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Everything posted by Thorgal
A 20 years eco girl is also just a 20 years eco girl...she never supported Hamas publicly, and she never expressed something involving antisemitism and/or Judeophobia. I hope that this green eco girl didn't got in trouble because Hamas wears green bandana's and green cargo pants... it just fits the narrative of many online platforms, but exposes actually true and deep desperation... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12653419/greta-thunberg-fury-pro-palestine-post-israel-hamas-terrorism-climate-change.html
UN Gutierrez went to Rafah at the border from Egypt and Gaza. Many locals and international NGO's replied to him in a semi-aggressive way after his official speech that UN is absent till now and that they have to act ASAP for humanitarian aid.
* Deleted post edited out * I mostly bring up important points that other qualify as non essential. There are some Palestinian/UK nationals and perhaps also (hostages) Israeli/UK nationals, both trapped in Gaza and that should benefit of best UK assistance (medical + repatriation) via the UK ship fleet and or Egypt. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12632485/bombs-dead-people-British-Palestinian-girl-tears-missile-attack-UK-government-Britons-Egypt-border-crossing.html Till which extent will UK/Egypt and Hamas act in favor of these people to release them outside this war zone. So, I'm just curious if the Royal Navy will backup it's own nationals ASAP (yes, there's already a confirmed emergency situation) or did the Royal Navy went to the Mediterranean sea only to backup Tsahal (IDF).
Quote from previous link : https://www.navaltoday.com/2023/10/16/us-and-uk-sending-forces-to-eastern-mediterranean-to-support-israel/ "The military package, which includes P8 aircraft, surveillance assets, two Royal Navy ships – RFA Lyme Bay and RFA Argus – three merlin helicopters and a company of Royal Marines, will be on standby to deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region, and offer deterrence and assurance."
There's already a no-mans-land in Gaza. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/10/10/the-gaza-strip-blockade-explained-in-one-map_6162224_4.html
I already toasted a US Lt Gen from CNN in this topic with his limited rocket science knowledge. Another challenge ? Why not. https://www.navaltoday.com/2023/10/16/us-and-uk-sending-forces-to-eastern-mediterranean-to-support-israel/ UK fleet deployed to the East-Mediterranean includes also RFA Argus (A135). https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/our-organisation/the-fighting-arms/royal-fleet-auxiliary/casualty-ship/rfa-argus RFA Argus was built in 1981 and from 1985 till 2009 used as a aviation training ship and from 2009 till today as a long casualty (medic) ship and as well able to carry small miliary aircrafts. Why you refute that the UK is also sending an aircraft carrier is not clear to me ? Bonus : NASA also qualifies helicopters as "aircraft" like me https://www.nasa.gov/learning-resources/for-kids-and-students/what-is-a-helicopter-grades-k-4/#:~:text=A helicopter is a type,wings called blades to fly.
The US and UK aircraft carriers are for : 1. 2nd war front Golan Heights + Lebanon 2. finishing off Syria 3.in case : additional support of : 3.1 Palestinian refugees from Jordan 3.2 Iran 3.3 Yemen 3.4 Iraq 3.5 Egypt/Lybia/Tunisia/Algeria/Morocco As bonus : Russia - black sea part (after resisting Ukraine war + helping Syria)
Following point from my bucket -list was closed. See relevant post... "9. promoting basic mechanics and physics against proposed boomerang rocket-launchers"
Greta Thunberg is not supporting Hamas. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/20/israel-hamas-war-updates-and-latest-news-on-gaza-conflict.html Quote from link: "Environmental activist Greta Thunberg called for ceasefire amid strike action in solidarity with the Palestinian people. “Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected,” she said in a social media post on Friday."
I don't know what's the lifecycle determination (plan) and budget for water pipelines in Gaza. I have no clue if Hamas is using these pipes for rocket hardware as means of a general recycle plan. I know that in non-saline environments it can be between 25 and 50 years for wrapped steel grade pipes. Average main water line of 10"- SCH40 with wall thickness of +/- 10mm is overkill for rocket hardware.
Can you provide a link/snippet to these 2 posts of you with your request that you've mentioned? I have no clue about the topic of UK TV. How can I refuse to answer or doing some trolling if you didn't explain in which fields or about which specific quotes.
