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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. Decided 3 hours ago : Quote from link : "One visible result of President Emmanuel Macron's visit to Israel and its neighbours is the dispatch of a French navy vessel to the eastern Mediterranean." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67226748 For me it's an aircraft carrier (nr. 4 I think...) no pun intended...
  2. Why ask to Paul, come to habibi : https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18436629
  3. Hilarious. If you were so sure. Why asking? So hilarious...!
  4. Press conference by Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. At 14:40 = Israel reported to UN a few months ago that Hamas is an asset. While the PA was a liability because they were seen as a reliability for the international community... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7NiPqSU2sk
  5. This was discussed last Friday : https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18436629
  6. Ha-ha, no problem that you make some fun.
  7. No problem bud, at least you make me laugh twice...
  8. Agree, you can't keep constantly 3 aircraft carriers at close range of Israel for long time. Netanyahu is already politically dead. After the war he will be thanked by his own government.
  9. RFA Argus has an aircraft lift...but since they hired Bud it's only used as elevator for unions and potato's.
  10. Well Bud, here some facts and figures that might surprise you : Gaza's media office reports that more than 12,000 tonnes of explosives have been used on Gaza since October 7, almost equal to the 15,000 tonnes of TNT used in the atomic bomb that the US dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. The Gaza strip is almost 3 times smaller than the city of Hiroshima.
  11. Ethnic cleansing https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/ethnic-cleansing.shtml
  12. Your fallacy of misinterpretation starts to be too obvious... https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18448136 https://aseannow.com/topic/1309895-%E2%80%98day-of-rage%E2%80%99-erupts-across-west-bank-after-israeli-forces-attack-refugee-camp/?do=findComment&comment=18447206 https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18446205
  13. Hamas is/was a by-product of the Israeli government to destabilize the Fatah movement of Arafat and to split politically Gaza from the West Bank. This collaboration between Hamas and Israel is confirmed by many Israeli government representatives. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/
  14. Palestinian war McCarthyism and blacklisting at full speed but still resulting in moral bankruptcy and an empty list?
  15. Where did I said this? Or does it often happen that you do some misinterpretation of details.? https://aseannow.com/topic/1309895-‘day-of-rage’-erupts-across-west-bank-after-israeli-forces-attack-refugee-camp/?do=findComment&comment=18446633 https://aseannow.com/topic/1309895-‘day-of-rage’-erupts-across-west-bank-after-israeli-forces-attack-refugee-camp/?do=findComment&comment=18444406
  16. Can you provide a snippet or copy past of the post/quote ? (or did you just want to have a chat with somebody)
  17. Quote from OP : " If they are not released prior to the ground offensive, which could come at any time, they will certainly become collateral damage. If anything happens to the hostages, the Israeli forces would be blamed." - As per international law = YES because they are non combatants.
  18. Be careful you. Whatever your agenda. Be careful you !
  19. You can't be Jew by race : that's what Jingting tells all the time : Jews are non monolithic
  20. I support the Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with the Hamas franchise. I also supported the Israeli civilians that had nothing to do with the Israeli apartheid policy. Still on AN you have people going to drag you in the mud because you want to stay neutral (the non-Zionist and non-Salafist approach).
  21. They have been warned by Egypt. So, it could have been avoided. https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/
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