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Posts posted by tango

  1. ^RE:'...the rooms have individual air-con units". That is no real comfort. The next time one stays at a hotel/guest house, out of curiosity open the air-con to view the filter; you will likely be taken aback at the multi-hued gunk festooned there. Now you have an idea as to why you awaken with a sore throat. Then wonder when was the last time the filters were properly cleaned and rid of germs on an air-con bus or train, and even those in your own house, school or office. Just a thought...

  2. ^^^^Hi Roban, from what source map did you snap the portion showing 'Catalay'? We are interested in looking around that area for a home and your map seems well designed for the purpose. Cheers :jap:

  3. Yes indeed, Immigration do need to emulate the Thai Licensing Department officials who really are well organized and efficient. Probably the Immigration Department should go on bi-weekly tours there to see how it should be done. Possibly they should construct new buildings there to the left as one enters the gate.

  4. MM asked: 'SO what is the recommended dosage for SERC if you are not using it for Vertigo." From the enclosed pamphlet:"The dosage for adults is 24-48 mg divided over the day. ...individually adapted according to the response."

    'It may take a few weeks and best results are sometimes obtained after a few months.[Referring to Vertigo]'. A Pack of 60 tablets each of 16mg costs 515Baht on 2011.03.01. The tablets also are sold in 8mg packs. Cheers

  5. nakhonsawan: Thank you so very much for the details of your surgery. I have had an X-ray and three different consultations which confirm I will require a knee replacement in the near future. Did they implant a Zimmer-brand prosthesis or what brand?

    Actually I may visit your military hospital - Jirapravat Hospital, Nakhon Sawan - to have it done; you certainly did well by them. What were the surgeons' names please. No listing for military hospital in Chiangmai, and Lampang is almost as far.

    Again thanks for reducing my trepidation factor. Very kind of you. Regards....

  6. ^^"how is 3BB going to stay in business? Are they going to put up their own line infrastructure?" I have had 3BB for a year now. They installed their own line, with proper grounding rod and a new junction box alongside the older telephone cable/box which I have never used, so no 100B per month which I had to pay before at a different place despite no phone. 3BB has been intermittent but no lengthy downtime. Amornivet near airport plaza. FWIW. Cheers

  7. I've had 3BB for a year now. It has always been intermittent. Last night it stopped on 2 occasions. After a year I can cease service w/o an approx 6000B fine. I am thinking of your provider: what are your and other folks' experience with CAT CDMA? Cheers :jap:

  8. ^^

    Hi. I am in need of a knee replacement - the result of a 40 year old college rugby take down which never surfaced until about a year ago. I am in CMai, and have had my knee checked at three hospitals and x-ray'd at one. Cost with the Zimmerman joint is suggested t range from 400,000 to 600,000 Baht. Can you give more details please? I am sure others would be interested in your experience. Regards :jap:

  9. Try downloading Vuze(Google)for torrents, with 3BB. Vuze has its own player. It shows those downloading, down/up speeds.Save your legal torrents to a separate external drive of 1Tb or more.Works well, FWIW. Cheers

  10. Thank you one and all for your invaluable advice. And good luck to you Nakhonsawan! I may need knee-replacement surgery.

    I had a torn meniscus repaired in my right-knee some 40 years ago as a result of a university rugby violent take-down. The knee did well for forty years, including a 20-year military career, a three-year UN consultancy in Sudan, and a decade plus of 'stand-up' teaching. I have been with Blue Cross for 15 years here in Chiangmai, and had at the outset annotated their insurance policy that I had a preexisting condition with my knee.I had no claims with Blue Cross until five years ago when I dropped 3-meters straight down through the roof of the garage. I was treated for back compression at CMai Ram and released after three days: Blue Cross paid the bill, relatively inexpensive. A few months thereafter I began experiencing a slight knee slackness which has had me favoring the knee for about five years now.

    Two weeks ago I awoke to my knee severely swollen, so much so that it took me a good 20 minutes to hobble and crawl downstairs. I was recommended a good pain reliever(Synflex)plus Meloxicam tablets(for osteoarthritis)to reduce the swelling due to inflammation of the prepatellar bursa(kneecap). Both did the job, swelling gone including purplish red welts around the knee caused by the serious swelling. A persistent dull pain nonetheless continues, as does the sense that the knee might possibly give out: even a slight twist is painful. I walk gingerly and try not to move the leg whilst sleeping, which makes for a bad night's rest. I am worried I may need my knee replaced.

    I inquired at the Blue Cross office here in Chiangmai who said Blue Cross will not pay for any right-knee surgery due to the preexisting condition: despite my attributing my knee problem to the roof fall five years ago and not to the menisectomy forty years ago.

    I am now weighing my options: your valuable experience and advice above are guiding me. I ought to at least get an x-ray to confirm. But before doing so I have been trying to gain a solid perspective on courses of action. Lanna Hospital and Ram are Thai-recommended, both rated well-qualified at ~250K baht but with Ram considered an additional ~50K more expensive. I had heard too that it's the same surgical team rotating through the various hospitals: yet to confirm. The Special Medical Service Center has been good for outpatient service the couple of times I needed it, but I've yet to confirm their surgery expertise.

