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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. Is anyone really surprised at his latest statement? I'm glad I no longer live in Thailand for living under such an oppressive regime is not something I could consider.

    Will there ever be elections and if so what constraints with Prayut put upon the elected party in order to comply with HIS ideology? When imposing, through force, an ideology where is the democracy?

    Without question Thailand needs reform and change in order to empower the population through education but what under the General has been actually achieved to date?

    If I was still living in Thailand I would be packing my bags as it will never be safe living under such a regime; the political system continues to go from elected government to military coup and eventually will lead to civil war.

    Good luck to Thailand and it's people ... they are going to need it in order to fit into a single ideology and Prayut is no Lee and Thailand is no Singapore and never will be.

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  2. With the rainy season only weeks away, we need to take action now to prevent flooding.

    So wait until the last minute and then acknowledge the problem and yet have no solutions. Pure Thainess.

    The city authorities might have been caught off-guard, not expecting so much rain to fall so quickly at this time of year. The concept of forward planning? I guess not as that would be asking far too much.

    Kangwan Deesuwan, director of the BMA's Drainage and Sewerage Department, said that he has instructed his officials at all district offices in the capital to focus on collecting garbage from the streets to prevent it from blocking the flow of rainwater. So finally he instructs staff to get off their backsides and work for their salaries?

    Many people treat the capital's canals as garbage bins, using them to discard everything from household waste to large items like old mattresses. You would think the Thais, who in turn perceive Thailand to be the greatest nation on earth, would be thoroughly ashamed at themselves for turning their own country into the cesspit it has become. Maybe that's national pride Thainess style?

    The solution is of course a simple one ... 100,000 Baht fine for anyone disposing of garbage illegally. Look at Singapore and how clean it is. The same can be achieved but that will take decisive action and a willingness to take Thainess out of the equation.

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  3. A National Reform Council (NRC) member has offered five proposals to improve marine national parks, including the establishment of a Marine National Park Bureau and the setting up of a committee on marine national park strategies.

    Unlikely to achieve anything more than installing more crooks.

    So they have 'evidence' that uncontrolled tourism has caused massive damage to the ecology ... well that's been known for at least a decade and yet those people responsible for protecting it have taken bribes and ignored it.

    The solution would be to investigate all those responsible for looking after the marine parks and anyone found with 'unusual wealth' should be thoroughly investigated and if found guilty of corruption have their assets stripped and sentenced to a minimum of 25 years in prison ... the solution is to find a solid deterrent not merely set up committees with people who can stick their snouts in the trough.

    The last time I went diving in Thailand was over 8 years ago and it was all but dead then. Their own greed is killing the very thing they make money from but that's ok for in a Thais mind tomorrow never comes, it's all about today and now.

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  4. POLICE have arrested a janitor who allegedly was hired to kill the revered monk from Udon Thani who was found shot dead this month. They also named a junior policeman as an accomplice on the run.

    The shocking part here is that the guy was just a janitor. Yes it should be a shocking fact that his accomplice was a police officer but as we are all aware the RTP are often found to be involved in criminal activities; it almost feels like the entire RTP is nothing more than a organized criminal gang where those who do get caught are merely transferred to another division of the criminal organisation.

    If Prayut is serious about cleaning up Thailand the RTP would and should be the first place to start.

    I wonder if there is any part of Thai society that isn't corrupt and murderous to the core ... seriously being born a Thai has to be a distinct disadvantage and if I was in that predicament I'd never admit it.

  5. According to the Prime Minister, legal cases involving politicians must be handled under the Thai legal procedures. He said many of those lambasting the integrity of the system have violated the law themselves.

    Yes the defamation laws are always at the ready to prosecute anyone who dare question or criticize a system with a history of unabated corruptions.

    He encouraged them to prove their innocence before the court instead of doing so outside the justice system.

    It's it the job of the prosecutor to prove guilt and persuade the judge and jury of it? You know the concept of innocent until found guilty or is that not the way it works in Thailand. If not then every citizen is a criminal until they can prove their innocence. Must be a mandate under Thainess that is lost on me.

