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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. Where do these Syrian cargo airplanes land ? Gaza International Airport?
  2. OK, you need to define "all potential future Hamas members" out of this Palestinian civilian population that till today has nothing to do with Hamas ideology or operational structure (religion, army, social). We talk about (not limited to) : all non-combatant people children -16 years medics press (pregnant) women elder How do you select : which are you criteria you use to select your target list?
  3. You need time, because you have no clue...
  4. I love that one. You use the term "if" : (conditional) : this means that the human shields were checked before bombing. International Law : Bombing Combatants OK. Bombing Non-combatants = Not OK How did the IAF F-16 pilot check before dropping his Mk84 bomb(s) (2.000 Lbs) that non-combatants will not be killed by his dropping ?
  5. Just answer the question please : Which international Law(s) allows Israel to justified collateral damage to Palestinian civilians (non-combatant). If you know these laws, please tell them, or did you invent this on the spot (lying) ? Read my posts again : I've never posted that +1Million people died in Gaza since 7 October. You're deflecting and trolling. Sorry, you're loaded question didn't work. You have no information and knowledge about the international law and you need more time to...learn to participate in heavy discussions. There's no merchandising : admit or supply. Sounds almost Biblical.
  6. Just answer the question please : Which international Law(s) allows Israel to justified collateral damage to Palestinian civilians (non-combatant). If you know these laws, please tell them, or did you invent this on the spot (lying) ?
  7. Which international Law(s) allows Israel to justified collateral damage to Palestinian civilians (non-combatant). If you know these laws, please tell them, or did you invent this on the spot (lying) ?
  8. Thanks for your reply Proton, but I've no answer to my question. How do you qualify these killings on the Palestinian People in Gaza with no connection to Hamas. Looking forward to your reply.
  9. You've removed on purpose a part of my quote : - Collateral damage, thus not terrorism from IDF So all these IAF/IDF killings on children, medics, press, women, and others can't be qualified as terrorism?
  10. Thanks for your reply Proton, but I've no answer to my question. How do you qualify these killings on the Palestinian People in Gaza with no connection to Hamas. Looking forward to your reply.
  11. Thanks for your answer. But again no answer to my question. I didn't mention it in my first quote : but it's an intellectual question and should be answered with an intellectual answer. Your answer above is an emotional answer actually blaming me... Can you please answer this easy question. The bombings on Gaza civilians and infrastructures happened short after the Hamas attack. Thanks, and best regards, Thorgal
  12. You can call in Ben Chapiro if you want.
  13. Thanks for your reply Wobblybob, but I've no answer to my question. How do you qualify these killings on the Palestinian People in Gaza with no connection to Hamas. Looking forward to your reply.
  14. Thanks for your reply Proton, but I've no answer to my question. Is this such a difficult question? International community can witness every x minutes children who are killed. Some buildings are bombed without warning and in some case fi 45 members (all ages) of a family died. How do you qualify these killings... Looking forward to your reply.
  15. Thanks for your reply Yagoda, but I've no answer to my question. How do you qualify these killings... Looking forward to your reply.
  16. Just a few : (more than 1Million people) All the Churches, Hospitals, Mosques and UN buildings that have been bombed with these people. We can count all children in Gaza younger than 16 years old. Press and Medical people. Catholic community.
  17. OK, I appreciate and respect your choice not to answer. It's for advanced level. I challenge any poster to answer me that question. I would really apricate. Thanks in advance.
  18. What about the killings of all Palestinians civilians within Gaza since 7th of October that never participated, never voted, never helped, never sponsored, never was implicated in Hamas pollical, military (terrorist), religious or social activities. How do you qualify these killings? - Collateral damage, thus not terrorism from IDF - Inflicting as much causalities to counter internally Hamas within Gaza to be dissolved - IDF was absent during Hamas attack and needs to show now domestic/worldwide PR they are present by maximum causalities - application of the Book of Joshua : it's our Home Land and we are The Chosen Ones empowered to do so whatever we want - any combination from above - any other you deemed legit
  19. Zionist wokisme Grand Cru (AI generated)
  20. India has a population of 1.428.627.663 people. Israel has a population of 9.174.520 people. Factor = 155,716 I will keep your 1.400 Israelis casualties figure in the middle. Means, India shall be worried and experience same pain as Israel at about 1.400 x 155,716 = 218.003 causalities.
  21. This is part of Zionist wokism. If your food has been served too cold = Putin!
  22. Where was the Tsahal (IDF) southern Army battalions re-located BEFORE 7th of October, the day of the attack? Yes, indeed, the West-Bank. So this fact is on topic and it took +/- 5 hours to the IDF (outside Southern region) to respond to the Hamas attacks around the Gaza strip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujBFPKMQSlg
  23. Ah OK, Israel is at war with only Hamas... Well, there's no Hamas in the West Bank. Why did 75 extra-judicial killings happen in the West Bank by Israeli police, soldiers and/or settlers? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/19/several-palestinians-killed-by-israeli-forces-in-the-occupied-west-bank
  24. You also certainly have an octopus-like grip on this thread - you have made 182 posts so far. This is some 5% of all posts which is a lot and for me a proof that you know a lot about this conflict.
  25. The girl next to Greta is holding a text board : "This Jew stands with Palestine". Symbology for an octopus is intelligence, versatility, agility, altruism, awareness, regeneration and infinity. https://oceanjewelrystore.com/octopus-symbolism-meaning-totem-spirit-omens/#:~:text=Octopus symbolism and meaning&text=Popular beliefs and ancient mythology,to pass unnoticed by predators. What's next : we have to feel some guilt when passing the octopus fish market from Ban Phe
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