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Posts posted by rickirs

  1. It's ironic that voice of Russia points out the benefits of private health care insurance provided by companies, as oppose to that offered by the Leviathan of government, but they do have a point don't they.

    The article is a "red herring", appropriate considering The Voice of Russia source. The US Government does not offer healthcare insurance itself. It offers access to a variety of commercial healthcare insurance programs that meet the criteria of ACA. If Walmart meets ACA's minimum criteria, then a person can chose it. If a person already holds a healthcare insurance plan in 2013 that meets ACA minimum criteria, the person can keep that plan. Some people lost their existing plans because the plans failed to meet ACA requirements, giving a person the option of chosing any of the insurance carrier's new plans or going to the ACA for other insurer plans.

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  2. This stupid, stupid meeting has been set up by the administration in an attempt to deflect from the authority of the EC, by " inviting " them to " join " a forum that is to debate the very things that the EC was empowered to do, and which the EC has long since given their official recommendation. So no one is buying into this, with the notable exception of the red shirt movement. So there is Yingluck looking officious sitting next to Thaksin's cousin, Surapong - together " playing house ". Problem is, the adults stayed away. And this takes us no further towards a solution than anything the administration has come up with. Yingluck's decision to quietly step down two days ago was the most sensible decision she has ever made. Unfortunately, the opinion of her brother prevails.

    The only thing I've seen the EC admit to that is within its authority is to monitor elections, maing sure registration and election polls are duly designated and operate within the prescribed dates and times. Anything outside of that scope the EC only "advises", "recommends," suggests". etc. INone of these actions has the force of law as in "order", and EC repeatedly points that out lest they knowlingly exceed their authority. There is nothing to debate on the matter.

  3. "said the group will strengthen its non-violent activities to cancel the snap poll"

    Non-violent my butt. They are the most violent anti-government group. 45 years old dropouts, drug popping, southern thugs calling themselves students.

    "He's as blind as he can be,

    Only sees what he wants to see"

    John Lennon (Nowhere Man)


    “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” - Soren Kierkegaard

    “Living is Easy with Eyes Closed.” - John Lennon

  4. What were they doing there? Did they identify themselves? Where were they? Wandering around the crowd, or around the back of the stage?

    That's right! Did they get Suthep's permission to even be near the demonstations? Did they get permission from Suthep's secret police guard to be on public property? How dare them wander around in public places without recognizing Suthep's control. They are lucky they were not simply executed by Suthep's armed guards for invading Suthep's sovereignty.

  5. They seriously consider things may get very nasty. Hearing the latest plans from Suthep, they have all the reason to think so. Very sad indeed.

    Even sadder that the government have behaved in such a way, to warrant what is happening!

    The Government simply will not step down as Suthep demands and continues to schedule the election on February 2nd as required by the s. That does not warrant kidnapping threats, harmful threats against government workers , nor the threats to shutdown all aircraft in and out of Bangkok, shutdown of utilities, and ramshaking government facilities. Foreign governments advisories to their citizens is not the result of the government's calm and collected response to the PDRC and its associates, but rather to Suthep's ever escalating threats.

    • Like 1
  6. Civil servants taking sides. The organs of the state clearly shown to be dysfunctional. We all knew this but this incident shows how Ministry of Public Health officials have placed their work at a lower priority than party politics.

    I don't expect they will be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal from their posts. wink.png

    they have every right to have an opinion and the government has no right to threaten and intimidate

    It would be good for Thailand if a lot more of these top Civil Servants came forward and spilled the beans on this corrupt government but I suspect that even now they are afraid to do so or have been part of the corruption, we have seen a few incidents last year were senior civil servants have given accurate financial figures on the rice scheme - where are they now ? either threatened - removed or both

    They do not have the right to demonstrate on government property and rough up people who work there. They want to express their political support, leave the workplace and go into the streets to protest. Blow their whistles or whatever.

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  7. At the very very least, if he says they are not supplying it, it's failure to report crimes. What happened with the bin wagons and firefighting equipment and bulldozers they had access to..? Any police report filed?

    One of the good things to come from sitting this out is it becomes clearer by the minute just how much collusion there is between Democrat Party [sic] PDRC, the Retired Generals just outed today on another thread

    here http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/2-powerful-retired-generals-behind-suthep... along with the Courts with their blatant disregard for anything other than preserving their own clique at any costs.

    Don't these old boys realise that everybody is onto their 1960's style putch. There is freedom of information and cameras everywhere now. The more they talk the more they dig themselves in.

    Yingluck has done a fantastic job with all the powers of state acting against her. She's still there and more and more people are supporting her version of events.

    Well done to the Coup Plotters and their treacherous allies in exposing themselves to the world.

