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Posts posted by tango

  1. If you can't find one in Tesco as Thaimiller suggests, why not try downloading it as a bit-torrent? You could then burn it onto a DVD from your computer

    Hi MW,

    When downloading a bit torrent there are numerous formats to choose from...avi rar etc.

    I've downloaded a few so far, but cannot burn them to dvd as several dvd-burners(U-leadBurnNow,MagicDVDCreator,NTI CD&DVD-Maker 7, Inter

    VideoDisc Master...) all stop stating 'unrecognized format'. Hmmm...frustrating.

    Possibly you might enlighten me (others?) as to a solid course of action: what format to choose to download and what burner you yourself use? Any advice greatly appreciated. Cheers

  2. Is anyone familiar with the details of the mountain bike shop in Sansai? A Thai chap purchased a cool looking gray-black 'Avalanche' with 'Maxxis.com' tires and Shimano gears for around 13000B: I'd like something similar, but shops in CMai plead ignorance. Cheers

  3. well my insurance dont cover cash, notebooks and mobile phones... So Im paying 1.800 baht / year to Krunsri and apparently they would only cover the desktop computers and displays.

    May we suggest for the renewal you contact Thai Visa Brokers as we can offer insurance for notebooks - note, no company will cover mobile phones for obvious reasons. Please go Here for quote.

    He hasn"t got a notebook now!,talk about jumping on the bandwagon,and you are wrong insurance can be gained for mobile phones buy quite a few companys actually.

    ACE being one.....

    To the op sorry about this news.

    I think this is good information at least it might prevent other people suffering the same loss without replacement.

    ^ I concur.

  4. Why not check out the 'One Day Medical Check Up Program' at Chiangmai Klaimor Hospital; I picked up the latest while visiting my granddaughter who was born there. Costs range from B750 (15-25 Yrs old) to B5320 for those 45 and over. The brochure lists the 5 programs with their associated tests being check-marked: includes a free dental exam. Check out the rooms while there and costs; the rooms are nice and their prices reasonable. Worth a visit.

    It's my understanding that while most hospitals have their attached full-time doctors, many doctors rotate on a day-per-week system amongst them all. A doctor, say a skin specialist at Ram will also visit Sripat. I've had treatment at Ram Sripat and Klaimor, and they all have served me well under my Blue Cross insurance. :)

    BTW Klaimor is on the same side as Lotus, ans just before it as you head S from the Airport Pklaza intersection towards HDong on the Chiangmai-Hang Dong Road.


  5. The wish for 770K for a 2004 model is just crazy. It was 1.1M new wasnt it? For toyotas and hondas, its just not worth it to but second hand. Perhap[s a second hand mitsu spacewagon would be better value for money.

    For this type of vehicle I would be looking at the chevrolet captive diesel, for a good second hand buy.

    I'd strongly warn against buying second-hand vehicles. I bought my first car in Thailand second-hand (a Toyota Soluna-Vios) and the cost of finance was so high I may as well have used a credit-card. This is why I suggested Chevrolet with 0% financing this month (if you put 25% down and pay 36 months).

    I still think a pick-up would better serve the OP's needs; bike racks can be fiddly on most cars. Obviously, the OP's perfect car would be a Mazda CX-9 but that's way over-budget.

    Chevy's current promotion includes 40K off sticker price and 0% financing for 3 years. I'm tempted by the Captiva too.

    Yes stay clear of 2nd hand vehicles is good advice.

  6. Anybody see this?

    LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- David Carradine's wife and his manager disputed suggestions that the actor's death was a suicide, while a source in Bangkok, Thailand, said the actor's neck and genitals were found bound with rope.

    Hmmm... very interesting..

    here is Quentin Tarantino, Michael Madson & his manager on Larry King Live giving their thoughts..

    Great reviews on Larry King Live and elsewhere around the world,

  7. 'There will be blood'- Harvard financial guru Niall Ferguson predicts prolonged financial hardship, even civil war, before the ‘Great Recession' ends

    …this is a very unfair crisis. The epicentre is the United States, but the rest of the world, and particularly America's trading partners, will get hit harder than the U.S.” “It suggests virtue is its own reward. You don't get any reward beyond the self-satisfaction of having been virtuous. This is a crisis of globalization. Therefore, the more an economy depends on the global system, the harder it hurts. Asian economies are going to be really slammed this year. But it's an unfair world. The U.S. won't be as badly affected as most countries.”

