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Posts posted by MK1

  1. I'm not a very intelligent fellow but I know a little of Thailand and I find it interesting that she does not want to talk to the police.

    I wonder why?????

    Some of the longer term members may understand my question.

    Given her silence, she is most probably in a state similar to that of ‘double-jeopardy’

    This is not really a defence that can be used in a civil law society and, in the end, if she does not cooperate with police she can probably expect to be charged and deported herself, if the hush game continues.

    • Like 1
  2. The Malaysian Pm is the one who said anything is possible to such an extent that they even suggested in so far that MH370 could have been hijacked using a mobile-phone. http://www.theage.com.au/it-pro/security-it/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-could-have-fallen-victim-to-worlds-first-cyberhijack-20140316-hvji3.html

    Another crack pot also laid the blame directly on a 3 letter agency using AWACS to hijack the A/C because it’s the only thing on the planet with the capacity to do so. http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/

    Therefore, if you believe the mobile-phone cyber hijacking theory which the media published; then you won’t rule out the Jim Stone theory neither, like the Malay Pm said " anything is possible now".coffee1.gif

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Aren't the passports actually the property of the governments where people come from. What right does Somchia the local vender have to take them? I know people in Thailand love to collect copies of passports, geez soon you will have to provide a copy to buy a bowl of noodles.

    The real question is how stupid can farangs be to hand over their passports to some 'street vendor'?

    As quickly as every farang stopped doing that, they would just as quickly find another way to get the deal done.

    Only first time travelers or naive idiots to Thailand hand over their passports as security for renting a motorbike or car. A copy of your passport is sufficient and normal International practice for years. This issue is nothing more than sensational negative spin.

    However the problem for most tourist visitors, ones without contacts on the island or someone to guide them is that the renters of motorcycles and scooters simply refuse to deal with anything less.

    As the tuktuks hold the island to ransom to get from A to B a scooter then becomes the next obvious step.. To obtain one you pretty much have to leave you passport.

    Sure, expats and locals can name a contact who is a bit more flexible, but your average fresh of the plane tourist doesnt have anyone to ask or any idea where to find an alternative.

    Most accommodation properties have motorbikes for rent as part of additional services without the need for passport holding deposit since they already have your identity at check in.

    If you're a regularly drinker at one of the bars they too will rent you a motorbike and in some cases without the need for any identification at all. Sure, fresh off the plane new arrivals will always oblige to passport security but this only a small percentage because of the market being so large.

    However, I must say travelers to Koh Phangan are always desperate to rent some mode of transport on the island and will always play by the local rules by obliging to hand over their passport in order to achieve that outcome.

  4. I wouldn't be surprised by some sort of chicanery like this any more. The report is probably fake but there's a government or two who know more than they're letting on.

    One thing I'm sure about is that this report is true the Russians will leak satellite photos of what happened if America keep making problems for them over the Crimea.

    Regardless of what TV members think about Putin, he's a <deleted> sight more intelligent and shrewder than most of the western world's leaders.

    Now that the Malay’s have let the cat out of the bag, the Americans will have to come clean quickly before the doomsayers spin this right out of control. The NSA appear to have made an absolute mess of this, for some unknown reason, which probable explains their low profile back seat role to search & rescue efforts so far due to perhaps being knowingly concerned in an elaborate high-tech undercover black operation themselves, if proven to be true.

  5. According recent post by Lite Beer;

    It WAS hijacked: Malaysian official says it's CONCLUSIVE jet carrying 239 was seized by individual or group 'with significant flying experience' as PM admits tracking was 'deliberately' disabled.

    Read more here:http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/711115-disappearance-of-malaysian-jet-appears-deliberate-pm/?utm_source=newsletter-20140315-1553&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news

  6. It is well documented that Islamic extremists are notorious for hijacking and blowing up planes as a means [ attempt] to a political end. It is their MO and has been for decades. Fact !

    It's also well documented that they don't normally hijack planes of muslim countries with whom they have no squabble.



    But this plane had a 154 Non Muslim Chinese as passengers - at least 99% of them. And right now the Muslims of China are very pissed at the PRC Government.

    Hate to be the Source Detective again, but who said the majority of 154 Chinese passengers were non-Muslim? You’ve got me interested.

