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silver sea

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Posts posted by silver sea

  1. 34 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    FOR ME its not about money, its about control. Anything to not talk to the taxi mafia. And the Green Baht bus takes you to many locations. 


    But do you know what time the green baht bus stops running out to nearby the airport? When I use the airport bus, I usually arrive, after a three and half hour journey, about 8 or 9 pm. I would have thought at that time it would be a long wait for the cheap bus.

  2. On 8/31/2019 at 2:53 PM, thairookie said:

    Can I flag a green bus outside clock tower to bring me to RRC bus station ?


    I assume you’ve been and gone. Out of interest, what happened? What time did you arrive at HH airport? Did you get the 10 baht bus ok? And how did you get back to the airport at the end of your trip?


    Another question: how many people were on your airport bus? The reason for asking is, I never book the bus online. Once I have landed at bkk and have collected try suitcase, I walk through to the HH desk and buy my ticket. The buses run throughout the day. Apart from public holidays, each one never seems to be more than half full, but I appreciate that your experience may have been different, which is why, out of interest, I am asking ☺️





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  3. Once again, while trying to make us think he’s the next Churchill (conveniently forgetting that he’s just kicked Sir Winston’s grandson, Sir Nicholas Soames, out of the Tory Party), he called the Remainers “collaborators”. Presumably, that insult is also directed at both his brothers, Leo and Jo, his sister, Rachel, and his father Stanley.



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  4. 3 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What a load of BS, the number of homes in Banphai under water is more than 200.


    3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Don't tell me - you've been out counting, do you have your submarine on standby?

    The water pumps will be there soon - allegedly. They'll probably pump it away to affect some other area.



    At last, an opportunity for Elon Musk to try out his submarine in Thailand, or maybe even his Tesla.



    Joking apart, it is good to know that Colin and his wife are safe. Very sad for the families whose homes and farms have been flooded.




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  5. On 8/14/2019 at 7:40 AM, soalbundy said:

    Tolerant yes, that doesn't mean the same as acceptance. A family in my village have twin gays as sons in their teens, the father and mother both work on building sites during planting and harvest, the father tried to 'man them up' by forcing them to work on the same building site as them. When my wife asked the mother if it had done any good she replied, 'My husband thinks he has made some progress with them, at least they don't wear lipstick around the village anymore. ????


    The old saying of “be careful of what you wish for, because you may end up getting it!” comes to mind. In trying “to man them up”, his sons could end up like the notorious Kray Twins (Ronnie was gay, Reggie bi-)








    Anyway, good luck to the OP. You still seem to be in the full flush of true love. I hope it lasts and you get on with your bf’s family.


    Thailand is a great country with many wonderful people. However, just like any country, some people are not what they seem. This applies to both Thai and farang. It can at times seem like the the Land of (false) Smiles.


    Beware of anyone who hugs and kisses you while calling you their “friend and brother”. And “You are the guardian angel I never knew I had”, is another one to watch out for. It’s all complete BS.


    You are fresh off the boat and will be seen by some as a walking ATM. Never ‘lend’ money to anyone. All loans turn into gifts; it never gets repaid. 


    Good luck. And I hope your love stays true ????




       21 hours ago,  webfact said: 

    "We are not sure if the baht strength can be kept under control by the central bank in the upcoming months as safe haven inflows continue into Thailand's bond market ," said Tim Leelahaphan, a StanChart's economist.

    17 hours ago, Denim said:


    Excuse my ignorance but can they not just selling bonds or are they legally bound to do so ?


    1 hour ago, johnc925 said:

    they HAVE been selling bonds... the Chinese Govt (reportedly) have been buying them.


    ????Reply to johnc925????


    I suspect that Denim, who was commenting on the paragraph that he had quoted from webfact’s article, may have omitted the word ‘stop’ from his post. What he meant to say was:


    ”Excuse my ignorance, but can they not just stop selling bonds or are they legally bound to do so?”


    Like Denim, I am not an economist, and so cannot answer his question.

  7. 7 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    "Chief, if Farang stand in line for 24 hours do they need to do TM30 form?"











    So Jack Bauer, you’ve got 24 hours to get this TM30 nonsense sorted.


    Oh, by the way, NCC1701A, “a popular member”, has said that when dealing with Immigration you need to put your Calvin Kleins on, and not just your underwear, just like when you’re going to ask your bank manager for a loan. Apparently, when you turn up at Immigration in your CKs, “.. the men will adore you, and all the women will want to be you.”


    Err ... that doesn’t sound right; maybe he said it the other way around. Anyway, you’ll find out when you get there! There’s no time to waste. Get your a** in gear and get it sorted. Pronto!