    …People just have to get over the fact that their wealth wasn't worth what they thought it was in 2006. Whether it's their stock market portfolio or their housing. If we simply go back to where we were, in 2005, that's surely not the worst thing that could happen to us.”

    Is the U.S. able to escape with less pain because it has more resources to throw at its problems?

    Niall Ferguson: “Partly because they can throw so much at it, and they can do it at a lower cost than anybody else, because the U.S. retains the safe-haven status, which makes the world so unfair. Here is the world's biggest economy, which gave us subprime mortgages, rampant securitization, the collateralized debt obligation, Lehmann Brothers, Merrill Lynch. It is, in a sense, the fons et origo of this crisis. And yet, because it retains safe-haven status, in a global crisis, investors want to increase their exposure to the U.S. Hence, the dollar rally. Hence 10-year Treasuries down below 3 per cent yields. It's almost paradoxical that an American crisis ... reinforces the status of the United States as a safe haven.”

    Surely that safe-haven status would be revoked if China loses faith in the U.S. ability to finance its debt?

    Niall Ferguson: As you know, Chimerica – the fusion of China and America – is one of my big ideas. It's really the key to how the global financial system works, and has been now for about a decade. At the end of The Ascent of Money, I speculate about whether or not that relationship will survive. If it breaks down, then all bets are off, for the U.S. and indeed for Asia. I think that's really the key point. Both sides stand to lose from a breakdown of Chimerica, which is why both sides are affirming a commitment to it.”

    “It's very interesting that the Chinese in the last week were saying such soothing things around the [secretary of State Hillary] Clinton visit. This was only days after Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner used the dreaded ‘m' word – currency manipulation.

    This illuminating article goes on for 5 newsprint pages at:


    (Possibly worth a glance...) :o

  8. If your ATM card has the Maestro or Cirrus logo it will work with local ATM's. Depending on your bank you'll be charged an ATM fee + a % Currency Conversion fee.

    For larger amounts T/T Transfer works out the most economical.

    Cash advances via Visa get a 3% surcharge last time I did it.

    I concur that TT transfer is probably most optimum. Cost for me is 20 dollars; low because it comes from a credit union as opposed to a bank. Check your bank site, compare daily; TT is usually the best rate. ATM fees are usually very high; I use them only in an emergency. Note too that you pay more overall in travellers cheques fees, the lower their denomination.

    Here is today's mid-day rate at KK bank:


    If difficult to bring up go to their main site klik 'Investor Relations' at the bottom, then 'Rates & Charges' on the left and finally 'Foreign Exchange Rate'. I've compared KK rates to others and am satisfied I get a better deal at KK. :o

  9. Why not trade the 2 good Mud Terrain tires in on the 3rd and 4th All Terrain tires. Best to go same-same. If shy, ask a Thai friend, but most shops will give you a discount as they can readily sell good used tires. If they for some strange reason they do not, just motor on to a shop that will. The tire guys will ascertain their estimated life expectancies. BTW, BF Goodrich is a good choice.

  10. ...decent bread. ...but the bread is another thing. When I occasionally go to Korat there is a place in The Mall that sells decent bread but as I only go there about once a month its a luxury item.

    Why not try this. On your monthly trip buy as much bread as will fit in the freezer part of your refrigerator: NOT the normal part of your fridge (doing so, the fridge will suck out all the moisture leaving you with stale bread; a common household experience). Be sure to enclose each loaf in 2 air tight plastic bags, then freeze them as solid as ice. Once needed, stick the frozen slices directly into your toaster. Or, allow the slices to warm up gradually on a plate (butter them while frozen). Bread tastes fresh and homemade. If you are doubtful, buy only a couple of loaves at first. Been doing this for decades. :o Really.

  11. Unfortunately, I think Tarisa is right but not for the same reasons everyone else does


    The big international guys have problems that make the value of baht (almost irrelevant during good time) laughable.

    The few big international locals pale compared to the social unrest that could be caused with oil imports or grippen fighters. Also, those huge infrastructure projects.... they require international resources and financing that are easier and cheaper with a strong baht.

    Between the Thai circus that is called a government, and the collapse of the debt driven society in the west that has been buying all this junk from asia, the poor baht is a non entity. I think Tarisa is doing the best she can to maintain some stability amidst the complete and utter crisis brought on by self serving politicians and thieving fraudulent investment banks in the west. Glad I dont have to make those choices or deal with the chairman of CP Charoen.

    Nicely summarized, XB. Thank you.

