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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. Funny I almost posted on the original report that it's likely the gun was planted on him.

    Once again the world gets the true meaning of Thainess; where life is cheap and where Thais feel so superior than any other race they can take a life without consequence and over the most trivial of matters.

    Seriously you could offer me $10 million tax free to visit Thailand and I would turn it down without blinking an eye-lid. Why anyone would want to visit or live in the cesspit of humanity ( or lack of humanity ) is beyond my comprehension.

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  2. National flag carrier Thai Airways International (THAI) confirms that it has cancelled some flights to European destinations in line with its two-year strategic corporate restructuring programme.

    Translated ... we're an over-priced carrier with a piss poor service and we wouldn't know how to compete in an open market if our lives depended on it. Ah yes there's also the fact that the European market has almost been killed off by scams, violence and above all general Thainess. Don't worry TAT will be putting your minds at rest later today with some more junta propaganda that will adjust your attitudes.


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  3. According to TAT there are millions who flock here annually and I suspect that a large percentage of these are looking for romantic encounters; albeit with as many bargirls as they can squeeze into a fortnight and this activity is not restricted to February.

    Thailand is well known as the whorehouse of Asia. The locals here in Malaysia often nip across the boarder to get laid because it's not allowed here. Their view is that the Thais are only good for one thing and that involves a bed.

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  4. Police have arrested a 37-year-old man from Guinea for having carried out money lending business in Thailand without license and overcharging his clients for the interest – most charged as high as 20 per cent per month.

    Standard police practice and obviously they didn't like the guy muscling in on their business.

    The Guinea man was charged with collecting interest rates higher than what allowed by the laws. He also faced a charge of being an immigrant working in other types of work permitted in his work permit.

    And if he was RTP he'd have been moved to an 'inactive post' or merely transfer to perpetrate the crime in another region.

  5. "The recent visit to Thailand by a top US diplomat to strengthen the over 180 years old relations between the two countries was a failure and even strained the relation."

    I'm sure it didn't strain the relations as much as Thailand declaring war against the U.S. during WW II. Or was that just convenient amnesia?

    There's a story behind that, very well known & in the public domain.

    You should look it up.

    Then you might have a different perspective of what was really strained.

    Which part? The part where:“Thailand began moving in the opposite direction, creating a 'friendship' with Japan and adding to its school textbooks a futuristic map of Thailand with a 'Greater Thailand' encroaching on Chinese territory…." OR the part where: "The Japanese had assistance: Thailand's prime minister, Lang Pipul, collaborated with the Japanese, embracing the Axis power's war goal of usurping territory in China and ruling over the South Pacific. Pipul wanted to partake in the spoils; toward that end, he declared war on the United States and England. In October, he took dictatorial control of Thailand and became a loyal puppet of the Japanese." ? I do have a different perspective now. Very brave when standing behind the bully in order to possibly receive whatever he discards without partaking in the battle itself. No matter what the general population might have wanted, the government, then as now, did whatever it wanted to do. The major difference is that there doesn't appear to be much of an impassioned resistance movement today as there was then.

    As I understand it the Declaration of War against the UK was never delivered under the orders of HM. I read that HM told the diplomat delivering the signed DoW to stall for time which is why the UK never invaded Thailand. Another thing the Thais fail to observe is that they were in fact occupied ... of course that never really happened the Japs were just guests for a few days.

  6. Diplomacy ... bullshit for those who can't face the truth.

    They can thank their lucky stars I'm not the UK Ambassador as I'd tell them like it is in a heart beat and they can shove diplomacy where the sun doesn't shine. Cut the exports, load up a couple of sanctions and Thailand would go bust within 6 months or less.

    Time to let the Thais know who the real master is .... ummm but that of course would be China.

  7. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get on my knees and thank the stars above that I wasn't born a Thai.

    The on-going news clearly depicts Thailand in all its glory ... yes the land of scams, rip-offs, prostitution and violence crime; mostly perpetrated against any foreigner stupid enough to visit.

    The raids came as part of the government̕s drive to lift Thailand out of Tier 3, the lowest grade in the United States̕ Trafficking in Persons Report.

    This is NOT going to be anywhere near enough for the US to reconsider its position. Apart from all the underage prostitution there still remains high levels of human trafficking and slavery. Add to this the mix of martial law, the removal of fundamental human rights, the on-going discrimination and the media being effectively forced into silence unless it meets with gov approval and you have the perfect recipe for potential sanctions ... it amazes me to this day how Thailand has managed to escape sanctions over the years.

    You could offer me $100 million and I still wouldn't step foot in Thailand ... human dignity has no price; unless of course if you're a Thai and then they'll sell it for 100 Baht.

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