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Posts posted by rickirs

  1. Getting back on the stage again last night is not going help him, the bloody idiot should keep a low profile if he wants to fight deportation.

    Maybe the Democrats will appeal to their sister organization the Constitutional Court to overturn his deportation order. It could say that he was upset with Yingluck's amensty bill and just helping exercising Suthep's right to a peaceful protest. Worked for Suthep, maybe work for him too.

  2. Great to see a free ranging interview with intelligent tough questions. Not like the Hation interviews to window dress the Democrats and demonize the Yingluck administration. Frankly, Bloomberg was very light on the interview and couldn't have pressed with more difficult and embarrasing questions. But I don't think it really cared to give Abhisit too much of publicity other than hitting the basics - he and the Democrats are not and will not follow a democratic process in their pursuit of gaining control of the government.

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  3. Good interview. He is a wise man and made his points clear.

    It will never happen under the current government but it would be interesting to see a public debate among the political leaders to exchange their opinions freely on any subjects they wish to discuss.

    The brainwashed farmers should learn and realize the truth about the dictatorship and abuse of power. The farmers are not stupid but the government keeps them ignorant. It is time for them to wake up.

    And that's why Suthep needs to prevent farmers from voting until they have been "re-eductated"? That they're barinwashed but not in the way that Suthep wants them to be? Sounds like Suthep wants to pursue re-education programs experienced by Cambodia and China under Mao. Obviously as far from democracy as one can get.

  4. "The country is embroiled in problems now because Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and Suthep would not accept the rules of the nation. Although the government dissolved the House and set a new election date, the Democrats refused to contest the election and used the [call for] reforms as an excuse to further its own political interests," Prompong said.

    Of course it has nothing to do with PTP policies. Nice to see them blame the Democrats instead of evil spirits though.

    Regardless of policies of either party, shouldn't both respect the constitution and the laws of the Nation? I find it ironic that the Democrats who changed the constitution when they were in control, now fight against it. While Duthep complains about how Yingluck's administration has no respect for the constitution, he repeatedly ignores its provisions because, well, Yingluck's administration is corrupt. So he gets a free pass on whatever he does.

  5. ....including adopting a hotel-style system of "guest registration"....

    They'll be charging joiner fees next.

    They're going to start a Frequent Protester Club. For every protester event you get 1 point for each day of attendence. You can accumulate your points to get free Protester souvenirs, guranteed street tent reservations with late check-out, and courtesy pickup and drop off. For $99 per year you can also get the Democratic Gold Visa card that entitles you to double points and discounts to Suthep owned casinos.

  6. Buddha Issara has "agreed to let Election Commission officials return to work at the complex tomorrow and Consular Affairs Department officials on Monday." I'm sure it is with great relief that EC officials have been granted permission to return to work. Fo a moment I thought they were an independent agency. And it is news to me that the Buddists are now acting in effect as an unregistered political party. In the next national election will we see temples endorsing candidates and monks in voting lines?

  7. The judicial coup is coming.

    where Sutheps shenanigans have failed dismally the Ruling Elite will now use their judicial arm to destroy democracy again and hand illegitimate power to Abishit once again.

    The wheels of Thai politics revolve full circle again.

    yes and the PTP and the ruling Shinwatra clan is complete innocent, all is just inventions from the evil court, and the evil army, and the evil NGOs and the evil middle class and the evil rice farmer and and and

    I'm glad you show some sanity finally.

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  8. Twice in 8 years, but does the 2006 election count as it was considered invalid? Either PTP think that is the case, or they are rather slow off the mark (not that that is unusual).

    How would it be constructive to try and have the Dems dissolved? If I were in Yinglucks shoes I wouldn't even consider the move. It just goes in hand with further dismantling democracy. Do PTP really want to be seen doing this. Not good for PR that's for sure. Why kick a dog when it is down anyway. Regardless of our thoughts, the Ammart and the military will dictate what is to follow no matter our stance or ideological ramblings. ( forgot to mention that they control the courts too). Thailand hasn't a hope until the power is wrestled from the above and a real constitution put in place such as in Australia etc.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Even America did not dissolve the nazi and communist parties who advocated a rejection of democracy - albeit they had to be voted in to make such attempt. PTP does not have to try to dissolve the Democrats. If the Constituion holds true, the Dems have already nuetered itself politically from the democratic landscape. Better to concentrate to reorganize the rice program, capital projects, and strengthen the baht.