  12. Go for a Non-O. It can then be converted to a Non-B, provided you collect and collate the mountain of paperwork needed (the paper thickness you will not believe until you sit down collecting it all) as Soutpee says. If living in the LOS is a long term venture, best have a sizable pension from somewhere as Snug... suggests. I do not think the private schools provide this: you are meant to provide that yourself from your high salary; or, whatever, rent a $45K apartment with the money. In any event... even given a 'large' income, once tax is deducted, with no pension, plus health deductions and the ever changing visa rules, not to mention the recent forex mess, you really do have to balance appropriately to realize your expected 'retirement' income, let alone an appropriate daily lifestyle. But hey, it can be realized.

  13. If you are successful in getting all your documents in order, please be informed that they have 5-year validity driver's licenses that is valid in ASEAN countries...

    Hmmm...'that is valid in ASEAN countries'. Does this imply a Thai Driver's License can not be used say to rent a car in North America, where I am planning to visit this summer? Any recent experience with this, please? Used 'search' but all I get is Thailand. Cheers

  14. All good info. Just completed mine. Saw Thais and farangs with sandals, get snagged on the metal, so off with the sandals, and remove everything from your front pockets as a notepad, pen or mobile phone will impede your reaction time when seated. Bring a second copy of all required papers to obtain a motorcycle license simultaneously. All Thais had to sit a written test, while foreigners had to simply watch a vdo on Thai motor regulations. Takes up most of the morning or afternoon, but arrive earlier than their 9am or 1pm start to fill out the application forms. Cost for 2 licenses was just over 1000B. Good Luck.

  15. Out of curiosity how many people here have got sick from drinking the tap/mains water?

    Those who clean their teeth with tap water or rinse their mouth out under the shower can include themselves in this survey.

    I have, years ago now, from rinsing my mouth with tap water: I never drank it, but regularly had sore throats and bouts of the flu. A Thai colleague recommended that I never use tap water to rinse my mouth but to use bottled water instead. I switched to bottled water and, anecdotally, have been relatively healthy since. Someone mentioned how the LA water system is healthy. City systems may look clean but their waters contain all manner of chemicals and detritus from medicinal drugs, blood and other body waste products. Many people are unconvinced that these are 100% removed. I do not use the local street laundries for basically the same reason, in that your clothes are churned in a vat containing the soiled clothing and used undergarments of others, and I have yet to see their use of even the tiniest amount of chlorine ('heiter'). :o For what it's worth....

  16. The fact that you are a farang is neither here nor there in the court's eyes. You will be treated as any other person will be treated.

    Wake Up :D

    Yeah...I agree: Wake UP!!! Go visit any of the multitude of court sessions in Thailand...even the completely innocent have to cough up big baht if they wish to remain innocent.

    Best to pay before it ever gets to court as the police, the prosecutor, defense team and ultimately the head honcho who renders a verdict require payment. Once the paper trial begins and evolves it takes even more money to quash as there are more and more staff and departmental paperwork to undo. Pay the cops at the scene, right away before the paper trail even begins; that's the first step of any so-called 'reputable' insurance agent. :o

  17. I have been living here more than 20 years, and I found GPS very interesting and very valuable in finding my way around Chiang Mai.

    What GPS do folks recommend, with details such as price, vehicle mounted, handheld or incl with a mobile phone. Thanks

  18. It is doubtful that housing prices will ever fall in LOS as Thais will not lower their prices. In 15 years I have yet to witness any lowering. Thais would rather sit it out, awaiting a recovery and a sale. Your best best would be to purchase land and build your own, probably at a third to half what a similar new one is being marketed at by land companies.

  19. As for their for their agitation, also normal. They suddenly got man handled then put into a strange new environment and takes them a couple of days before the "trust" comes back. :o Whenever we change the water and put them back in they all go cuddle together in a corner of the tank(s).

    How fish do 'talk' and how much can the feel stress. I really hate it when I see those overfull tanks with pla tab tim on markets and in supermarkets. Filthy water, fish gasping for air and more too often still with half or complete dead fish in between those that are still kind of alive. Once sold their misery is often not over as they will be put alive in plastic bags without any water, just dying a very slow death. :D

    If only they could make sounds ....


    The same thoughts went thru my mind the other day at the supermarket. Absolutely ...gusting. Sheesh- enough to turn one veretarian; but apparently plants cry silently too.

    I lost one of my dogs over 5 months ago, and revisit the area often in hopes he'd return. Since Thai neigbours mentioned dogs being rounded up for potential menu items at a Sankapang restaurant, I have not slept well since and have taken a more critical eye on animal welfare. Hope the OP's fish environment is resolved quickly. :D

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