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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. Yes, indeed 7th of October boundaries have been implemented globally on all public forums up to UN presidency!
  2. Can you provide a link to my post mentioning that the UK is sending a WW1 aircraft carrier HMS Argus. I've only mentioned the UK RFA Argus aircraft carrier to be sent to backup Israel multiple times. It's rather childish to implicate quotes to persons that never used them...just to avoid questions about war crimes of Israel. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18436616 https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18436629
  3. Where was Iran on 7th of October 2023 when Hamas made some 15 penetrations in the wall around the Gaza Strip? Did the Iranians join the Hamas attack to conquer Israel?
  4. I've responded to your question about Palestinian civilians as non combatants that are still alive... Your fallacy of misinterpretation doesn't work...and you've tried the same malicious trick with other posters in vain...
  5. Well euh, they're not under pressure of the Hasbara Fellowship...please report as usual Brian... you start to be predictable...
  6. You have to go back to the latest speech of Netanyahu where he revealed the Biblical term : "AMALEK".
  7. There are no Hamas apologists on AN. There's nothing wrong to call out ethnic cleansing and other crimes against humanity for non combatant Palestinians and non combatant hostages...
  8. Red herring...(apparently high season for some of us)
  9. +1.500 children (-16 Y) are still missing and are under the demolitions/buildings.
  10. Israel is actually convinced that the Geneva Convention is only applicable for the Canton of Geneva....
  11. IDF is gonna use their latest secret weapon : I've heard it's a type of "Golem"...
  12. Only for this topic and the same guy insults at least 5 people as : "liar" for his misinterpretation. If I was wrong, or used a wrong source I wouldn't mind to admit it. But forcing a sort of upper hand in vain based on fallacies and/or malice...sorry! These cheap manipulations don't work. Intellectually he knows that he plays in a lower Liga...too bad
  13. Hamas fired indeed rockets to Ashkelon and Tel Aviv. Does Hamas use diesel rockets?
  14. Can you elaborate your findings that you've posted previously : https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18439322 Your quote : "The pregnant woman would depend on whether she was having a male child or a female child . If shes having a Female child, then she shouldnt be bombed "
  15. I disapprove any killings from both sides...which you have it difficult to understand...
  16. At least he's providing facts and figures for everybody and doesn't play "Apartheid"...
  17. Updated Middle Eastern Albright sociology ?
  18. AJ has his own team in Gaza. The reporters' family was killed this week...
  19. Mk84 (2.000 Lbs) with Boeing GPS module has an accuracy of 95% within 3m of the target set by the pilot. 5% of 6.000 bombs is 300 pieces that went OOR (out of range).
  20. Quote from link : The IDF Took Away Weapons From Gaza Border Communities in Recent Years, and Armed West Bank Settlers in the Thousands "The Israeli army believed that the chance of terrorist incursion after the erection of the border fence was 'close to nil.' They removed forces from the area, leaving local security as the last line of defense. 'As much as we banged on the table, it didn’t help,' says one local security coordinator." https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-20/ty-article/.premium/idf-took-away-weapons-from-gaza-border-towns-and-armed-w-bank-settlers-in-the-thousands/0000018b-4d6d-dbe0-a38b-cdfd0d4f0000
  21. Can you provide any snippets/posts and/or quotes that I've showed to be worried for the existence of radical Salafist Hamas? You can search from my first day of subscription if you want.
  22. Only to check how many aircraft carriers are still floating in Eastern Mediterranean sea... Hilarious!
  23. Missile strike in Egyptian border town Taba. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/explosion-heard-egyptian-red-sea-town-near-israeli-border-witness-2023-10-27/
  24. Check out the similarities at UN level and AN. Drama queens vs sincere people who aim cease fire and peace on both sides. People with a little bit of intellectual honesty will admit that Israeli PR by carpet bombing Gaza is a plain disaster. Just read the comments on YT in the link that I've provided or watch the comments on the UN speech of the UN Israeli ambassador. Hilarious.
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