  9. The Democrats want national reform - but we don't even know if the majority of Thais want this reform or not.

    Shouldn't there be a referendum be held first to ask if Thais even want this? Because if only the minority Democrats want it, it doesn't mean that it has to be implemented. After all, they haven't won an election in over 20 years.

    And on top of that, the current election laws were signed and passed by Abhisit and Suthep before the 2011 elections. They thought that changing the election laws would help them win the election. Then in 2011 they lost and now they want to change it again.

    Maybe they're not losing elections due to the law, but due to the fact that Thais do not want them in office.

    They should clean up their own party first. But again, if they want reforms so bad, then a referendum is the way to go, not a street mob.

    LOL Hold a referendum? The Democrats would treat that like any other election vote...boycott it, block voters, and prevent distribution of ballots.

  10. The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

    The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

    Birds of a feather come to mind when I look at your likes. You have blinkers on and will not take them off to look around, that's why your posts are getting cried down,

    look at the whole picture,

    You want to retain this present rabble up to you, don't blame everyone else the same the government are doing, instead of looking at the feed back, but when has the government been interested in feed back--when have they made U-Turns when a policy has gone wrong ??--- Thailand controlled from another country is NEVER ON.--hence the problems ---you are not interested though. it shows.


    Well the present rabble have just won their sixth election in a row, probably with a record number of seats. The losing rabble, on the other hand, haven't won an election for more than 20 years. I'd say it was time for the losing rabble to have a long hard think.

    Democrats definitely need to rebrand themselves to distance the party from the millitary coup and current disaster with the elections. I'm thinking of at least a name change like People for Uncorrupted Government (PUG) or Party of Enlightened Elitist Peace (PEEP).

  11. What world is Thailand in?

    Dems violate every law, block registration and voting, and then claims that PT is to blame/ fault? Dilusional at best.

    It is rather amusing that the leader of an unconstitutional insurrection is charging the administration with irregularities in an election that he has interferred with and deprived voters of their right to vote. Frankly, if there was some legal way to do it, both the PTP and Democrats should be banned from elected office and the party voted with the next most votes gain control of the government. Clean sweep with fresh new leaders. Just daydreaming.

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  12. well so much for democracy.

    You can be a part of our country, you cam make us money, but know where you stand...

    you are not one of us! All men are not created equal, no inalienable rights here.

    Clueless and disgraceful. Way to go PTP, your sort of only for Thai people after

    their money of course. (pun intended) bah.gif

    And this came as a surprise to you that farangs are treated differently from "real" Thai people? Foreigners are guests in the countries where they live and need to heed the rules of their residency. Sathit of all foreigners should have known that his active participation in Suthep's anti-government protests would endanger his visa; the government made an early announcement to that effect. And to put himself blatantly right out front of the anit-government protester crowd is just too much of a slap in the face of the government. I'm sure if events were reversed with Suthep as PM and Sathit supporting anti-Suthep government that he would still be deported.

  13. The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

    judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

    This protest is not about stopping amendments that the people of Thailand do not like. It is about 1 corrupt man, that if elected (through his election terms) will become president for life. PDRC is attempting to stop it before it is too late. My heart is with the PDRC.

    Keep your heart with PDRC but your mind with democracy. Thaksin is not, despite the popular thought, an elected official, much less the PM. And you know if he returns to Thailand unconditionally without any judicial negotiations, he will go to jail or as a minimum be disqualified for elected office. Rather it is Suthep who actively desires to become dictator, maybe for life. Thus far, neither are close to their alleged objectives. Why persecute the entire elected government based on speculations?

  14. Attention to detail folks. Right, why does a driver run away? If he is not to blame.

    and TV posters were very quick to blame the truck driver here. And a politician! Bizarre.

    What is somewhat ironic is the display of the Shut Down Bangkok scarf. Sad business, upon sad business.