    "drtreelove" states above that 'the standard now is computer-assisted alignment and cobalt chrome' and that 'Titanium reportedly wears out faster'. Thanks, that answers what material to use. But do hospitals in Chiangmai or Bkk actually use computer-assisted alignment: a plus if they do, a definite downer if they do not. Well thanks everyone for your input. I'll keep checking back. Best regards... :jap:

  11. I was just returning a call to Ed today, Weds 11 August, only to learn from his wife Mali that Ed had just passed on. Mali is busy arranging funeral rites so I did not press the circumstances. Ed had been battling cancer for several years now. An American ex-pat and true citizen of Chiangmai, Ed taught English at CMU for years, and more recently for the CMU medical fraternity at Suandok Hospital. He use to raise purebred cats at his "cattery" as a hobby. Mali, Ed's wife, as you may know is a renowned Thai tutor at AUA in Chiangmai. Ed will lay in rest at his village Wat tomorrow the 12th of August. Their village(I do not recall the name)is on the east bank of the Mae Ping where the bridge crosses the river as you travel from Global House to the Hang Dong Big C. See you tomorrow Ed. Rest In Peace buddy.

  12. QUOTE: Our 3 BB service comes and goes all day long and has been like this almost since we got it a few weeks ago. In short, it has been terrible! UNQUOTE

    I've had 3BB now for4 months. I thought it had been my computer at fault as 3BB is too intermittent. Off-On all day long. I never had this problem with TOT. Live near Central Airport. It's a ~7000B fine if you leave before the year contract ends.

    Earlier had bought the AIS flashdrive-type inet invention (there's a stand just on the left in ICON as you go down the stairs to the lower space. It, besides being costly of itself, eats up the refill card in a matter of hours when you'd expect days.

    Both systems are disingenuous. :)

  13. I’ve used TuffKote Dinol (German franchise) for years in America where there is a lot of salt on the roads to de-ice in winter. Your car is absolutely white from the powdered salt and the underbody is sprayed with salt slush from your wheels as you drive. Tuff-Kote never let the salt penetrate. Use it here in Thailand too, especially their shine-guard. Just checked their website for you and they now have a special wax for black and dark-colors.

    Worth a visit to see if you like them. They mail you reminders when it's time to recheck how well their shine-guard or anti-rust coat are holding up.

    In CMai they have a wash service with a discount card which works out to less than 100B per wash. They do ‘detailing’ as extra.



    New product.

    Deluxe Black Shine.

    Liquid coating. Shopping for dark colors, especially special army - Coat the Accessory Cable only


    The ad was translated by Google translator which asks if you want the web page translated; you can tick to have it do so automatically, for many languages. I use Firefox, but imagine you can dwnld the google toolbar of Explorer too. The translations are reasonable enough to allow you the gist of it.


  14. Coz,

    Before loading anything, given the problems with reformatting who knows what mischief lurks on your hard drive. Best to use a German/US Govt/ or Russian coded swipe to make your hard drive like new; this may take overnight. I System Mechanic's 'Drivescrubber' or 'Acronis drive cleaner' at http://www.download3000.com/download-acron...t-reg-8207.html which is free for a limited time for eval purposes. Simply google 'Acronis drive cleaner download'. If you have a huge capacity drive then partition it at least in half, with one-half or one-fourth for WIN7.

    I also second the recommendation of 'Goodspeed' top floor left at ComputerPlaza. They have various WIN7 editions at varying prices. Ask around, they have a solid reputation.

  15. to record something from TV?

    Tell you what I have got;

    I have an old Video tape VCR player/recorder in good working order. Sorry, but don`t have any blank VCR tapes.

    If this is for a one off event, you are welcome to borrow it, but you need to obtain a blank tape from somewhere.

    For those in CMai Amorn shop at Icon Plaza sells VCR tapes, good quality and reasonably priced: At the back in the glass display case, usually. If not nearby. Amorn is undergoing renovation now but is to reopen shortly.

    Thanks to BigWheelMan and all for your torrent advice. :)

  16. Always rent from a serious company. I have very good experience with North Wheels and Avis at CM. In Khon Kaen I used Thai-car-rent.

    Never rent from a small shop, sometimes they use stolen cars, and hardly ever have real insurance. For rental companies, a special, expensive, insurance is needed.

    Every time I rent a car, I take a few pictures of the car.

    Concur. I and friends use North Wheels...great, and they recover the vehicle if a problem. Wherever Avis or whatnot-Take photo close-ups. Be sure to move any advertising 'for rent' signs or cardboard triangles on the hood/bonnet as these could conveniently hide scratches. This happened to me at a lesser-known agency: as we were leaving the salesman whisked the triangle off the hood. I stopped, looked at the scratch, promptly returned the car and went on to Avis. Caveat emptor and such... cheers

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