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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. Once again it is possible for someone to die in Thailand and for the perpetrators to get away the crime. (be them regular army or red shirt army)

    Mana - aged 24 - probably had children, who will now grow up fatherless in a family without a breadwinner.

    So now what happens? The whole affair is swept under the carpet and conveniently forgotten as an inconclusive verdict is of no political value to either side and therefore has outlived its usefulness - tragic.

    Was this genuinely inconclusive or conveniently inconclusive ? Now they can get on with the amnesty then close their eyes and pretend nothing ever happened

  2. And Chalerm's failures obviously reflect Yingluck's little care and attention toward the southern situation. Had she really cared, she would not have assigned such an important task to Chalerm.

    the clueless assigning the clueless


    I seem to remember last time our hero was in government and responsible for the south he flatly refused to visit the area as he feared for his life and was eventually dismissed from his post. Now he's back in government and is a prime example of Carl Marx' dictum ' those who fail to learn from history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them " or in other words just a normal day in Thai politics

    • Like 1
  3. Interesting to see where this leads...

    Oh Yes ! the consensual sex defence was very obvious but we will see, I hope. One claim that is very believable is that th police treated the matter as a joke, Thailand's BIB are not the most professional of organisations

    On today's True Channel 90 " In Channel " this story was covered in as poor journalism as can be imagined. the suspect's story was recounted in full without the use of phrases such as " he claimed or he alleged " so his story was, in essence, presented as the truth. The two lovely studio anchor's stated he admitted raping the woman but it was consensual, that's not rape. They then went on to explain he was only trying to help her even producing a tissue but then became aroused and although he tried twice could not complete the act. I take it whoever wrote the script didn't bother to check it and appears to have typed whatever came into their head. The story is likely to be murky enough without this so called journalism

    • Like 1
  4. Is there supporting medical evidence of rape?

    A gang rape typically isn't a benign process.

    Not the first time a woman has alleged rape to cover up something but not the first gang rape either. If medical evidence, genuine medical evidence, disproves her story she deserves to be handcuffed to Chalerm for 6 months and forced to listen to his " If I ruled the world " nonsense

  5. Did someone really write this article?

    "... the government had reviewed its strategies for tackling drought to avoid repeated problems"

    "...Yingluck instructed officials to find water sources for farming"

    "... Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop .... would formulate a flood and drought prevention plan... to find water sources"

    Stupid is as stupid does. What a crock. unsure.png

    Maybe all the politicians can go around pissing in the fields or in reservoirs for a change instead of on the people

    • Like 1
  6. Sick, sick, sick.

    Lets hope the BIB nails these scum to the barn door.

    Seeing as it is an international incident, this is more likely to happen.

    Granted some tourist marketers would prefer gang rape were hushed up,

    but that cat is out of the bag and running free.

    Thailand has been taking it on the nose recently over attacks on tourists, tourist scams etc and this will not help. Most definitely the tourist authorities would happily have hushed this up but what's the bet the claim will be it was consentual

  7. "... Chalerm said a little bit, the shop owner should consider himself to be lucky that no gun was pointed to his head during the visit."

    Can anyone believe this idiot running the Thai Police? T.i.T. And HE represents law and order???

    No, he represents the LACK of law and order in this country, when the top cop comes out with the dribble he does you really do need to wonder how far down he and his kind will take this country.

    and be allowed to by an ambivalent electorate to busy with other things to care.

  8. Concern about social norms on fringe of law

    Fringe? this sort of behaviour is smack bang at the centre of the law.

    Social Norms covers a multitude of sins. A friend who is a member of a dating site was asked by a Thai lady if he was married as it was " against Thai tradition to get involved with a married man " ! Whatever next ?

  9. Pongsapat said that if voters choose him, the city management would have the support of the central government on water management, the mass transit system and other issues.

    And if voters don't choose him, the city management would not have the support of the central government on water management, the mass transit system and other issues... am i reading that threat correctly?

    Yep. Probably have budget cut again as well. Who needs to sling mud when you can just threaten the electorate on the consequences of not doing things the PT way.

    Thats not the way I read it. So there you are, just a difference of opinion on English comprehension - I wonder how that reads in the original Thai, would there be any ambiguity or is it just down to a few old bitters on the forum?

    A politician not interested in mud slinging ? We all know she's in the wrong job and now she's proved it. Waken up and stop embarrassing your brother, didn't he teach you anything ?

  10. Out of curiosity where did this happen?

    It was only Wednesday, amazing they ca't tell us where and HOW. some other things need to be sorted as always. ???? sorry to read this but they sure will not be the last to die here, YOU are at a greater risk than you think when on these roads.

    Will the usual dictum " guests in the country so if not here it wouldn't have happened apply ? "

  11. In the massive meth seizure at police sport club, I expected to read which policeman's locker it was found in.


    Everyone was expected that, but as you can see here, half the Thais inform on the other half. It is always a tip off.

    Remember during the real Thaksin's crackdown when over 2,000 were killed the official propaganda was that it was dealers killing other dealers to avoid being informed on

  12. Fair credit to the driver that he didn't flee the scene. A tragic accident for all concerned. Will be interesting to see how this gets dealt with in comparison to MooHam, The Girl on they express way and latterly the oik from The Red Bull family.

    Maybe being from Laos he didn't understand the " rules " in Thailand although i would think legging it is the norm over there too. If he's at Assumption Uni in Bkk and was trying to catch the border crossing before it closed he could well have been low flying for hundreds of Ks, so an accident was just waiting to happen. Very sad situation

  13. You would have thought tight security along the border and not only at checkpoints, would have been part of the program since this insurgency started. But of course one doesnt want to inconvenience cross boarder trade.blink.png

    Another bit of bad publicity for the Thai tourist trade following warnings about Phuket etc by several western embassies. Of course officialdom rolls along with all is well, tourism increasing, story

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