  7. China supposedly established a SIGINT intelligence gathering station on Great Coco Island in 1992 to monitor Indian naval activity in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.[3] The station is also said to allow China to monitor the movement of other navies and ships throughout the eastern Indian Ocean, especially in the crucial point in shipping routes between the Bay of Bengal and the Strait of Malacca.[3] It may also be used to monitor activities at the launch site of the Indian Space Research Organization at Sriharikota and the Defence Research and Development Organization at Chandipur-on-sea. The Chinese Army is also building a maritime base on Little Coco Island.[5]

    Existence of the Chinese base has been questioned.[4] In 1998, the U.S. stated that it had not detected any significant Chinese activity in Burma.[6] India’s Chief of Naval Staff is quoted as saying in October 2005 that India had “firm information that there is no listening post, radar or surveillance station belonging to the Chinese on Coco Islands.”[4][7] In 2014, Air Marshal P.K. Roy, Commander-in-Chief of India's Andaman and Nicobar Command stated that "China has been developing a runway for civilian purposes. There are no reports of presence of Chinese per se. The situation is not alarming." He added that there was only some civilian infrastructural developments which was not a threat to India.[8]

    Newly and fresh runway! If all the activities of the Chinese have been questioned, why build a runway in 2014? They are there since what 1992? So there must be something really going on this island but no one can confirm!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    interesting post but it would be handy if you can quote your sources?

    I still stick to my theory of the Freescale 20 Employees on board and their Ultra Wideband technology. Reminds me a bit of Con Air....a VIP. I also recall some link stated that it was against company policy to fly 20 in one flight. They only allow like a senior staff and max 2-3 lower staff on a flight!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    No problem then. It’s one thing to hijack someone else’s plane but also similar in nature to hijack someone else's research work unless you respectfully quote the original source by giving credit to its author. Thanks matey

  8. China supposedly established a SIGINT intelligence gathering station on Great Coco Island in 1992 to monitor Indian naval activity in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.[3] The station is also said to allow China to monitor the movement of other navies and ships throughout the eastern Indian Ocean, especially in the crucial point in shipping routes between the Bay of Bengal and the Strait of Malacca.[3] It may also be used to monitor activities at the launch site of the Indian Space Research Organization at Sriharikota and the Defence Research and Development Organization at Chandipur-on-sea. The Chinese Army is also building a maritime base on Little Coco Island.[5]

    Existence of the Chinese base has been questioned.[4] In 1998, the U.S. stated that it had not detected any significant Chinese activity in Burma.[6] India’s Chief of Naval Staff is quoted as saying in October 2005 that India had “firm information that there is no listening post, radar or surveillance station belonging to the Chinese on Coco Islands.”[4][7] In 2014, Air Marshal P.K. Roy, Commander-in-Chief of India's Andaman and Nicobar Command stated that "China has been developing a runway for civilian purposes. There are no reports of presence of Chinese per se. The situation is not alarming." He added that there was only some civilian infrastructural developments which was not a threat to India.[8]

    Newly and fresh runway! If all the activities of the Chinese have been questioned, why build a runway in 2014? They are there since what 1992? So there must be something really going on this island but no one can confirm!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    interesting post but it would be handy if you can quote your sources?

  9. Now that the Malaysian PM has spoken for the first time, this casts a dark shadow upon the legitimacy of the two Iranian fake passport holders motive which the PM now claims 'anything is possible'.

    The key person in all of this is the so called 3rd Iranian party known as “Ali” who allegedly booked the tickets for the two imposters and is believed to have mysteriously fled Thailand.

  10. The Malaysian PM, before a media conferences, certainlysays MH370 has been wildly flown-off-course in a deliberate act and has not ruled out it may have been hijacked but would not confirm.

    According to the Pm, potentially the final destination of MH370 could be somewhere between the corridor borders of Khazakhstan and Turkey down to a second corridor Southern Thailand and Indonesia

    This is an amazing twist and in stark contrast to what we were first led to believe.

  11. Not surprising when you think about it, most Russian finance brokers would be in trouble right now due to the recent stock market crash in Russia over their woes with Ukraine and the west with potential economic sanctions almost imminent. I would not be surprised if we don’t see more of the same in the not too distant future. Particular, if many Russian expats have been borrowing money from local-loan sharks just to remain in the LOS under false pretences.

    • Like 1
  12. If one possibilty is the plane flew north west of Penang wouldn't that have envolved flying over Thai airspace? The red-hot Thai air defense system couldn't possibly have missed this could they?

    It would appear that neither the Thai nor the Malaysian air defense radar is capable of locating unidentified (ie no transponder) aircraft flying near their border airspace. Both nations' air forces are a joke.


