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Posts posted by rickirs

  1. And this man has the Gaul to include the word DEMOCRACY in his party yet is now prepared to prevent THE RIGHT TO VOTE for the people of Thailand this Sunday. I hope that once the new government is elected and we all know the outcome already that they have the courage to place this guy under arrest for the damage he has caused to the good folk of Thailand. I would love to see him exported for a couple of weeks to North Korea or to the salt mines of Russia Goodbye and Good riddance Suthep !!!

    If Suthep comes to power, he might well change the name of the country to something like The Peoples Democratic Republic of Thailand to emphasize how democratic it is despite having a dictator in charge. Of course for Public Safety untill all opposition is re-educated a la Cambodian-style, elections will not be held for years and the Constitution will simply be ignored; no need to amend anything.

  2. I think most of the 13 won't stop accidents. What about:

    1. Going from outside (fast) lane to inside lane to make left turn i.e. turning in front of oncoming traffic

    2. Not indicating before turning or changing lanes. Using indicators after changing lanes (same thing as not using indicators)

    3. Slowing almost to a stop before turning left, especially when in the middle lane.

    4. Crossing double yellow lines to overtake

    5. Not using lights after dark (I don't need lights because I have good eyes, so everyone else should have as well)

    6. Pulling out from a side road in front of oncoming traffic

    7. Crossing the main highway in front of oncoming traffic

    8. Stopping on a main road to let traffic cross the road from a side road (because I feel like being a nice guy and screw everybody behind me)

    9. Using the left or right turning lanes and holding up all the traffic because I want to go straight.

    These are my most hated traffic violations which I see every day. What are Yours?

    How about:

    10 Do not exceed 50kph on the sidewalk.

    11 Do not stop on a Pedestrian.

    12 Do not ride WITHOUT your friend sitting IN FRONT of you

    13 Do never, ever stop at a left turn


    14. Driving against one-way traffic. I recently saw an ambulance going down a three-lane freeway frontage road AGAINST the traffic during rush hour. At least when it has an accident, it will be well prepared to treat the victims.

  3. The army should not be protecting people that are trying to violate basic democratic rights such as the right to vote or the right to run for office. These people should be arrested on the spot by the police, who were absent last Sunday (or so it seemed). As a result over 400.000 advanced voters were unable to exercise their constitutional right to cast their votes.

    Exercising your democratic right to protest doesn't mean you are allowed to take away other People's rights and break the law.

    The government should ensure that no protestors would be able to close down polling stations and that no protestors should be able to block voters from reaching these polling stations.

    How about the EC who is supposedly responsible for the polling places? But they seem to follow the police by looking the other way and "suggesting" the Government DO SOMETHING.

  4. It is interesting that the protesters are now handing evidence to the army, as they clearly trust the army with it and not the police. There will be those who will undoubtedly focus on the retaliatory beating, which should not have happened. But an unarmed man was shot. And the perpetrator was captured. And the evidence was handed to the army, who will clearly conduct an investigation.

    Unfortunately it IS the police who are responsible to conduct the investigation that occurred on public property. Between the irresponsible handling of evidence by both the guards and military, and the contamination of the crime scene, a conviction may be doubtful. Further adding to investigative problems is that apparently the gunshots were fired from the flyover, not at ground level but the alleged assailant was captured by the protest guards. I would guess these guards were at ground level and not on the flyover wheh the shots happened. So where are the witnesses on the flyover that saw the alleged gunman? And do you think there was only a single motor bike taxi driver on the flyover? Unless there is a "noncompulsuary" confession by the accused, it will be questionable that the accused will be found guilty beyond the shadow of a dount if that standard it used. This is why police must take an active role during these protests; it can't just be on call like a pizza delivery man.

  5. Why do reports say N. Korea is a "communist regime" its not. Its a "Dictatorship" and the worst one the world has ever seen in modern times.

    Communism is a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party (ie., the Communist Party) controls state-owned means of production. A dictatorship is a totalitarian system of government in which a single person controls state-owned means of production. The former applies to China, the latter applies to N. Korea. I think that because China has been the protector of N. Korea that they believe N. Korea is in turn a communist regime.

  6. I'm not keen on this...bit McCarthyist for my taste

    Like the IRS targeting the tea party supporters in USA

    No because it didn't. Investigations showed that the IRS "targeted" both liberal and conservative tax exempt applications since it was responsible for examining whether applicants met the legal requirements to qualify. But the tea party did work within the democratic system to win congressional seats and used acceptable super pacs to funnel campaign funds to tea party candidates. No insurrection. No closing down polling places, no occupation of federal facilities. No threats of kidnapping. Absolutely no connection with what the Suthep protestors are doing in Thailand.

  7. This isn't the first time Prayuth has addressed the issue of the police. The police are really no where to be found, and yesterday's shooting attack against the protesters was no exception. With such a lack of presence by the police, where is the public to turn for protection ?

    The Army sounds almost too anxious for the CMPO to step up its peacekeeping activities. It's beginning to dawn on Prayuth that the Army might actually be called in to do the job the police can't when he convinced Yingluck previously that the police have to go in first before the Army will go in. And Prayuth sees only a lose-lose result for his reputation. Public safety be hanged.

  8. The US will support whoever wins the VOTE. That leaves out the side that is trying to prevent it from happening.

    WRONG: The US supports whoever best serves their interests in the region. If you don't believe, look at their history of supporting people like Saddam Hussein and an endless list of bana-republic dictators over the years. If the favored regime manages to pull of some semblance of an election victory, all the better.

    The US also has a history of abandoning dictators and in some cases even bringing about their downfall like Saddam Hussein.