  8. On 8/9/2019 at 2:20 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    I'll let you into a secret, double blade cheap ones are fine, best in a hot shower. 20 baht for three from markets or 20 baht stalls, also in 7 Eleven. Small mirrors are handy, 10 baht from Buakhao market


    It's all marketing with Gillette



    Absolutely true. In fact, single blades are good too. But you can’t get them in Thailand. I am back in the U.K. Tesco sells them: pack of 10 BIC razors for £1.00. Each razor lasts 2 or 3 weeks. So I’m putting 4 packs in my suitcase, so they will last me the length of my 12 month visa.


    As you say, hot shower to soften the skin, plenty of soap and then shaving cream. Use small shaving mirror. Make sure you put the cover back on each time to protect the blade.


    Triple blades just clever marketing.


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  9. 6 hours ago, smedly said:

    well that's going to help tourism



    I am all for the balance of nature and that kind of stuff and I know that there are some issues with interference with certain creatures 


    I have trouble figuring how the mosquito fits in to any category that benefits anything or would impact the ecology if they were gone - they breed suck blood spread disease and viruses then die


    I remember years ago reading about how scientists could introduce a genetically modified male or female that could spread a mutation and stop them dead in the water - why have they not done that, why have they not wiped them out, all they do is spread disease and death

    Are drug companies gaining somehow - is it population control


    just wipe them out - I hate them


    Unless I am wrong they offer absolutely nothing to the balance of nature 


    wipe them out


    A few few pointers from the article below ????


    “People being bitten by no-see-ums [biting midges] or being infected through them with viruses, protozoa and filarial worms would love to eradicate them," she says. But because some ceratopogonids are pollinators of tropical crops such as cacao, "that would result in a world without chocolate".


    “The ecological effect of eliminating harmful mosquitoes is that you have more people.”


     "If we eradicated them [mosquitoes] tomorrow, the ecosystems where they are active will hiccup and then get on with life. Something better or worse would take over."



  10. 6 hours ago, Hopper999 said:

    Please pay attention readers. We have a lot of false information and speculation in the above the story and the comments section .


    The Canadian man not American, Joseph Villeneuve. Was 43 years old. His girlfriend of 2 years now. Mid twenties. They both knew the streets well and were visiting her friends that night at local restaurant, then onto a local bar. Joseph spoke of his love for his Thai friend in very high regard and respect. To cheapen someones love ,friendship and there intentions without any of the facts . Is absolutely wrong . Please pay your respects and move along. 


    Positive thoughts and facts only moving forward during the family’s mourning process. 




    Thank you Hopper999 for giving us the background information and for correcting the factual errors in the OP. Much appreciated.


    i agree some of the comments were speculative, however on a public forum it is not unreasonable to make some comments other than just offering commiserations to both families.


    He was driving a very powerful bike, and you say he knew the streets well. I guess that, as a proper biker, he was wearing a good quality helmet, and not one that cost 200 baht from TescoLotus.


    Yet, despite the hemet ‘... his skull was crushed on impact with the concrete barrier ... [and so] the speed at which the accident occurred rendered the helmet useless.’ 


    For me that comment in the OP is both shocking in sad. There is more that I could say about the accident, especially as he had his girlfriend of 2 years on the back of the bike, but I appreciate that you are grieving for the loss of your two friends, so I will keep my thoughts to myself.


    RIP to both Joseph Villeneuve and Nadda Kaisorn.

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  11. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    It's 3,000bht for a smartphone with GPS.


    Greetings and thank you for the advice ????


    But that’s an extra 50 quid for something I know that I am going to break or lose every few months. The hills are alive ... but not with wifi, so you’ve got monthly payments on top too. These days, I am only a poor farang, made poorer by life’s adventures in Thailand over the last 7 years.


    I no longer live on Samui to it seems my hiking days are over.. Anyway, I have grown attached to my mobile, which was bought in the days when a 1000 baht note was still worth £20. It bounces very well when I drop it. I have misplaced it several times, but it always turns up again.


    I have a ‘wifi only’ iPad. If I get lost on one of my road trips or in a strange town, I just find a cafe for a shot of caffeine and use of their wifi and catch up on my emails or the latest news as well as checking google maps. I take life at a more leisurely pace. It’s no big deal if I get a bit lost sometimes.


    But of course, these are very different circumstances for this poor young man who must now be very frightened, tired and hungry after a long night on a strange hillside. As, presumably, a short term tourist, he did well to have a mobile with a Thai sim card in, although sadly it wasn’t fully charged, and the number of the tourist police.


    Warm and positive thoughts that he will soon be found.

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