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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. Everytime we have rented a house and paid a deposit we had to fight for the money back. Thai landlords seem to think they

    can keep the deposits after making silly reasons.

    I will only rent with a 1 month deposit now and take care.

    Is deposit the norm because I've never been asked for one in some 14 years. I know it happens but is it widespread?

    I have never been able to rent without a deposit and on my fourth rental lost my deposit twice with a blatant " No " on both occasions I have been in my current house eight years, have a nice relationship with the landlord but would bet anything that if I move out there will be no return

  2. So if he didn't damage the apartment, then what was the motive of the landlord?

    Can i suggest money was in there somewhere, even if he caused damage the bill would have gone through the roof ? I wonder what the British Embassy did to help him as they have even more time on their hands now that passport applications go to Hong Kong. Anyone for another round of golf ?

    Given intl convention prevents intervention in legal domestic affairs what would you have them do?

    Extend diplomatic services to one of their nationals, address the Foreign Ministry and all the other diplomatic niceties. I'm not saying they didn't just asking did they ? International conventions do not prevent governments representing their own people

  3. A neighbour of mine, a very competent English speaker, enrolled in a weekend English course at a so called university that I would not recommend to my worst enemy as after a couple of years she would have a first degree. After a few months she quit and wrote off the fees she had paid because she was wasting her time. None of the native English speaking teachers would work at the weekends so the teachers were all Thais, from every faculty, who supposedly spoke English and she sat through classes cringing at the mistakes being made. Her main gripe however was that classes rarely started on time especially on Sundays when teachers regularly turned out hours late but were signed in by colleagues. On one occasion a 09.00 class started at 13.00 as the teacher turned up in time to tell them to go for lunch.

    She told me the Thai teachers were mostly in debt and needed the " work " for cash purposes.

    How did she know all of this you ask ? She worked in the admin office of the language faculty

  4. Why don't they have beer bars in ladies prison so that ladies can earn a little extra money. It would be a novelty for men to be able to go to jail for a <deleted> ! thumbsup.gif

    brilliant idea, why not go to the nearest police station and tell them about your plan. i am sure they will welcome your input.

    Any money making idea would certainly be welcome

  5. Perhaps it would help if those idle lazy buggers in the national embassy's would issue travel alerts to their nationals concerning the hazards to their health. Yet we all sit by and let it happen year after year. Take years of your life, visit Thailand.

    Embassies are often cagey about upsetting the host nation. Many years ago in Manila I was introduced to two German reporters there to cover an APEC summit. They said they had an excellent orientation presentation at the German Embassy which ended with a plea not to write anything adverse about what they saw around, the city such as beggars at every intersection, potholes as deep as a trench at the Somme and so on. The diplomatic officer conducted the briefing said in effect ' you write the stories, no matter how accurate, then leave the country and we have to placate the Foreign Ministry. "

    I suppose it could be called diplomacy but no excuse for not representing the interests of their nationals.

  6. Maybe the screws should kick them around more, make them feel as if they are back home

    I somehow have the feeling you know a lot about prisons and domestic violence.

    Don't know if this makes me qualified but I was in the police for 30 years and my ex-wife was a vindictive bitch

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  7. More hot air that no one will pay attention to. They can introduce all the bans they want but grog can always be found and the BIB will make extra pocket money going around to " fine " those breaching the ban. This is as useful as the road safety campaigns that achieve nothing and don't even sound good anymore

    I wonder if the clowns who come out with this rubbish actually believe it themselves or is it on a calendar under " time to make another stupid public announcement ' ?

  8. That was a close call for Chalerm, he nearly had to go to the south.

    An excuse came along just in time.

    But he will go some time.

    Remember PM " pig's nose " had to order him to go and finally had to sack him. It's reported he was " ordered " by Yingluck to attend cabinet and not the meeting then having cancelled a trip to the south fobbed the press off on Tue 19th telling them he couldn't talk as he was in a hurry to get to work. Chalerm couldn't talk, pleeaase !

  9. Maybe the Skype link with Dubai is down ! Interesting though is the line that says senior PTP will forward evaluations to Thaksin so am I right in thinking there is less and less inclination to deny he's running the show which is the worst kept secret in Thailand anyway. All of it undermines Yingluck who really has stop insisting she's in charge

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