  9. That's a joke. Just look what side they are on in the Ukraine protests. Those protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further. When they storm a government ministry, they don't just hand out letters and flowers, they stay there and take over.

    There is no joke. The Obama administration has taken no sides in the case of Ukrainain protests. In fact the Ukraine elections were very peaceful. However, some Republican Congressmen such as McCain have supported the protestors and to Thailand Suthep supporters that may be confusing. Confusing in that there is an opposition party WITHIN the Government that can disagree with the leader of the Executive Branch of Government.

  10. So Suthep says it may be a Cambodian and this rates a news story? At least he can supply a credible source for such an inflammatory story, can't he? No? Then please don't repeat more of his outrageous statements as "news." Propaganda should be left in the streets where it originated.

    The point is that the police clearly had an opportunity to arrest the murderers but failed to do so. There were police nearby who let them escape. In most countries a shooting by a group of gunmen would have resulted a manhunt with roadblocks in place immediately. Here nothing. Since the police and CaMPO apparently let the shooters slip through their fingers, they should not complain about a great deal of speculation about who they were. They could quite easily have prevented the speculation by arresting them at or close to the spot.

    In the same vain the police could have enforced the State of Emergency and got the crowd of protestors down to at least a small group instead of a large, bunched upo group of targets.

  11. What Suthep says is news ...

    He's managed to neutralize the Government .... or haven't you noticed.

    Suthep really hasn't nuetralized the Government except where his supporters have directly occupied government facilities and interferred with utilities to interrupt government workers doing their jobs. But he has seemed to intimidate both the police and the EC, both of whom are indepedent of the Government, into cowering before his protestors to the extent that they will not out of fear and recrimination do their jobs.

  12. Well it could be any of a list of viable suspects, including this version.

    Clearly there is no longer any compunction not to shoot protest leaders.

    Who benefits from their deaths is also a unclear and flexible concept.

    Factions in BOTH sides can use it to their benefit, the main losers are of course the deceased,

    and the silent majority of Thais wishing to get on with their lives and have this political war close down.

    Elite vs elite is only partly the story, it is also about the will of the people

    to not be trampled by the winning side any more than for their side to go trampling others.

    That would be the majorities position if one can be stated.

    Fairness for ALL and no one takes undue advantage.

    But that doesn't fit in the feudal Kow Tow mindset of politicians

    "the main losers are of course the deceased"

    Understatement of the century??coffee1.gif

    The deceased are the winners. They won't have to hear about this BS anymore.

  13. Just let you know that members of my families have proud heritage from the Lanna period.

    If you are Thai, why aren't you out there trying to make a difference instead of sitting online arguing with foreigners who really have no say at all in the matter?

    How do you know that I am not? I am arguing with foreigners? I treasure their many opinions and comments made here though I do not agree with some of them. However, you can easily find many are making baseless unsubstantiated accusations. I am on the side of justice, fairness and rule of law. Only accusations with substance and according to principle of justice and evidence will have any legitimacy and credence. I hope you saw the pattern of most of my opinions, comments and rebuttals.

    You obviously come from a liberal democratic society and lack the bloodlust of insurrection and anarchy that is so critical to the current opposition's behavior in Thailand. A behavior that rejects negotiations, compromise, and responsibility for reasonable solutions. Well spoken my friend, keep your comments coming!

  14. BTW, how and what has the Shinawatra family did that were so evil and impeding the growth, progress and prosperity of Thailand?

    If you really don't know... I'd say the 2,500 or so extrajudicial killings qualifies as evil. And as far as impeding the growth, progress, and prosperity of Thailand goes, you can start with the rice scam and carry on from there.

    Can you also start with free or subsidized healthcare, subsidized gasoline, first time auto buyer discounts, and higher minimium wages? Also a comprehensive plan for flood control to help protect Bangkok industries and residents that has never been addressed before? Or do you start with a government and economic shutdown that has been responsible for the fall of the Thailand stock market, loss of tourism, drop in the baht, etc. that was triggered by Suthep's insurrection? If you want to attack evil, look around you, sir.

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  15. BTW, how and what has the Shinawatra family did that were so evil and impeding the growth, progress and prosperity of Thailand?

    If you really don't know... I'd say the 2,500 or so extrajudicial killings qualifies as evil. And as far as impeding the growth, progress, and prosperity of Thailand goes, you can start with the rice scam and carry on from there.

    The so-called "rice scam" was not a scam but an honest effort to provide farmers with fair payment for their crops, albeit with an initial government subsidy designed not to delay payment. A payment that historically was based on what middlemen decided for the farmers and not a fair payment, keeping farmers in essentially servitude poverty. This plan was met with approval from a constitutionally elected parliament and legal in all aspects. If the program fell short of required revenues to fully meet farmer prices, that was the nature of the marketplace, that was the result of a worldwide economic effect, and not by some conspiracy by the Government to deceive farmers. But one must ask, what did the Democrats provide during their own regime to improve the standard of living for farmers, the poor that allows them to be so judgmental of PTP's efforts? Sorry but the sixty second clock ran out.

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  16. I normally have a problem to agree with an editorial of the Nation but this time I do. What the universities here do, is trying to create and maintain the feeling of a elite thinking.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    What utter rubbish. There are a great many non Dem students who have enough sense to see their future is being bankrupt by the ongoing corrupt populist policies of the Shin leadership.

    What utter rubbish. There are a great many non Dem students who have enough sense to see their future is being destroyed by the ongoing insurrection under Suthep's leadership. Why should they pay for his political frivilolity by the loss of their education?

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