Same with hospitals. The hospitals from Gaza-North can't be logistically moved to the south of Gaza. You need empty receiving hospitals, special equipped ambulances and dedicated medic teams, etc...
Thanks for your input. Really appreciated. I saw these same figures (1.000 and 6.000) from the French Roman Catholic media. (I will try to find it back). It also said that the hospital vicinity was also bombed by IDF previously after 7th of October. The house of the Hospital director was hit. Oldest Church in Gaza dating from 1160 (Built by Crusaders) has been completely destroyed yesterday by IDF bombing. The church was under Greek Orthodox supervision. Here again : many casualties with refugees from Gaza-North. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12651567/Gaza-Greek-Orthodox-hit-Hamas-Israel.html
Please check my previous post in which my facts have been given. The US Lt. Gen. as CNN analyst could not provide corroborative evidence to the IDF audio tape. Basic mechanics and physics law have also been contradicted (violated). The limited radius between the (boomerang)-rocket launcher and the place of impact is impossible to achieve with the velocity of the rocket and the height of pulverization seen on the live video footage. Case closed for me. Thanks.
To note that the 1.000 refugees from Gaza-North is actually are minimum figure. The highest peak of refugees was 5.000 to 6.000 refugees from Gaza-North but they have been divided earlier to 17/10 to other "safe" locations. The 1.000 refugees from Gaza-North were sleeping on the 2 separated gardens of the parking lot of the hospital. As per Muslim customs/culture there was one garden for all men together and the other garden for women and children only. More people were also sleeping during the blast alongside the parking (can be seen with the mattresses) and in the Church on the same compound. Huge coincidence : the 2 gardens are separated with a path/road where the impact of the blast is located. - the supposed Hamas misfire could not have been located in a worst place - JDAM accuracy is +90% within radius of 3 m as per GPS coordinates The hospital has only 80 beds and the main building is only used for medical care.
I agree with you. I witness this lack of abilities and skills of the Netanyahu social media team that you just mentioned everyday.
It's true, the evidences have been "pointed" to Hamas. I've just pointed that the evidences are not corroborative. Any judge in civil court cases will dismiss your case based on non-corroborative evidences. The audio tape recording has been labeled as non-Palestinian accent Arab dialogue... Any judge in civil court cases will dismiss your case based on non-verified evidences. I agree with you, it looks ridiculous.
Army expert Lt. General Mark Hartley his testimony is not in line with the 2 Hamas Operatives audio tape provided by the IDF (see page 97 at the bottom from @BKK Brian). Corroborating evidence is evidence that strengthens or confirms already existing evidence. Hamas Operatives are confirming that the rocket launcher was positioned at the cemetery on the right side of the entrance of the hospital (at least 25 meters from impact as per my observation). I'm not a rocket scientist, but seeing the Hamas rocket being flared up in the sky at high altitude is impossible to accept with this videotape trajectory that the fuel and or debris felt only a few meters from the rocket -boomerang- launcher on the parking lot of the hospital. Bombing a hospital with refugees is a serious war crime.
I agree with you. I've been called an antisemitic and//or a liar multiple times because I know a lot about Israel, Judaism and Zionism. Even when you promote peace for Muslims and Jews you will be branded as Judeophobe. Take care.
Please provide a snippet/screenshot in which I've changed your quote. If I've used my own phrasing/sentences to reply, please consider your request as case closed as per forum rules (trolling). You clearly mentioned : "You obfuscate by changing my words to 'forged a live clip'".
Can you give me real facts (instead of generalizations), while staying on topic ?
If you suggest that Aljazeera forged a live clip. please provide facts. You're welcome.
I've always backed up with reliable Western (BBC, CNN, Channel$, etc) or ME (Aljazeera) or Russian (RT, Tass) media outlets. It's true to wait for more feedback before taking conclusions (corroborative evidences). I didn't obstruct other to tell it was Hamas. Millions of others through protests in the world are also showing their opinions.
The Lt. Colonel spokesperson (expert) from IDF on the Aljazeera clip said at 00:35 sec that Aljazeera had live filmed the Hamas rockets and that reporters have to ask questions to Aljazeera...
It works for me. Sorry.