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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 2:58 PM, Henrik Andersen said:

    Safety first 

    That is a good slogan but Thailand never follow this 



    On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 3:07 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Thailand... The hub of...   strikes again!


    Didn't took long before the "only in thailand" writers are here again. Just wonder why you keep comming or staying there.


    Maybe first check your own countries like there never happen (stupid) accidents.


    18 hours ago, The manic said:

    Pretty rare these incidents in Thailand compared to Dubai or Qatar.

    Guess you also would be surpriced what you find on google about these places:  https://safetymedia.co.uk/me/middle-east-safety-statistics/

  2. 16 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    The reason for this is that mothers choose to go under the knife due to fear of labour pains


    Like a c section doesn't hurt at all.


    My best friend's wife did labour in both ways. Before she planned to only have a c-section. When her second needed to be born she did need to have one because of complications.


    Later i asked her if she prefered the normal way or the operation. She told me if she could choose now she would never ever take a c-section again. 

    The first weeks she could hardly get up from the bed or sofa, couldn't proparly take care her oldest ( who was 2,5y at the time)because she couldn't and wasn't allowed to pick him up, etc.


    Lucky here the doctors only do this when there is a problem. I can't understand why so many Thai ladies prefer to have a c-section because every operation is already a big extra risk.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, The manic said:

    Yes you can get it here. Many pharmacy and clinics offer the service as do hospitals. It might take two shots a month apart.  However, even if you have the shots and you get bitten you still need to get treament. The shots do not give you full immunity just an extra 24 hours to get treatment. AFAIK.

    Hi Manic,


    thank you for your reply.


    Do you have any idea about the price? I guess it should be much cheaper then what i need to pay here.


    I will check again about immunity because i did read here that it should work 100%.



  4. 11 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    Mistake's like this happen all over the world,as stated the man was terminal,i agree with the hospital not paying any more compo a blatant attempt by the family to get some easy money.

    first of all i have to tell you i am happy you write "all over the world" and not start to write silly and annoying things like " only in Thailand"

    But secondly i have to say, like others in this forum, a big mistake like this isn't normal at all. Even if he was terminal this can't happen !!!!!!!! That is not an excuse. So many peoples are "terminal" but still can have a great life for many years. Even longer any doctor can predict.

    Therefore the hospital (doctor) is very wrong and they have to admid their mistake and pay the family (even this will never be  enough to compensate a real life) a compensation.

  5. Think the idea behind this is very good.


    Who doesn't prefer a new(er) van to make a trip then a dilapidated one?! And for the pollution in Bkk this would be great also.


    Only big problem will be that these busses probably will spread again all over Thailand so those other places will get stuck with smelly dangerous vans.


    Instead of fining 150000 bht they better change it in a recycling bonus like they do in my country when you return your old car. What company or driver wouldn't be happy to get an extra 10-15% discount.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Spidey said:

    It's been proven beyond doubt that MH370 crashed into the Southern Ocean, information available suggests it ran out of fuel. Highly likely  a suicide pilot.


    Guy in the OP is a publicity seeking nut job. Very cruel to callously give relatives false hope.

    Even it was proven it dropped in the sea, say he did find something. If they have those coordinates it take a few hours with a chopper to check it out and confirm or deny. And this true or fake message can go away again.

  7. 4 hours ago, topt said:

    However I notice that the CO2 figures above say 102g/km but in the article

    Big difference.....

    The difference can be explained by the new WLTP CO² tests they started to do in Europe since this month. Compairing the old tests the results now are higher.


    So if they both use the other test the both numbers are right.

  8. some peoples just stick with the plan. To stuborn or lazy to ask questions.


    Last y in my company they were installing a plaster wall what needed to be placed in line with the excisting wall.

    Even i could see the new one was installed 5 cm out centre even when he started to mount the profiles.

    The constructor kept building until it was finished, then go ask the architect if that was normal.

    So he teared down the wall again and rebuild: he could charge extra work to the company.

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