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Posts posted by tango

  1. ^^ "Apparently the Tata NGV lacks power..."

    Sure does when loaded down with Glacier bottled water; but my Glacier-water delivery guys love their Tata.

    Were I of Indian descent I might too. But I'm a Honda-kinda guy.

    But hey, I will check out the Sonic, and the Ford Fusion if ever 'twer deigned to be produced in Thailand.

  2. Anything with DEET is a winner. Any DEET stronger than 35% is overkill.

    I prefer to spray on my clothes and hat rather than directly on my body if possible. Spraying DEET on mosquito nets draped over your beds is an effective deterrent. Google 'WHO mosquito net'... permethrin / deltamethrin'

    Citronella plants in your garden around the house, throughout the yard, and around your pet enclosures is a plus. Works for us.

  3. ^ I just purchased a King-size 100% latex mattress on sale at I.S. Curtain & Decor. They have toppers there too.

    I missed the Central Airport sale last week of OMAZZ (USA and when not on sale, very expensive) and other latex mattresses; and thus was very pleased to see the IS collection on sale too. What struck me about these latex mattresses was their outer coverings, nice material with great strength. So many available of the internet and around town seem to be covered in flimsy "gauze-like" sheeting.

    IS is an Indian-Thai establishment that used to be located in the "Indian-Thai curtain/ decor shop house collective" beside Worarot market.

    'I.S', a large 2-story complex, is now located at the back of Big C Extra (formerly Carrefore) on the right side of the road leading directly from the back gate to BigC. This area has a lot of bistro-like shops and restaurants, and often is packed by street markets. At night it's a party-zone, or was.

    'IS' was recommended to me by new 'The Grand Village' housing development when I inquired as to where they had purchased their amazing vinyl wall coverings.

    Grand Village is located just past Siriporn Garden 9 on the left as you head towards Doi Saket/ ChiangRai.

    Absolutely stunningly beautiful homes from ~3 to 5.35 Million Baht - all with Q-con(aerated concrete) walls, the high grade aluminum windows/door frames, solariums, etc.. I liked their show homes, but not their location at the entrance to the estate (best to avoid lots adjacent to any entrance what with noise of owners' vehicles coming and going 7/24). Been to many many new developments and this one stands out as affordable quality, with current engineering/design trends.But I digress.

    Tired of repainting walls over the years, and a past rental having one main wall with a vinyl covering requiring little maintenance; we wished to go for vinyl coverings for most, if not, all walls on our new home.

    The selection shown to us by Arun, son of the I.S. owner, were plentiful with even a recently arrived vinyl wall covering catalog for kids' rooms: a Disney selection. The cost per 5 meter roll of vinyl averages B800, including labor/installation/advice at home.(So my son states - I believe this to be correct). They have quality furniture, a lighting section and other household amenities.

    Their 2nd floor caters to children from infants to ~12 years; bedding, clothing, accessories, plus the 'Hi-So, must-have" powdered milk that one sees under lock and key each with their anti-theft toggle, at supermarkets. My 5-year old grand daughter will be their next customer, as she has to yet to OK the vinyl covering for her room.

    So, if you are a 'latex mattress wannabe', as I was, but have been put off by normally high prices and seemingly dodgy quality, simply await the sales at Airport Plaza, at I.S., or elsewhere. Don't be bashful, ask the salesperson for a discount or when their next sale is.

    For chic, inexpensive, quality vinyl wall coverings, and furniture, 'I.S.' is a winner in our book. We left a deposit for a magnificent rosewood office desk and a bedroom set too.

    Disclosure: I have no business relationship with either Central or I.S.

    TNT - Today Not Tomorrow

    This was not sent from my 10-year old, 800 baht, ever-faithful, Nokia phone...

  4. Import duties and special fees, I'd imagine.

    I enjoy b'fast at Boncafe, and use to view their collection of machines for sale, but like you was not amused with the prices. Mind you Hillkoff machines are really expensive too.

    So much for my dream of espresso at my whim at home.

    The coffee bar at the new farm project at CMU south east corner has a machine the size of a small bus, with all the bells and whistles: probably cost a fortune which is being paid off I suppose by the high prices - a small cappuccino there in a paper cup is 55B. Mind you the cup is probably made from recycled cardboard.

    At Hillkoff a much larger, better tasting cappuccino, in a cup, sans le papier, is 30 or 35B.

  5. ^Many, especially Thai students, gorge from salad bars everywhere. Some restaurants have reduced the plate size to that of a saucer; yet, the customers still manage to put a huge hole in the huge salad bar layout. Their method is to ring the saucer with the largest lettuce leaves there, add a second or even third overlapping layer for strength, and then pile on a mountain of various salads; it usually takes two or three to manhandle the plate to their table.

    Just so as I'm not off topic, I too have not seen many farangs at MK Suki. I went briefly once to the MKSuki opposite KadSuanKaew to meet someone. Upon opening the door one is staggered by a misty cloud of pungent mixed odors which dissipates somewhat as you go creep down the stairs into the cauldron of tables below. I managed to hang in for a few minutes before escaping outside for fresh air. I phoned my Japanese-American friend to say a Turkish sauna with my suki is a non-starter. He could not understand until he arrived later with his entourage. We agreed to meet at Starbucks down the road.