    You would think the Governor of Bangkok would be more concerned about its citizens than the ability of any political party to disrupt its citizens' lives. So there's 20,000-50,000 protestors in the City, how does that compare to the security and safety of Bangkok's 11 million residents to conduct their businesses, get to work, enjoy their time off?

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  8. The ministry late last year asked for permission from the EC to sell rice, and the EC appeared to give it the nod in a written response last week. However, Commerce Minister Niwatthumrong Boonsongpaisan said yesterday that the reply did not specify the prices and periods of shipment

    It appears Boonsongpaisan is caught in yet another lie about a finalized rice deal.

    The EC gives vague guidance (a "nod"?) when the administration needs specific approval as to prices and periods of shipment. If the EC doesn't need to provide such specifics, why doesn't it just say so. But the EC seems very unsure of its own authority all the while it demands to be an integral part of any administration decision. Where is the lie in all this?

  9. I can't actually believe that anyone on here is against it. I think it is essential to wear civvies.

    They are able to blend in around the rally sites and it gives a great deterrent to any of the red rabble who are inclined to take potshots at protester men, women and children what they don't know who are citizens and who are armed soldiers waiting to take them down during their attempted escape.

    several soldiers in civvies and with concealed firearms, put in place around all roads leading to and from all protest sites in an 'invisible cordon' will be great protection.

    The advice may be as simple as allowing military personnel to commute to/from their duty posts in civilian clothing so as not to encourage confrontations with protestors. While on duty at their post they would still be required to wear the uniform. Military personnel working at home are not at their post, thus nopt required to wear the uniform.

  10. "He beseeched the protesters to think about the benefits of the nation before making any irrational move."

    Although his own plan to borrow 2.2 trillion baht of the books to have a general lark around with was neither irrational or working against the benefits of the nation? I'm smelling a rat as regards his sensibilities. Another candidate for the soon to be built political re-education gulags.

    I personally think to disrupt AERO would not be a good idea, But to go on about it would not be good for the country. What does he and the cabinet know about what is best for the country-all they do is eat at the trough, Most of them have no respect for their country. 3 years of their NON rule proves it.

    Maybe if Chadchart prostrates himself before Suthep and "kisses his ring" that Suthep might consider his plea. That would be fair safer than trying to stand against an insurrection.

  11. The EC are doing their job, they are taking in all sides and issuing their concerns and solutions, trouble is it doesnt suit thaksin or the ptp/reds and they hate the fact that the EC are not doing their bidding but remaining independant. Must really hurt to know you cant buy everyone in Thailand.

    The the EC has the best job in the nation, it can do no wrong because it can't do anything, and no one expects it to do anything. Suthep has made it known that he wants no elections for 12-18 months while his little Gestapo committee works out a pro forma to dictate who can vote and who can be nominated. How can anyone think he would otherwise allow the election to go back to square one with renewed registration of candidates, fixing of new election date.

  12. What a farce Abhisit is. I wouldn't be surprised if it's own thugs linked to Comrade Suthep are doing it.

    “If the election is postponed, (the government) should agree with society on which direction the country will move on. It’s not a matter of solving the problem merely to enable the government to stay on in power. It’s the government’s duty to find a resolution for the nation,” said Mr Abhisit.

    Suthep has made it clear already even if the election is postponed they will not stop.

    After inspecting the damage at his party quarters, Mr Abhisit and some party executives took the BTS Skytrain from Aree station for Pathumwan – one of the six rally sites for the Bangkok shutdown -- to meet the anti-government protesters.

    Yes, this is the real Abhisit and the Democrat Party backing and mingling with the protesters.

    I say it once again The Democrats is the political wing of the PDRC.

    Looking at the numbers today of the rallies, I doubt their were more then 250,000-300,000 protesters which means they are in the minority.

    Abhisit the coward who's hiding behind Suthep's back...whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18> whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18> whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

    Well he is still in Thailand.

    And no conviction.

  13. What a farce Abhisit is. I wouldn't be surprised if it's own thugs linked to Comrade Suthep are doing it.

    “If the election is postponed, (the government) should agree with society on which direction the country will move on. It’s not a matter of solving the problem merely to enable the government to stay on in power. It’s the government’s duty to find a resolution for the nation,” said Mr Abhisit.

    Suthep has made it clear already even if the election is postponed they will not stop.

    After inspecting the damage at his party quarters, Mr Abhisit and some party executives took the BTS Skytrain from Aree station for Pathumwan – one of the six rally sites for the Bangkok shutdown -- to meet the anti-government protesters.

    Yes, this is the real Abhisit and the Democrat Party backing and mingling with the protesters.

    I say it once again The Democrats is the political wing of the PDRC.

    Looking at the numbers today of the rallies, I doubt their were more then 250,000-300,000 protesters which means they are in the minority.

