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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. “I bet with my life that I will no longer allow anyone to create rift in this land and I will never betray my country.

    Is he taking things a little too far? OK well for a start he did in fact betray his country and the rights of every Thai citizen to be free from oppression.

    If he truly wants to heal the wounds then he'll have to incarcerate all those responsible for and guilty of sedition; that'll have to include himself.

    I truly understand that here is a man that appears to be sick of all the corruption and how the country appears in the eyes of most other nations ... that being a sick and corrupt country ruled by the few for vast wealth; and those are the primary areas that keeps Thailand from being a truly great nation.

    I remain unconvinced that the General is capable but it certainly would be nice to see positive change. For a start try putting aside nationalism and protectionism. Warming invite foreigners to live and work in Thailand with the remit of education and growth.

    There are so many issues but NONE are impassable; you just need the will to enact change but can change come about when we've seen how the puppet masters pull the strings of power?

    • Like 1
  2. The minister said American diplomats as well as Thais should understand that the government is currently trying to solve problems and bring about national reconciliation and has no intention to wrongly exercise its power. Anupong said the situation was going well with the economy picking up and the tourism reviving and so he does not wish to see any trouble recurring.

    1. You cannot reconcile a nation at the point of a gun and by removing their basic human rights.

    2. The abuse of power was a military coup.

    3. The economy and tourism remains skeptical at best.

    This is merely complaining and will have no benefit to either Thailand or the US ... time to deal with the truth; but Thainess prevents it.

    • Like 1
  3. Another promise to act but the truth is that if they seriously cracked down on prostitution tourism would probably fall by 60% or more.

    The fact remains that most bars operate within the law as the act is not perpetrated on the premises. This is a time old profession that no government has ever really been able to eradicate and in a country where money is everything and the poor continue to suffer they'll happily send their daughters off to BKK, Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and anywhere else they can make big money.

    • Like 2
  4. Not a bad idea but power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    The issue here is that Thailand is currently being once again run by the ruling elites with the use of the military and as far as they are concerned it's all good as long as the money keeps flowing into their pockets. What could be more perfect than a few getting rich of a poor nation without any oversight or accountability.

    The issue or problems that Thailand has can be over come and it's not as if they are unaware of what they are; that however doesn't put fuel in the private jet.

  5. "Thai economy has since floundered because of military coups, floods and persistent political uncertainty"

    All things of the past.

    The future is bright.

    Stability is back and the Government is taking care of that.

    Thailand will flourish again in the coming years.

    The longer they govern the better for Thailand and it's people.

    God or Buddha forbid we go back to the previous political situation and turmoil.

    Whatever you are on I'd like a pint of it then I too could take a trip to the clouds.

    • Like 1
  6. Trained in what exactly? How to fleece a tourist 101 ... the jet ski operators have that covered; maybe they are the ones giving the lectures.

    The Thais haven't got a clue what tourists want; that much is clearly evident but of course Thainess dictates they know best ... but of course that has nothing to do with the on-going decline in tourism.

    Time to put Thainess to one side, wake up and smell the roses .... foreigners are not your enemy and despite what most people say the expats would love to see you change, educated and prosper. Until the Thai mantra of what's good for the many doesn't fit in with what's good for the one is over come then the many will continue to suffer and no dictator is ever going to change the fact that those in charge couldn't give a rats backside about the majority.

  7. Another clear indication that even the Koreans are sick of Phuket. The only thing left is the Russians and Chinese. Russians are depleting due to the collapse of the Ruble and I wonder how many more deaths of Chinese citizens it will take before they decide not to come to Phuket.

    There's a clear message here for Phuket and Thailand as a whole but as usual the Thai gov will ignore it and insist the people are happy and that Thailand remains the #1 nation on the earth.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Committee. Monitor. Blah, blah, blah, and then do what?

    Hahahah blah blah bla is right. Hahahahah

    No use of being negative here.

    All these years corruption and backhanding is littering Thailand.

    An effort has been initiated by this government to weed out the bad seeds.

    Respect and applaud their effort.

    Better days are here for Phuket and Thailand as a whole.

    In one word Costa .... delusional

  9. In the land of narcissists and corrupt they set up yet another corrupt committee to combat corruption ... roughly translated ... someone is not getting their dues so they set up a committee to ensure they do.

    Seriously it's like a serial killer telling the judge they won't murder again and the judge agreeing to release them.

    If nothing else Thainess is good for a laugh.

  10. And of course he won't having any problems owning it 100%; they'll be no threat of changing the law on an annual basis for protectionist reasons. Just imagine he'll also be able to reside in the UK if he wants without having to apply annually for a visa and reporting to immigration like a common criminal ever 90 days.

    If it was up to me I'd subject Thai citizens to the same that they subject foreigners to.

    • Like 1
  11. While Siam Commercial Bank's chief economist seems sure the world is entering a currency war, but Energy Minister Narongchai Akrasanee sees no reasons for concerns, saying the government is confident the Thai economy will do better this year, regardless of the movements in oil prices and exchange rates.

    In other words the general's running the show don't have a clue how the money markets work but will stick their heads in the sand hoping it won't affect Thailand ... actually they are sure of it because Thailand is special, it's the greatest nation on earth.

    I really feel sorry for the poor average Thai having to put up with this lot knowing that they can't do anything about them due to the lack of democracy and the treat of being subjected to an 'attitude adjustment'.

    You've got to thank you're lucky stars you weren't born a Thai.

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