  6. Why not try the dealers themselves such as Nihom/ Saha Panich Toyota? Both have a good selection of serviced 2nd-hand/reclaimed bikes.Ask to check the bike's computer maintenance record, if originally purchased there. Ask to check their pre-sales check list. Then at least you know the bike's engine oil has been changed, unlike so many bikes whose owners have probably never done so. Run your fingers along the oil dipstick to check for grit. Personally check brake pads,tire wear, brake fluid for bubbles...etc. Turn over the engine, then insist on a test drive. if the seller rides pillion, that's fine, as you can get a handle on its pulling power.Also, try asking a m/c mechanic there, on their lunch break if s/he knows of a good deal.Costs may appear high at a local dealer's; but, the motorcycle 'market'/ notice board prices are usually much higher. Compare prices of any m/c being sold by our compatriots, including/especially those on church ad sites; these are usually not realistic.Teacher notice boards often offer up second-hand/used items for sale.You may also wish to check the weekend market past Sanpatong on the RHS of the main highway heading south. It's a large expanse of land at the highway's edge with numerous open-sided long wooden sheds. Can't miss it. Mind you, probably a long way to go when you can readily get shafted closer to CMai.Just before any deal is almost closed, ask for a discount. If none offered - walk. You'll need it to possibly buy a new battery, inner tubes, and/or brake discs.BTW once you have a m/c, and for those with a m/c; always ask the mechanic to use an air pressure wand fitted with a wrap-around rag to seal the filler opening, to blow out the remnants of used warm oil to remove the metal dust sludge seated at the bottom of the tank. Otherwise adding new oil to remnants of the oil sludge is counter-productive. I always hover nearby to ensure this is done.Failure to regularly change oil and replacing the filter is anecdotally a main reason occasioning the sale in the first instance - think new pistons. Then again, unbeknown to the seller and to the buyer's advantage, simply renewing the spark plug may breath new life into a m/c.In the end, you may decide it's false economy to go 2nd-hand, and best to purchase new. Caveat emptor... coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Not just building but they seem to be selling as well!

    So True!

    Lots of new housing estates, and they are selling well. The new estate just beyond the Chinese cemetary off Chotana near the Super was sold out. Even as I had just discovered it last month, the last home sold in the 3-4 million baht range. Mostly Thai buyers.

    Just purchased a double lot in Siriporn. This company is currently well into developing its 10th estate, a more 'modern' take. Land prices are competitive, but twice the price of their 7 and 9 estates.

    Had preferred the area near Lanna Hospital but land prices for a 100 rai have escalated in the last 2 years alone to 3 million. For that amount you can purchase a new house with land, for instance in the smart lanna-style estate currently under construction near Meechok Plaza.

    On Chotana past Toyota beside the sharp-looking government treasury, the least expensive house starts at only16 million Baht. They would not divulge who besides the Shinawatres are their potential customers; but they seem very confident.

  8. Some insurance companies, like Blu Cross, pay only half the policy rate if you suffer injury whilst riding a motorcycle be it driver or passenger.

    You might want to read the fine print, and ask up front before purchasing.

    • Like 1
  9. RE "Vision Center in Rajvitthi Rd

    I went here with my prescription from RAM and he dismissed it saying he would give me a free test as he didn't trust their results. After his comprehensive and highly technical procedures he gave me the resulting lenses for my approval and they were fine. He then gave me another pair of lenses to try and I said "no thanks, the first pair was much better". He then told me the second pair was the RAM prescription."

    Based on recommendations here I went there last week immediately following and with my prescription from St Peters'. He said the new prescription was useless. My 5-year old lenses were fine Hmmm.

  10. My granddaughter is attending a Thai-government pre-school in a village. She will be moving to Cmai as soon as her father sorts out a new house. Pre-schooling is a great head start if one gets the right school, so I thank you all for your comments.

    I suggested that it might be worthwhile to enroll her in a Chinese school such as the school on the super highway to Bangkok, just as you leave ChiangMai on the right. She already knows Thai ( as much as a 5-year old can), she can practice English at home, and Chinese Mandarin for example might be an even bigger plus in a few years.

    Is anyone aware of suitable Chinese-centered schools catering to pre-schoolers, plus any pros and cons?

    As an aside, I've recently visited friends who have a Thai-run pre-school/child care/baby care house across from them in their housing estate. It runs from 8AM to 5PM five days per week and seems to be essentially a baby-sitting establishment. It is very noisy, especially the 'staff/care-ers' shouting out the Thai alphabet, etcetera with the children replying in chorus. From 12 to 3PM there is not a sound nor movement from anyone including teachers - no conversation, no radio, no TV, no 'teachers' leaving for lunch and returning,... nothing. Shortly afer 3PM there is an explosion of activity as the children start to play outside, and the staff begin hanging bath towels to dry on the balconies.

    Is this what Thais term a preschool?

    Is there a stipulated 'curriculum', lunch time, sleep time for all such pre-schools?

  11. Good 'phraseology' Khun Greenside, re: "A miserable televisual experience."

    WETV is the only cable guy in town. The Big U is spot on. Seems the signal is not its old self lately; but, all in all, good value for money.

    Unless your appartment landlord agrees, drilling large holes in his wall to support your dish, is probably problematic. Many condos use a central sever otherwise the myriad of holes degrade the structure, and leak.

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