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silver sea

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Posts posted by silver sea

  1. “The lawyers will argue that Beijing’s negligence and reckless behaviour was so bad that, as with terrorism, the state cannot hide behind sovereign immunity. 

    ‘China will fight it tooth and nail. If proved negligent, it would be catastrophe for them,’ “

    “Three years ago, the firm won a $1.2 billion (£960 million) case against China over the manufacture of defective building materials.”





  2. Photographs taken inside Wuhan lab!!!


    Shocking photos from inside Wuhan lab show broken seal on unit which stores 1,500 virus strains - including the bat coronavirus behind the deadly pandemic. “

    “The sources believe that ‘Patient Zero’ was an intern at the lab, who spread the virus into the local population after infecting her boyfriend.”



    “However, one political source said that there was ‘growing scientific curiosity’ over the symptoms of a marked loss of taste and smell in many victims of Covid-19. 

    ‘This might – only might – indicate a level of human interference,’ the source said.”


    Also letter from Chinese Embassy in London to Mail on Sunday 







  3. Quite a long article, which includes looking  at China’s history of reproducing viruses from previous decades. One of the examples: 


    “In 1977 a strange strain of flu started infecting people in Northern China. The symptoms — mostly not fatal — duplicated those of a flu type last seen two decades before and thought extinct ...


    .... Genetic tests by virologists indicated this was indeed the same ‘extinct’ flu from the late 1950s. In its prime, the strain had been so widespread that anyone alive was likely to have been exposed to it and developed immunity.

    Where had it been for two decades? And why the comeback?“


    Although the article is quite long it names patient zero who may have leaked the virus outside and also looks at Batwoman (again) Shi Zengli (Remember her?!):


    “Another expert argued ‘it could not possibly be a natural mutation’.

    The new coronavirus was not naturally occurring at all, they argued. It had been artificially ‘manipulated’ in a laboratory so that it could enter and destroy human cells.


    And the person allegedly at the centre of this sinister manipulation was the Institute of Virology’s famed ‘bat woman’, Shi Zengli.”


    “The brilliant Ms Zengli had other research interests and was experimenting in synthetic viruses which could pass from animals to humans.“







    • Thanks 1
  4. 'WHO medical representative said: “These antibody tests will be able to measure that level of seroprevalence - that level of antibodies but that does not mean that somebody with antibodies means that they are immune.' “


    “Coronavirus testing can currently be split into two types: Antigen and antibody. 

    The antigen test is the one currently being carried out across the nation which shows if someone has coronavirus. 


    It was hoped that antibody tests would be able to show if someone has already had the disease and if they have some resistance to it which would allow that person to return to normal life.


    Mass produced antibody tests had until now been seen by many as the key to restarting the UK's creaking economy. “





  5. Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell  a young casualty doctor, “has watched over the beds of hundreds of coronavirus patients, and now believes they are dying because of the very treatment that is meant to save them ...”


    In his youtube video, “ ... which has been viewed around the world, is heralding are-think concerning the treatment of severe cases of Covid-19. In particular, experts are now asking whether the best way of saving patients might be to saturate their blood with oxygen delivered through a mask without using a ventilator. 

    This is the approach reportedly used during Boris Johnson's fight for life against the virus at London's St Thomas' Hospital intensive care unit. Before the pandemic took hold, Kyle-Sidell's theory might have been dismissed as maverick.”





    • Like 1

  6. Someone willing to support Hockney:


    “And here’s my point: it’s also far from abundantly clear that smokers are in greater danger than anyone else. On the contrary, as Hockney suggests, we may actually be safer — safer even than those infuriating health fanatics we see jogging around the park, panting and spreading their toxic droplets to anyone unfortunate enough to get in their way.”



  7. 12 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

    No access to Washington post unless you're a subscriber.



    Thank you for taking an interest in my thread. I am not a subscriber to Washington Post.


    Try this link to Yahoo News:


    Business Insider:



    Also The Sun:



    The Daily Mail gives good summary. I know you are not interested in DM, but three quarters of the way down in that article, it provides a link to the Washington Post article. Presumably, as most Daily Mail readers are not registered with the Washington Post, you can read the WP article without being blocked, or having to register your name first.



  8. Here is an article which believes the West is wrong about China’s responsibility for the virus, which includes the following comments:


    “A recent study conducted by British and German scientists found the virus has three variants, A, B and C, of which A was the root of the outbreak. The authors discovered that variant A was found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan, as well as other American and Australian patients. Only variant B was found in Wuhan. Variant C was common in Europe but not found in China. 

    The British-German study was more in line with the January Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences one that found the coronavirus has five strains – A, B, C, D and E. In the earlier study, only C was found in Wuhan but all five existed in the US. Both the British/German and Chinese analyses agreed that A was the root of the outbreak.”







    “I USED to joke that being a smoker in Malibu was the equivalent of being a non-smoker in Pasadena. They used to have very bad pollution there. Could it not be that smokers have developed an immune system to this virus? With all these figures coming out, it’s beginning to look like that to me. I’m serious — and remember cigars and cigarettes are vegan.”

    David Hockney, Normandy.


