still one country yet to clarify whether or not MH370 was observed on primary or secondary radar passing over or going around their country heading south at supposable low altitude and that is Indonesia.

    Unless Indonesia confirms they had an unidentified or indentified aircraft as in the missing MH370, then the puzzle still remains incomplete and unfortunately an ongoing wild goose chase for search & rescue countries since Indonesia is widely known to have sensitive airspace as in Aceh & Sumatra.


    I wonder if the initial route west would have been to ensure prior to turning south that it would remain undetected. I don't know anything about the military radar in the Aceh region, but generally primary radar is very limited in range. Then again you have the Southern Nicobar Islands. I am not aware of any civilian radar in this area, however there may be an Indian military radar instillation.

    Then someone on board must have continued to consciously take evasive action to avoid detection at numerous way points by zig zaging around Indonesia but this was not suggested previously since the deliberate flight path corridor, supposable by Malay authorities, was either NW or SW directions.

  8. There is still one country yet to clarify whether or not MH370 was observed on primary or secondary radar passing over or going around their country heading south at supposable low altitude and that is Indonesia.

    Unless Indonesia confirms they had an unidentified or indentified aircraft as in the missing MH370, then the puzzle still remains incomplete and unfortunately an ongoing wild goose chase for search & rescue countries since Indonesia is widely known to have sensitive airspace as in Aceh & Sumatra.

  9. MK1 There is no need for Labor views. It is a task to go thru data that takes quite a while.

    I have no political allegiance to any party. Are you a geospatial data specialist?

    I doubt that the PM had that information sitting on his desk for 4 days. I am sure that much of the satellite imagery had to be reviewed carefully and it took time to figure out where that plane might have gone.

    The fact that they found this needle in the haystack is quite amazing.

    Meanwhile, I am trying to find my car keys.

    Well I guess that explanation too justifies the lead-time it took to review carefully the radar data images by Thailand before also releasing the information. I'm also missing my goat.

  10. What I find most disturbing. is that Australia also knew about these possible object images four days ago, according to the satellite image stamp, and one hour before Tony Abbott was due in Parliament for Question Time he spoke to the Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein as stated by Mr Hussein in the evening daily press conference today.

    The timing of the this announcement seems uncanny, that the Australia Prime Minister, used the opportunity of Question Time in Parliament, one hour after speaking with Mr Hussein and four days after receiving the satellite images, to make the first announcement.

    I hate to suggest this is political grandstanding but Mr Abbott perhaps should have separately called a press conference; sooner rather than later in this circumstance.

  11. Hishammuddin warned it may take some time before the Australian find could be verified.

    This line sounds so worrisome to me . If the satellite has located the debris, than the location is known and this should a priority, so not take a long time.

    You have no concept of the task at hand. This is not the Gulf of Thailand. It is the southern Indian ocean. 2500 km from mainland Australia. Four hours flight time for an Orion. Of which can only stay on station for 2 hours before it needs to make the 4 hour journey back to Australia. There are 4 aircraft being used but on a rotation basis, so as to have 1 aircraft on station at all times. Not 4 aircraft searching at the same time.

    Patience is key here.

    Also looks like the search area is close to the 40 degree south parallel, where the froth on your cappuccino usually gets blown away with the wind, so visibility will be difficult for plane spotters unfortunately.

  12. According to John Young from AMSA, search aircraft have been directed to locate the 'posssible' objects in an area approximately 2500km south west of Perth.

    The objects first indentified in satellite imagery are considered to be credible by AGO but yet to be verified. John Young also says this is the best lead so far (ABCnews24)


  13. News Breaking

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced in the Australian Parliament that RAAF Orion have been diverted to ‘spotted objects’ in the Southern Indian Ocean search for MH370 which are yet to be confirmed if indeed they’re related to the missing MH370.

    More to come

    According to ABC 24, Australian Maritime Safety Authority is to hold press briefing at 3.30PM AEDT/ 11.30AM Thai time

  14. As posted by Khaibah(#2197),

    ‘’Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said during the news conference that they had received more radar data, but that they were not permitted to reveal other countries' information’’(skynews).

    So who are the other countries that they're withholding key radar data information on? Is it Indonesia, Myanmar, India, Pakistan or Australia?

    At a guess, since Australia is involved in a very costly extensive search in the Southern Ocean, quiet possible its ‘Indonesia and Australia’.

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