    Abhisit the coward who's hiding behind Suthep's back...whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Well he is still in Thailand.

    Wait until he's been convicted.

  14. Once again Suthep can not control his protesters. They lie to the people and endanger the lives of thousands of passengers in the air. A stupid move but one you can expect from them. They don't care about others.

    What makes you think he's not controlling his protesters? Because he would dare create chaos and endanger public safety? His record of lack of honesty speaks for itself.

  15. No big deal....so the SET is closed for a day, just like a public holiday. The world will not end. They want to provoke violence and cause chaos. This will not do it.

    No the world will not end but foreign investment in Thailand may take a sharp turn downward. Shutdowns, takeovers, etc. of public facilities and government offices creates RISK from investment. Thai Treasury Bonds interest will have to rise to continue attracting investment, furthering its national debt. Capital will fly out of thai marketable securities, etc.

  16. If the Democrats had spent as much effort to get elected as they did fighting the election, they might have actually accomplished some gains with the electorate (people who can vote). As far as this complaint is concerned, it might actually be something the EC can handle with some degree of competence. I wish the EC good luck to restore its image as a competent election authority.

  17. Have Charupong and the PTP got severe learning difficulties?

    All the reasons have been repeated over the past 3 weeks from the EC, and they can see what is happening with their own bloody eyes what the problems are. So why do they need to ask what the reasons are 'yet again'??

    Pretty simple to undersatnd PTP position. If the EC feels there is danger now from the DPRC demonstrations, and Sutheps has made it clear Yingluck's abdication is non-negotiable, why would any future election be any safer? Suthep was repeatedly stated that the demonstrations will not be violent. So if believed, what is EC's rationale?

  18. In case anyone's looking for the letter sent to the UN...attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1389574108.012483.jpgattachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1389574140.025533.jpgSent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Excellent post. So come on you pro government experts, let's see you pick the bones out of that!

    I forgot to add in my previous post, the idea that the Democrat Party is not helping to organize this is laughable. Not only are Suthep, Satit and other Democrats core leaders, but Abhisit himself was on stage last night. And why are the BMA apparently helping the protesters move barricades to the protest site?

    Sunai @sunaibkk 11h

    BMA truck was seen transporting barricades to protesters near Pathumwan intersection #BangkokShutdown pic.twitter.com/quwVvCC3LG

    This is Abhisit yesterday - hard to keep claiming he has no involvement or affiliation with the PDRC when he goes up on stage and encourages the protesters...


    "Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva?" Didn't he resign from the Party in order to party with the demonstrators and avoid insurrection charges?

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  19. Army in every country is a backward force. Their structure is not democratic, is secretive, outside public scrutiny.

    In countries like Thailand, where political system is not democratic and where there are large and strong authoritarian currents, army is a status quo force, holding any progress.

    In most "Western" democratic societies, the military is under civilian government control with accountable transparency. Albeit, within the military chain of command the military in itself is not a very democratic institution.

  20. The caretaker premier insisted that she has the obligation to stay in power until a new government takes office, or she would be charged with negligence of duty.

    Meanwhile back in the real world. The Election Commission says that she should postpone the elections by issuing a royal decree.

    The EC hasn't said a single thing that has ever made any sense and always comes back with the caveot, "Of course the EC has no authority and only can advise."

  21. The EC has stated repeatedly that under the rules they cannot extend the registration period - which ended some time ago - on January 1. Pheu Thai didn't like that answer so they appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said - quite rightly - that the calls of the EC are definitive. So Pheu Thai thinks that means that the EC can now freely make up its own electoral rules, and extend registration three weeks before an election. PT also has the affrontery to suggest that the EC is basing their decision on the Bangkok protest, even though all the constituencies reside in the South. The EC had tried to explain two weeks ago - in vain - that changing the timeline of registration would collide with other provisions of the Election Act. But to be honest, Pheu Thai, really has no respect for the EC, has no respect for the Supreme Court, and has no respect for the South. They just want to open parliament, and to their utter disgust, they will not be able to. When you hold an election in 69 of 77 provinces in the country, and 28 constituencies are a complete vacuum, you get a parliament that cannot open constitutionally. Deal with it.

    Really...the EC was very clear that PTP had to appeal to the Supreme Court. It wasn't that the PTP didn't like the answer from the EC. You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder with anything having to do with the PTP. You seem to completely ignore Public EC statements about what they cannot do. I would have no respect of an agency that repeatedly denies it has any authority while acting like it does. When pressured to make a decision it's - "oh, you must go somewhere else." EC has clearly stated it cannot change registration dates or places, yet allowed some nominees to register elsewhere. EC did state that their decision not to allow alternation registration posts was due to the POSSIBILITY of protests. Deal with your bias.

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