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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. That's your opinion without bringing facts.
  2. Fine for me, I've other impression. That's not the only "parking lot" in Gaza...and the ones in the North close to Lebanon...
  3. My opinion is : he's not a liar, not an antisemite and he's interested in Judaism, so I tried to help him to do some self-research...
  4. Just prove it with real facts from my words that I've used in my posts...so easy...
  5. I also think that Neeranam was not lying. You didn't explain or provide proof. It's starts to be strange that people here are labeled as liars while nothing comes close to producing any lie. Furthermore excuses are requested in exaggeration...
  6. I'm mostly confronted with the same phenomenon that my knowledge of Israel is often higher or better than average Israel sympathizers. This can be for political, historical, religious and more general facts about Israel. I didn't see any antisemite (Judeophobic) post in this topic. Anti-Zionism is acceptable as it's a political and colonial ideology. It's not racist. My posts might be labeled by others as incorrect, false, misleading, based on dodgy sources, off topic and so on because they have not the maturity (ability to adapt and to accept) for such debates. The hasbara fellowship runs at overdrive and the content will no more be discussed. The messenger receives full discredit because he's better informed. 8 x "you" = non content based critics, only messenger attack
  7. No spin intended. I see immediately 2 reasons. 1. Geneva Convention doesn't prohibit to walk next to a hospital. Using the hospital for military purposes is forbidden. I can't see from the footage that they've used the hospital for military reasons against their enemy. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. The safest way in war between 2 points is...more complicated... https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-protection-civilian-persons-time-war#:~:text=from such objectives.-,Article 19,acts harmful to the enemy. Article 19 The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded
  8. Here the link to the IAF Apache helicopter that went on rampage the first days of Hamas attacks. As per comment section : some cases there were mixed targets/causalities : Hamas militants + Israeli hostages in houses and/or vehicles https://www.ynetnews.com/article/hkanmp5w6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed0-OxNO_bQ&t=120s
  9. The same tricks to blackmail, guilt tripping, insult, deflect, minimize, gaslight, etc.. are used on other platforms that I also visit with the same Israel war topic. If Israel is winning this war, why all these signs of panic and discomfort on online platforms. Twitter, Youtube, etc will show the same forced polarities in the comment sections. The non-cease fire and non-exchange of hostages/prisoners and non-peace agreement negotiations will keep this online aggressivity alive. This is a PR disaster worldwide if you read the comments for Israel and they don't realize it. I will also start to stop replying to certain people which insulted or provided high perversity content against me or others.
  10. I think this is impossible to be impartial in this conflict. Others use the fallacy of misinterpretation, just to keep you answering bogus repetitive questions to make you guilt tripping and take of your focus of the topic. In the worst case you will be asked to apologize or you will be called a liar. If you continue to answer and keep your position firm, you will be called a stalker...
  11. First acknowledge the 1.000.000 innocent non combatant Palestinian claim. This was asked, but you've never answered and you will keep to play broken record...
  12. Aside from the daily "Who-is-the-antisemite-of-the-day" competition, you didn't explain what is false and which post provides you to backup this claim. On the other side spot the difference with what you suggest without backup that is available : You've tried earlier to label me as "Holocaust denier", again without proof of any posts that I've made and I've no problem to acknowledge... I only criticize Israeli government and army for their decision and/or acts + war propaganda. Not the Israeli/Jewish population. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18453860 https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18403101
  13. I've never changed my opinion to aim cease fire, hostage exchange and long term peace and I was never in favor for war. I'm not in favor for false war propaganda. I think on the moment that Israel declared the war : after the Hamas militants were out of Israel with the hostages and Israel started to bomb the Gaza non combatant civilians and Israeli hostages and prisoners. I've no problem that you start guessing if you refuse to verify my posts and one day you need to tell me at which point Hamas has lost this war. I've no official data or confirmation from that from any official.
  14. Do you mean the +1.000.000 Palestinians ?
  15. Well, I apologize for him. That's the best thing you can have in friendship.
  16. Here Morch, another fresh one that can be debunked while it's still hot. Don't read the comment section...LOL https://twitter.com/ynetnews/status/1723689573237051817
  17. LOL. Apologize now or later ? Because he didn't do anything wrong...LOL
  18. Many feedback has been debunked from IDF Twitter account. I can't imagine any debunk of this conflict from the Romanian account...
  19. It equates for sure the IDF twitter account in terms of reliability...for war propaganda...LOL
  20. Again, the same broken record method to perhaps compensate intellectual absence ...can you explain this time which part of my posts that I've been lying? My first post : What about the killings of all Palestinian civilians within Gaza since 7th of October that never participated, never voted, never helped, never sponsored, never was implicated in Hamas political, military, religious or social activities? Your question : Can you list a few of them? My answer : Just a few : (more than 1 million people) All the Churches, Hospitals, Mosques and UN buildings that have been bombed with these people We can count all children in Gaza younger than 16 years old Press and medical people Catholic community
  21. 4 machine guns on the floor from 21 killed Hamas soldiers?
  22. My quote : "More disturbing : what they did to the Palestinian workers that worked in Israel and could not come back into Gaza + what has been done with the bodies of the dead Hamas fighters. MSM can't post this." Can I post this or not ? (from YT)
  23. Most of the people in the links are not Hamas militants. They are temporary workers from Gaza that had permission to work in Occupied West Bank and Israel. They didn't participated in the 7th of October attacks. It's collective punishment. The footage I saw that I can't post here due to forum rules are some of these prisoners naked and subjected to perversity of some soldiers. And no, I don't expect these non combatant hostages to be treated that way as per international law. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war#:~:text=Prisoners of war must at,breach of the present Convention. Quote from source : Article 13 Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present Convention.
  24. Because I want cease fire and peace for both sides. It's as well kosher as hallal...
  25. The SH40 pipes (standard pipe schedule) for manufacturing of rockets was in reply of another poster that supposed that Hamas used its own underground water piping system to make/fabricate rockets and this resulted that they've created areas within Gaza without water supply for its own population. Nothing strange to use SH40 underground pipes for water pressure service of max. 10 Bar while some assumed you could use these for rockets. Hamas uses for military purposes round tunnel openings and the tunnel to surface shaft is made of bricks. No casted concrete RC columns. This shaft in the footage is part of the hospital. Cables and wires dangling like that is very common if you work in poor countries and/or regions that are subjected to blockades. Many people like me can see that this is not a person ladder. It's a cables ladder/tray inside the shaft. It's not made to walk on it like a ladder. My list of debunking war propaganda starts to expand in such way that my basic E&M engineering knowledge will be questioned in response. This can be double checked with what other people post with the same logic/criticism as me on other social media.
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