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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. I agree and not agree with the comments inhere about how wrong it is to let children do thai boxing.


    I'm not a fan of this kind of contests but how many did die of it during the past 5y?


    I can say in my country alone, say the last 5y, we had several young soccer players and bikers who suddenly dropped dead. They all looked 100% healthy, had a full check up every 6 or 12 months and been trained by pro's.


    So does that mean they have to stop playing soccer or ride a bicycle?


    If you spend some time on google you will find many more young sporters in every kind of sports and country who suddenly died.


    Peoples just die the time and way they need to go.


    Look at Muhammed Ali and George Foreman or Evander Holyfield. They fought about the same or even more fights as Ali but only he did get brain problems. Never have been proven it was because of the boxing but all have been KO multiple times and did get heavy hits on the head.


    But if peoples wanna keep doing this i can agree using a helmet like they start doing some years ago at the olympics too

  2. The answer on your question is no but could be yes too.


    The major reason is you will eat just to much from it and like that will eat much more sugar then when you eat fresh fruit.

    So if you can stop eating them like you eat fresh fruit it can be a healthier snack then cookies or other candy.

    But dried fruit is very handy to eat with yoghurt or something or inside muesly.


    I recently saw a test with kids. Some did get a box of raisins, wish contained about 90 raisins, and others the same number of fresh grapes. The raisins were eaten in a few minutes. But the children couldn't eaten all those grapes in the hour they used for doing this test. Sometimes not even with 2.


    But i have another suggestion for you.


    Me to struggle with my weight. Since 10 days i start to do something about it.


    Last week i went to my GP  and he checked me out. Yesterday i went back, checked my weight again and i lost 2Kg.


    I haven't changed my lifestyle this week. Only did start to take some supplements. And even it should be to short for those to work already i have the results.


    Now i take every day calsium, magnesium and zinc and CoQ10 combined with 1 spoon of coconut oil.


    And yes now there will be saying it doesn't work and/or you don't need them, i suggest to do same as me and try it out. It seems to work for me.

  3. I had the same experiences with DHL in my country.


    I had send a few boxes from the US to my home with DHL and i Always did get a letter after that i did had to pay extra costs for customs etc. The min costs were around 11€ and mostly the containing from the boxes was around 25-30€.


    So after that i used regular standart US postal service (what was an option on the website) and i never had that issue anymore. Never had any complain or extra bill from the customs either.


    So i will never use DHL anymore if i can avoid it.





  4. 21 hours ago, HampiK said:

    I think this has nothing to do with expats in Thai. I saw the same in my country, that foreigners come and stay there for many many years and still are not able to speak the local language.


    I think longtime ago it was worse, as by now most people thinking if they can speak English that should be enough.

    I would guess some will say to learn Thai language is to difficult as the language is different from most western languages.

    You are 100% right!!


    I see it in my country too. Peoples who are here 10-20-30y hardly speak the language. While others do everything they can to learn it and speak it fluendly in 6 months.


    Most foreign peoples who are like that Always hang around with peoples from their own country or race. Don't want to get to know the peoples, culture or anything from the locals.


    And the most hideous thing is: those kind of peoples mostly expect from others/locals they do speak their, or at least one, major language to serve them proparly.


    And about your last remark about thai language: i will Always remember the words from a thai teachers husband i know. He Always said:

    i can speak perfectly thai with other foreigners but many Thais will never understand me. And he is so right about that.

  5. 9 hours ago, missoura said:

    Even in the darkest areas of Nakokn Nowhere I see kids and phones.


    What you expect these kids will/can do?


    Once they come home from school they can be Lucky and have some more day light. Maybe do some homework. Probably don't have a school nearby with a play ground, no sportsclub or some friends. So what else can they do then watch tv?


    And i guess they have not so many toys to play with either.


    So probably the mobile is something "usefull" they have to play with.



    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


    After the elections because the response is likely to be politically weak.

    You are so right about that! :clap2:


    10 hours ago, webfact said:

    "handful more weeks" before the United States had enough evidence"

    This is the typical big BS we know from trump-group.


    Specialy the "had" in that line and not "have" makes me thinking about what good deal they will make with SA first before slap them in the face with a sponge or velvet glove.


    What more evidence they need above a missing person, a chopped up body, a, more or less , sometimes did, sometimes don't confession from SA?


    In the US you get the electrical chair for less sometimes. If you not already been shot before.


    Guess they have to figger out what they have to do to get the $110 billion in advance before say "bad bad SA ".

  7. 9 hours ago, trigpoint said:

    It's usually the flue (blocked) or poor ventilation that's the cause, not the boiler or installation. If you already feel dizzy and a headache it's to late, you have carbon monoxide piosoning already and will die. No treatment.

    You're so very wrong. You only die if you pass out and nobody will come to save you from that room. As long there is still enough oxygen in the air you will survive.


    What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?

    The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.” If you breathe in a lot of CO it can make you pass out or kill you. People who are sleeping or drunk can die from CO poisoning before they have symptoms.

  8. I can have full understanding for these actions but they should be ashamed doing it this weekend and week. Knowing that these problems are already there for months.


    Many peoples have a short vacation and loses so much time on their holidays and so many children involved too.


    Avia Partners are in bad financial conditions with losses and old depts so it would not surprice me they will stop their actions later this week because they are bankrupt.

  9. 2 hours ago, car720 said:

    Thailand is telling us that they want to clean up their act.

    The problem that I see is; what will they do when they have eventually kicked everyone out.

    The wannabe hippies and the old fart brigade and the wannabe intelligence services groupies. The sex tourists and the gunjah afficionados.  

    Just what will they do for a dollar then? 

    So you think that those overstayers are quality tourists?! If you have nothing to hide you follow the rules and you don't have any problems.

    • Sad 1
  10. Why all those moronic peoples wanna do same as they maybe can do home or even worce because they are in another country?


    Just visit, adapt for a few days and go back home to do your stupid things there.


    Here we also have such a cow (appologies to the animals). Been already jailed in Israel for a few days. Now published pics wearing a burka and lifting up her burka and showing herself naked in Buddhapest inside the aya sophia. Why? She wanna make a statement?! Have not even a clue what statement she wanna tell me.


    Will not be surpriced she will end up being a b**** for IS in some country.

    • Sad 1
  11. 7 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    I am wondering how he ended up in septic tank ,most types here have only a small portal for sucking the shit out rest is concrete and sealed well at least mine are,possible chap was whippet slim  and perpatrator managed to stuff him down there.

    Septic tanks can be used as water tanks too. So that means they can Always be entered for cleaning or reparing if needed.

  12. In Thailand, and probably in more countries, everything is possible in about 3 days. As long you pay extra.


    My gf and her sister sometimes get a box with vegies and fruit ( don't ask why ???? ) from home in deep south. It arrives in area Pathum Thani in 3 days.


    I won a free bag with candy been send from Chiang mai to my gf . Already 9 days on it's way with regular post. Last time i ordered with that same company and did have it send to me. It was here in Belgium in less then 14 days.

  13. that will turn out fine.


    Murderers, rappists, bankrobbers and other violent peoples in overpopulated prisons suddenly no more have sigarettes without alot to do , not get layed anymore for dunno how long time and full with testosterone without a quitting plan for smoking?!


    Ever met somebody, who stopped smoking, after 2 weeks? They chew you up and spit you out again.


    Guess they just wanna do something about the population in the jails.

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