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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. Thanks, you just made my point. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/americans-favor-continued-support-israel-sour-bidens-performance/story?id=103969016 When did US congress voted to back up the war in Gaza or did president Biden decided on his own?
  2. Can you come forward with facts as per forum rules. All by all, those are 54% of Americans represented in a poll and a US official (senator) that investigated the 30M USD trail till Hamas. Those are facts for me that are vital in a democracy like the US. Please note that Israel declared war to Palestine according to international laws. The US didn't declare war on Palestine as far as I know. So, official lies (not verified and nuanced stories) and war propaganda (sponsor the Hamas attack is bogus) from the US is not applicable as long as they are not declaring war.
  3. What did you say : "Brainless Partisans" ? Nobel Prize for "Brainless Partisans" should go over the Atlantic. How about the US funding of Hamas during Covid that has been used to produce weapons : video_2023-10-19_15-00-56.mp4
  4. The recording equipment and the reporter in Tel Aviv was perhaps from Russian news outlet. Only the Israeli civilians expressed their feelings and ideas in monologues without interference of the Russian reporter... Nothing biased for me.
  5. Ok, being RT sensible nowadays is understandable. It works like kryptonite... I've another "friend" that I would like to meet in person : nothing more than his excellency the Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs (yes, yes, an unbiased US ally) that shares and promotes the same anti-fake news emerging after the hospital bombing in Gaza. He's a diplomat and thus not from the newly baptized group : "He didn't had the information at the beginning" If you don't agree with his findings, please contact him through his Office in Amman. Thanks. video_2023-10-19_13-43-20.mp4
  6. Forum rules and moderators at AN require to backup facts. That's what I did. Some forum member went even that far to send a PM to BBC to disagree... To say that these clips came before information was available is pure speculation. And I said it before : I can't promote false information. Sorry.
  7. This text was after posting the Russian UN resolution proposals that have NOT been accepted. Russia decided in good spirit to send humanitarian aid to Gaza after cancel UN resolution and many reports of NGO's in Gaza of the human catastrophy. This isn't a deflection...
  8. I follow the facts line of MSNBS and BBC news (not limited to) : video_2023-10-18_18-55-27.mp4 video_2023-10-18_15-44-23.mp4 video_2023-10-18_18-56-22.mp4
  9. This text was directed to you as answer. Which "Russian friends" are you talking about?
  10. I promote peace by (not limited to) : 1. promoting stop bombing & later ground offensive 2. promoting all extra judicial killings 3. promoting no extend of this war to more regions (Iran, HZB, Syria, etc...) 4. promoting political solution, no military solution 5. promote negotiate hostages from both sides 6. promote peaceful protests for both sides 7. promote emergency plan for children and women 8. promoting fact-checking against fake and biased war propaganda 9. promoting basic mechanics and physics against proposed boomerang rocket-launchers 10. promoting application of international law 11. promoting independent international in depth criminological research
  11. Brag ??? Why over-exaggerating my post... I just informed, despite Western economic sanctions and freezing their offshore assets, they provided humanitarian aid to Gaza now and to African countries. Nothing more...why denying that the humanitarian aid blockade is still ongoing. Latest bombing of Gaza hospital + humanitarian aid blockade are relevant and nothing "to brag about".
  12. Problem is that all humanitarian aid (food, medicals, etc) are still blocked since 7th of October at the Rafah border with Egypt. Israel doesn't allow entry of a few hundreds of trucks still waiting in Egypt.
  13. I understood that there are some +/- 40.000 Hamas militants in Gaza. I understood that there are now +/- 2.300.000 Gazans in the Gaza strip. Again, the majority (like me) is promoting peace/representing for the Palestinian civilians in Gaza (2.300.000 civilians - 40.000 Hamas militants = +/- 2.260.000) and the Jews in Israel.
  14. Again, the majority (like me) is promoting peace for the Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the Jews in Israel. My choice is based on the wellbeing of civilians in the region and to reduce causalities. Why forcing (again) to connect genuine peace aims in the region with unwanted Hamas ideology and crimes? Based on your own rules without my consent? 🙂
  15. Again, the majority (like me) is promoting peace for the Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the Jews in Israel. self defense : https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/self-defence#:~:text=Self-defense in international law,Charter and customary international law.
  16. You used the term "almost" to generalize... That some radicals/zealots will chant and promote Hamas militants and their crimes is certain. But, the majority (like me) is promoting peace for the Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the Jews in Israel.
  17. Most, not to say all worldwide demonstrations against the war in the Gaza strip are symbolized with the Palestinian flag. These demonstrations are initiated to stop the permanent bombing on civilians. I didn't see any demonstration with only Hamas flags or any people defending the Hamas extra judicial killings of the 7th of October 2023 on Israeli citizens.
  18. International law allows you to defend yourself by using "force" in case of apartheid as crime against humanity and persecution. https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution
  19. I try to pinpoint the relevant interactions that will bring back peace to the region for both ethnic and or religious groups and I reject the typical BS propaganda. Latest positive input for the region is the food delivery of Russia to Egypt for the Gaza people. document_5296558123308304013.mp4
  20. Israeli apartheid is rather off topic concerning latest war. There are many good footages available from unbiased organizations on YT that cover this subject.
  21. There's a long history of apartheid in Israel against Arab, Muslim, Christian population. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/03/israels-55-year-occupation-palestinian-territory-apartheid-un-human-rights
  22. Everywhere in the EU, North Africa, Asia, US, India, Pakistan, Yemen, Middle East, etc...all against the bombing of Gaza civilians. The UN resolution proposed Monday evening by Russia for ceasefire in Gaza for Hamas and Israel has been cancelled : US, UK, France and Japan voted against. https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142427 https://www.arabnews.com/node/2392591/middle-east Even today, after the hospital bombing, the 2nd resolution/proposal was vetoed by the US. To know that 60% of the Gaza population are younger than 18 years old and +/- 50.000 women are pregnant, but have to remain in a battle zone due to "the right self-defense " of Israel... quote from link : "The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for “humanitarian pauses” to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza. The failure by the Council to make its first public intervention on the Israel-Gaza crisis followed the rejection of a Russian-backed draft on Monday evening." https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142507 Cronyism at a very high price for both sides...
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