    The article below includes the following from a scientific study which seems to support Hockney’s belief::


    “A study published earlier this month by scientists in New York and Athens .... looked at 13 Chinese studies that had registered smoking as a precondition and found that the number of smokers across the whole sample of 5,300 patients was 6.5 per cent. An astonishingly small number in country where half of all men still smoke. 

    'This preliminary analysis does not support the argument that current smoking is a risk factor for hospitalization for COVID-19,' it reads.


    'Instead, these consistent observations, which are further emphasized by the low prevalence of current smoking among COVID-19 patients in the US (1.3 per cent), raises the hypothesis that nicotine may have beneficial effects on COVID-19.'”




    There is another thread on this forum about warnings against smoking marijuana, because it may inflame your lungs:




    (I am a non smoker and have no intention of changing)



    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, rabas said:

    The non market cases pre date the market cases. The presumed patient 0 for all 41 was identified December 1, never went to the market, and had no contact with those who did. Another issue the Chinese initially lied about. Later leaked documents showed the  earliest known case was from November 17. 


    Combining all the information, is seems more plausible that someone in the lab was the first to be infected.

    The latest!:



  11. “Smoking marijuana daily has been shown to damage the lungs to the point that the organs resemble someone with chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). 


    It's well-known that those with chronic lung diseases, such as COPD, are among the most at risk of suffering severe complications from coronavirus.”




    • Like 1
  12. You could knit your own face masks and you’d be doing the medical community a favour.


    “The athlete told fans to use 'whatever' they had to fashion themselves a face mask, after experts urged the public to not purchase masks, as medical staff and immunocompromised people were running low around the world. “






    A male corona virus patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.


    A young student nurse appears and gives him a partial sponge bath.

    "Nurse,"' he mumbles from behind the mask, "are my testicles black?"

    Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet."

    He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?"

    Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers.

    She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles gently in the other.

    She looks very closely and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look fine."

    The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly, "Thank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen very, very closely: 

    Are - my - test - results - back?"



  13. Oh dear, if only this poor lady had been reading this thread, she would have known how to make a proper coronavirus face mask.



    Just as well she used her knickers/panties. If she had cut her bra in half to make a face mask instead, they would have said she looked a right tit.


    BTW, who sits behind a desk in a bank, wearing a mask?

    The Loan Arranger.


  14. Even the US Surgeon, Dr Jerome Adams, wants to show people how to make their own face masks from old T shirts and rubber bands. This is because there is a shortage of face masks to buy in shops.


    so don’t take any risks. If you can’t buy a face mask, then make your own.


    In my own case in Thailand, I could not buy face mask in shop. The Thai manager at the resort where I am staying offered to order a box of masks for me. I agreed but the box cost 760 baht.


    i hadn’t worn masks from the beginning, because I was not convinced they would stop the disease spreading. However, I found that Thais are suspicious of farang who don’t wear mask. Also 7-11s and shopping food malls now require you to wear a mask.


    I have got used to wearing the mask when I am on my motorbike or when I go into shops. I wisH now that I had bought a face mask from the beginning. 760 baht is a lot of money for me. I didn’t know at that time it was ok to make your own using T shirts or towels. 

    So this thread is to help people make their own masks and so avoid hefty sum of 760 baht.




    Indeed, coronavirus face masks can cause all sorts of problems in personal relationships, as shown by this old story, which you have probably heard many times before!


    A guy tries to rob a bank


    A guy walks into a sperm bank with a coronavirus face mask and a gun and shouts "Everyone on the floor, now! Anyone who moves gets shot full of lead!"

    He walks to the terrified receptionist and tells her to fill a bag with all the money they got.

    "Buy sir," she says, "this is a sperm bank. We don't keep cash here."

    "Don't lie to me! It says Bank on the front. Now fill that bag or I'm gonna kill ya!"

    The receptionist opens the safe behind her to show shelves upon shelves with containers filled with sperm.

    "You're somehow trying to fool me. I know it!" shouted the robber, "If it's really sperm I want to see you drink it".

    The receptionist, scared for her life, opens a container and swallows it in a couple of gulps.

    "I still don't buy it! Do another one". This goes on until the receptionist had swallowed 10 containers filled with sperm.

    The robber than removes his mask, and to her surprise she sees that it's was her husband all along!

    "You see honey? I told you you could do it if you only tried."

  15. Or maybe you could use an old pair of thongs as your face mask (perhaps your girlfriend will let you use hers):



    it might remind you of a very old joke:


    Tom and Jerry were both laid off, so they went to the unemployment office. When asked his occupation, Tom answered, 'Panty Thong Stitcher.. I sew elastic onto ladies' panties and thongs..'

    The clerk looked up Panty Thong Stitcher on his computer and, finding it classified as unskilled labour, he gave him £80 a week unemployment pay. 

    Jerry was next in and when asked his occupation replied, 'Diesel Fitter.'  
    Since a diesel fitter was a skilled job, the clerk gave Jerry £160 a week.

    When Tom found out, he was furious. He stormed back into the office to find out why his friend and co-worker was collecting double his pay. 

    The clerk explained: 'Panty Thong Stitchers are unskilled labour, and Diesel Fitters are skilled labour.' 

    'What skill?' yelled Tom. 'I sew elastic on panties and thongs, then Jerry puts 'em over his head and says: 'Yep, diesel fitter.'















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