    And if the driver saw all the anti protester clothing in the car, he would have every right to run away given the anti protester reputation for physical violence. Fear may be his reason for leaving. Also being unlicensed, carrying no insurance, being an illigal immigrant, drunk, etc. There are a whole lot of reasons for running away.

  15. The banks are refusing to provide loans to pay the farmers.

    The courts are holding 40 + billion stolen from TS that could go to the farmers.

    But where are the farmers protesting? At the banks or courts? No, somewhere out in no man's land that nobody cares about.

    It seems if you want your protests to get people's attention, you need to take them to the appropriate places in Bangkok.

    Would banks not refused if Suthep didn't threaten them with occupation or more drastic actions? From an enterprise viewpont the government offered a very high interest rate compared to what the banks could get from conventional loans and the banks would otherwise agree. Banks do not care about political agendas, only profit and loss for their investors. Then the EC oversteps its authority by telling the administration that it cannot even apply for loans as a caretaker government due to the "significant" value of the loans. Now Suthep is challenging the government's ability to even get any loans in the Constitutional Court. And the Government is blamed for not paying off the farmers? Rice A Roni to people who think so.

    • Like 1
  16. These people stood up in defiance to support democracy and take the country forward.

    Well, they believe in one principle of democracy anyway.

    Tis a pity the election will be nullified.

    Maybe Thailand should follow Suthep's idea of abandoning the "one man-one vote" philosophy. I think it should be that for every thai that voted on Feb, 2nd, that each vote should be counted as three votes given the barriers Suthep had erected to prevent the exercise of Thai freedom to vote. "No votes" would be excluded.

  17. It's amazing that the US and other democratic nations are not speaking out on this anarchy, sedition and proposal to install a "people's council" from hand picked insiders and cronies with no specific reform platform , actions, or roadmap.

    The US has, in polite diplomatic language. It made it very clear that part of democarcy is holding elections for government leadership, freedom to vote, and the principle of "one man. one vote." I think anyone can extrapolate from that as to whether Suthep is following a democratic roadmap. If the government does fall and Suthep takes over, you may see a mix bag of sanctions from the US, ASEAN, and Western countries; exodus of investors from Thailand securities, and cessation of tourism.

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  18. I'll say it again. How does Kuhn Suthep propose his "unelected" people's council will work? Is he himself going to "elect" the

    "unelected" and therefore become a true dictator? I just don't get his way of thinking.

    Suthep has designated himself as "Secretarty General" of the Committee. Presumbly he will contol the committee's agenda and procedural rules, such as how someone is nominated for the committee, how the committee operates, if and what a quorum will be, when next elections will be held and under what rules, etc. Basically, he is the committee and becomes de facto dictator of Thailand.

  19. Of course what would happen if the media refused to be used like a fog horn and actually demanded that these claims be substantiatedm

    You mean 'journalists' at The Nation actually acting like real journalists and asking questions? How would The Bangkok Post manage that? Crazy talk. This is why they can't handle the western media reports as they come close to being independent. The Thai elite find that all very confusing.

    It's an old proverb but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  20. We have a small fashion shop for her in buriram,,,

    She had business cards left in her car,,,

    Along with her copied insurance details and our car finance details,,,

    if the car is still on finance you dont own it anyway ?

    until the last payment is made i think it legally belongs to the finance company

    Typically the legal owner of a financed car is the buyer. The bank only holds a lien against the car as loan collateral. A bank requires theft and collision insurance to guarantee collateral value against the loan. Proof of insurance is usally required by the bank. If the car is still under loan payments, if the bank discovers the car was stolen, it has a right to require the borrower to pay the loan in full immediately.

  21. Suriya4, thanks for the video. I have read the news and followed the incidents ever since the beginning. I do not really need this video to tell me the story. There are so many lacking information. Among the group of the red and yellow protesters, there are all sorts of people. To claim non-violent protesters to just the anti-government protesters, I think it's a little naive.

    Since clearly the blockade was under Suthep's anti-govenment protester control, it would be folly to say that there could be armed yellow shirts standing with them who would fire on the car that stopped in front of the blockade. Nothing naive about that logic.

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