    200 miles north west of Penang would put it south of Phuket. Primary radar range would cover less of an area than secondary radar. I think primary radar coverage may be in the region of 50 to 80 miles whereas secondary radar coverage will be anywhere up to 250 miles.

    A very unusual event has occurred for sure. I would like to hear the Malaysian officials discuss possible ACARS messages being transmitted from the aircraft to the engineering department.

    Predominantly, the secondary surveillance radar control stations for such areas as Song Khla & Phuket provinces extending to a radius of 200nm+ are monitored by Bangkok. They should have the capacity to go back over recordings depending if their systems were functioning correctly at the time.

    The situation has been made worse by the fact that the Malaysians keep transferring the problem onto someone else each time, changing the story everyday to suit them and then back-track over what was said previously. This is perhaps, why the Vietnamese and Chinese have become very frustrated with them. Next it will be the Burmese to go looking too. Generally, they’ve been treating everyone like mushrooms in the dark.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Interesting that Malaysia is defending the two imposters traveling under false passports. If the two imposters were North Koreans seeking to immigrate to Europe then I would find the story believable.

    However, it’s a bit like how Australians think when they see two-aboriginal people driving a Mercedes; automatically they think ‘’Thieves”. They same thing goes for when the only two Iranians traveling together on an Aircraft are discovered to have fake passports belonging to other nationalities, and it just so happens the Aircraft has gone missing too; automatically you think ” Terrorists”.

    Would you care to offer something to support your comments on how Australians think when they see two Aboriginals driving a Mercedes please? For the record, I am not Australian. Many thanks. Delh

    It’s known as human behavioral profiling. Walk into a exclusive boutique store with a fake watch on your arm and a copy brand hand bag and see what type of customer service assistance you receive.

  14. Interesting that Malaysia is defending the two imposters traveling under false passports. If the two imposters were North Koreans seeking to immigrate to Europe then I would find the story believable.

    However, it’s a bit like how Australians think when they see two-aboriginal people driving a Mercedes; automatically they think ‘’Thieves”. They same thing goes for when the only two Iranians traveling together on an Aircraft are discovered to have fake passports belonging to other nationalities, and it just so happens the Aircraft has gone missing too; automatically you think ” Terrorists”.

    Thanks for telling me what I think about aboriginal people. You obviously know me very well. In labelling others in a racist/stereotypical way, you've just exposed yourself. Well done Einstein!

    Everyone in the world is subject to some form of racism or stereotyping my friend. No one is exempt. Do you think the majority of Thai people are happy with you living here? Lets all hold hands together and sing Kumbaya ! that will fix the problem.

  15. Interesting that Malaysia is defending the two imposters traveling under false passports. If the two imposters were North Koreans seeking to immigrate to Europe then I would find the story believable.

    However, it’s a bit like how Australians think when they see two-aboriginal people driving a Mercedes; automatically they think ‘’Thieves”. They same thing goes for when the only two Iranians traveling together on an Aircraft are discovered to have fake passports belonging to other nationalities, and it just so happens the Aircraft has gone missing too; automatically you think ” Terrorists”.

    • Like 1
  16. According to AV Herald they're reporting this recent sighting of potential field of debris:

    Hong Kong's Air Traffic Control Center reported on Mar 10th 2014 around 17:30L (09:30Z) that an airliner enroute on airway L642 reported via HF radio that they saw a large field of debris at position N9.72 E107.42 about 80nm southeast of Ho Chi Minh City, about 50nm off the south-eastern coast of Vietnam in the South China Sea and about 281nm northeast of the last known radar position. Ships have been dispatched to the reported debris field"



    The field of debris spottedarrow-10x10.png from the air on Mar 10th 2014


  17. Thailand has simply been dragged into this because the country is big magnet for undesirables due to being one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations and having weak un-enforced laws to go along with it.

    Perhaps predominantly corruption is to blame, but now it's a prime opportunity for the International media to beat up on the likes of Phuket and highlight all the weaknesses as a consequence to this event.

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  18. Missing plane highlights Phuket's stolen passport trade

    THE AGE, Melbourne

    March 9, 2014 - 2:06PM by Lindsay Murdoch

    Investigations into the stolen passports of two passengers listed on missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 have swung to the Thai resort island of Phuket, where there is a thriving stolen passport racket.

    Police in Malaysia have also viewed CCTV footage of the passengers on the flight, specifically looking for images of two men listed as Italian Luigi Maraldi and Austrian Christian Kozel.

    Mr Maraldi, 37, was surprised to see his name on the passenger manifest because he was in fact holidaying in Thailand.


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