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A Member

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Posts posted by A Member

  1. I don't see anything unlawful going on here, other than the shopkeeper selling fake merchandise.

    This pales into insignificance compared to the video, many years back, of goods vehicle drivers throwing money out their cab window at a Highway Police checkpoint rather than be stopped and waste time in negotiations. It caused "shock" etc within the establishment and suddenly died a death

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  2. When I married a Thai, we had to travel to Sukhothai (with 3 young children) to have her ID changed to my surname, on the way back stopped in BKK to arrange passports. There we discovered that the new ID card also included my middle name, and was invalid. Back to Sukhothai, where the official claimed it was all our fault and insisted all the paperwork and fees had to be done again. TYVM and here's a tip - don't bet on horses.

    In a Macau hotel my Filipina waitress had the unusual name of Zasmine and she explained it was supposed to be Jasmine but when her father went to register her birth he was drunk and got the spelling wrong. He was dragged back by an angry mother but the registrar was unmoved and refused to change the records ! Petty Hitlers everywhere

  3. Yes now the first main news item on BBC so the world is watching. We are used to high voltage rhetoric from Thai officialism but when the dust settles its back to "as you were" in the same way the intended prosecution of the spoilt rich kid brat and Red Bull heir has disappeared into a void of uncanny silence.

    I think a possible result from this could be some people being transferred to other positions.

    The infamous "inactive post" where they get paid for doing less than usual but lose out on the fiddle money

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  4. I would suggest that the Elephant in the room here is the price of condoms.

    All of the big brands are manufactured here but the local prices are ridiculous because condoms are viewed as a Farang only consumable and priced accordingly.

    Remove the ridiculous Farang tarriff so that condoms are affordable to Thai kids.

    Education is important, but entirely facile if Somchai junior still aint got the satang for a raincoat.

    Condoms are available free from local hospitals and the visiting public health van. Young people can access condoms.

    Unfortunately, as has been pointed out, sex ed isn't a priority.

    Most of the young parents, like most young Thais, may have adult bodies but are far from mature and officialdom, as usual, has a Nelsonian blind eye. No it dosen't happen here and that's official. I wonder if Chalerm will comment on this one ?

  5. Farangs drugging Thais? That's a twist.

    Now where have I heard that story before ? To start with, Pattaya and on more than one occasion

    Forgot to say in Pattaya many years ago a hotel involved in a "drugging" incident said they had apologised to the guests but would not be giving any compensation - how did they know what was in the safety deposit boxes ?

  6. Did any body get the count on how many bottles of wine he drank prior to making this statement?

    It's not so amazing that this clown knows everything about everything, after all he's a Thai politician and they are the fountain of all knowledge. Did I say fountain ? Well (no pun intended) if it's only water he won't be drinking

  7. What a horrible and tragic accident sick.gif

    May they all R.I.P. wai.gif

    The cabinet has voted to declare a day in March every year as "World Road Accident Victim Remembrance Day" as it will "definitely" promote road safety and show the world Thailand takes the matter seriously !! Do the people who come up with this sort of nonsense actually take it seriously themselves ?

  8. Many Thai people were gripped by this rare dramatic treatment of corruption in politics - and those that have tried to translate its story-line to me have been proud that it existed on mainstream Thai TV. They didn't dream it would be pulled.

    It's been announced the National Broadcasting Commission is to meet on Mon 07 Jan to find out who stopped the show ! As if this will prove anything, they will "find" exactly what they're told to and report accordingly

  9. "Pattaya Police Officers were told, in a closed-door meeting, to work harder to suppress crime in and around Pattaya City."

    How would this be known if it were a closed-door meeting?

    Usual Thai officialdom's approach - hold a meeting, form a committee and throw in some expensive refreshments. Follow up with some ridiculous suggestions but for heaven's sake don't actually do anything

  10. Consulate just a waste of money in Pattiya, if you need one get off your back sides and drive to Bangkok. Some brits just want to be waited on, and yes I am a Brit.

    "many locals are amazed at the lack of Embassy support"

    Apparently some people are easily amazed.

    How many other embassies offer 24/7 "support" in Pattaya? Nanny-state mentality seems to generate a continuous high-pitched whining.

    Driving to Bkk presumes possession of a car. I live in Isan which could be up to an 8 hour drive
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