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Posts posted by MK1

  1. There are some wild speculative conspiracy theories getting around discussed at length today on the Professional Pilots network forum to such an extent one forum poster suggested that 'Putin' was potentially responsible to distract the international community with regard to the invasion of the Ukraine.

    The best plausible conspiracy mentioned was the possibility of extremists who recently made several attempts to start a series fires in toilets on board 'Etihad- flight EY461 (B777)' Melbourne to Abu Dhabi and as a consequence the flight was diverted to Jakarta.

    After the flight was thought to be cleared, they continued on to Abu Dhabi but not without not without further fires, according to one witness, even though the flight staff supposable stood guard over toilet entrances for the remaining part of the journey.

    It is believed that toilets on board B777 are situated front, centre and aft. In particular, the centre toilet directly next to the centre fuselage fuel tank perhaps the reasoning and motive behind starting fires in such a toilet. Incidentally, the centre fuel tank is believed to have a holding capacity of more than 70 tons of fuel and an ignition point there could cause a catastrophic event.

    It’s plausible when you think about it, since we know terrorists are now calculative with their actions and that flight EY461 series of fires on board, which happen only less than a month ago, was a failed act of terrorism, but perhaps more likely a rehearsal, potentially the same circumstances surrounding what happen on board MH370.

    Sources of info:



  2. Interesting to note so far both MAS and the International media are reluctant to weigh into the possibility that two-imposters boarded the aircraft on false passports alternatively preferring to point fingers at two-oil slicks while circling in a plane. What has been so disappointing with MAS search & rescue plan is that they have been so slow to react which can only be a reflection upon they had no or verry little plan to begin with. Plenty of talk: no action.

  3. Another illegitimate group, invented by the local red shirts, trying to set-up a secular state, for the purpose of bringing home and harboring their exiled leader. No doubt the so called four million out of six million northerners, who supposable support this idea, have not yet been fairly consulted and these numbers of support are just fictitious invented figures at this stage. The sooner the Army seizes control to eliminate these fantasies; the better things will be.

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  4. She's doing a Suthep and going to ignore the charges.

    Her lackeys are doing a PRDC and besieging the NACC offices.

    Using the same tactics as the so called 'fascists', except they're supposed to be the 'legal' government! Same same but different! laugh.png

    Therefore, this gives rise to what’s good for the Gander is also just as good for the Goose !!

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  5. I’m sure the PDRC know where get their hands on a few front-end loaders to clear these clowns if need be. The anti-government protestors are well seasoned to placing themselves in danger. However, on the other hand the Red shirts are a little rusty at staging protests. Usually, they run upon hearing the first odd angry shot as they did before. A sleepless night ahead at NACC.

  6. Quote “The slab broke in the middle after something from an elevator zone fell and crashed onto it," said Bang Phli district chief Wiwat Chantanurak.


    The only thing that would do that sought of damage would be the likes of building materials dislodging during a lift or a counter-weight broke free from the hammer head crane above. Either way it’s still a serious safety breach.

  7. No doubt associated with someone’s criminal mind set of environmental terrorism, but needless to say, Environmental Impact Assessments(EIA), as part of planning, has been around for while now so depending upon the will and power of local authorities they should be able to eliminate this problem. Septic waste is also traceable but that is also subject to authorities approving funding for a bunch of poo-busters to investigate.

  8. Construction accident kills 11 at Ramathibodi Hospital
    By Coconuts Bangkok

    Photo: @Noppatjak

    BANGKOK: -- A concrete bridge collapsed during construction work at a university hospital in Samut Prakarn province, killing nine workers and injuring 18.

    At about 11:30am, concrete walls and floors connecting two under-construction buildings on the fourth floor came down, crushing workers at the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital at Mahidol University.

    Volunteer rescue workers with the Ruamkatanyu Foundation said rescue [read more...]

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/02/25/construction-accident-kills-11-ramathibodi-hospital


    Insufficient structural support systems and excessive structural design is most likely to blame. All hospitals usually require rather large reinforced structures as part of their design.


    According to the photo above, the spacing’s between floor to ceiling appears to be extremely high 6-7meter in height and you can see that one of the columns at the base has snapped so perhaps excessive structural design could have played a leading part together with potentially compromised substituted materials and flimsy structural support systems.


    Plenty of accidents like this waiting to happen in Thailand, based on observations, where there is a lack of enforcement with respect to building and safety standards. Sorry to hear good men and potentially women have paid the ultimate price unbeknown to them.

  9. Ready or not, here comes the Civil War.

    The same is happening in the Ukraine, The US and France gave a message to the Ukraine stating that the "two sides" should refrain from violence and hold elections as early as possible.

    The Ukraine President In order to save his live has left the capital city Kiev and moved to the eastern part of the Ukraine which is the region of his supporters.

    The street violence in the Ukraine is about to end, and elections will take place soon, and the out coming result will be accepted.


    We don't know whether Thailand has received similar messages from major top countries, but in any event after several months of violent street protests in BKK the time has come to end matters, elections should be started soon again and the outcome has to be accepted by the political parties.

    In the meantime the street protesters should return home in order to end matters, and the farmers should get their payments in due course, then all current problems are solved.

    It might be worth noting that the protesters in Kiev did not disperse until After the President resigned.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Correction, the Ukrainian president didn’t resign; he 'fled' instead as they all mostly do in the end.

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  10. As opposed to condemning the recent attacks the UDD have virtually claimed responsibility for more of the same. This is virtually provoking the misguided into starting a civil-war in order to cover-up the wrongs of the Yingluck government and protect YL from answering any questions before the NACC scheduled for Thursday 27th this week. Hmm..Déjà vu comes to mind and it will be interesting to see if she shows up on the day.

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  11. The whole objective behind this bond scam is obviously to transfer the risk back on to the farmers, who in turn will potentially take out loans against the so called worthless bonds if it gets that far.

    Those rice farmers who went home yesterday obviously took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

    However, once the public digests this attempt to pull the wool over the rice-farmers eyes again; come Monday people will be lining up to withdraw all their funds from SC Bank too. Potentially also, the mechanism for an economic crash appears to be on the horizon.

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