    General Prayut also urged the media to report the news constructively as it could have much bearing on national security. He said he would ask the Thai Journalist Association to monitor news publications and encourage the media to adhere to media ethics when reporting the news.

    So print what we say or else; is that the mandate set out by the junta? Whatever happened to the support of democracy on which freedom of the press are the very pillars? Ethics ... in Thailand?

    • Like 2
  6. Safety ... a completely lost concept on Thais.

    Still it doesn't matter those tourists will continue to flock to Thailand to risk their lives at the hands of people who couldn't care less providing the money keeps on flowing. As normal you won't get any follow ups on this 'accident' as it'll be swept under the carpet as quickly as possible without any further ado.

    RIP the poor buggers that thought they were on holiday. I'm amazed the Chinese Gov hasn't acted considering how many of them are killed each year.

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  7. The Culture Ministry has threatened to take legal action against models at the on-going 36th Bangkok International Motor show for having exposed themselves too much.

    Yeah got to stick to those ever important 'morality' laws however they'll happily turn a blind eye to the fact that Thailand is widely known as the Whore House of Asia ... oh the irony of it or is this just pure Thainess?

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  8. Could it be that the Thais have now come to realize that destinations within the own country have been decimated by greed, corruption and ineptness that has ultimately turned once stunning locations into a cesspit?

    Of course the rising costs of staying in Thailand doesn't help and it's also nice to get away from marshal law and a welcome break from the Friday national rhetoric report.

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  9. The answer is, they have no idea how the country should be reformed and moved forward.

    This might appear like an accurate assessment but it's missing a critical element ... how do you reform a corrupt nation run by corrupt people? And there lies the true issue. Historically the rulers of Thailand have managed to keep the population largely uneducated and that's the way they like it for an educated population cannot be controlled.

    The trouble is the world has changed with the introduction of the internet and the social media has been a complete game changer which now openly challenges the rulers. They can no longer hide but ultimately they cannot bring about reform and therefore lies, more lies and rhetoric is produced so that it merely appears as if things are being done to address the social issues ... yes those new super task forces etc look like the right stuff but it's manned by those who are ultimately self-serving and where their narcissism will never allow them to relinquish control.

    It's a sorry state of affairs but the three principles of controlling a population are ignorance, fear and poverty and each continues to be enforced by the ruling elite. Can it change? It's possible as we have seen with Singapore but that means finding an individual with high moral values and who cannot be corrupted ... whether such a person exists in Thailand is unknown but it's likely he or she would be taken into custody for an attitude adjustment if their dare raise their head.

    Despite my often negative attitude towards Thailand, mainly due to their injustice of their systems and those who rule I remain convinced that Thailand could be truly one of the greatest nations in South East Asia but to achieve that would require reform that mirrored Singapore and sadly those who rule are never going to allow their citizens to attain an equal social status and therefore Thailand's potential will continue to be restricted and things will never change until democracy is finally installed and military coups become a thing of the past. Sadly I feel that history will continue to repeat itself with elected government and military coups until the nation finally breaks down which will ultimately result in civil war.

    Such a shame really but the greed of the few remains to outweigh the requirements of the many.

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  10. Action is what is needed not more rhetoric on reform.

    Start by testing every teacher and anyone that fails the tests should be sacked. Then move on to the administrators; look into their financial affairs and see how many are unusually rich and then remove them.

    There's a problem with reforming the education system ... it's run by the corrupt and backed by the corrupt. Again Prayut talks about wanting Thailand to be like Singapore in a recent article and yet it's clear he hasn't got a clue who Lee was or what he did which was to first remove and punish the corrupt.

    You could live to be a 1,000 years old and Thailand will still remain a developing country until it removes the corrupt and ineptness from the system and that's not going to happen anytime soon regardless of the number of task forces set up.

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  11. What a predicament they have put their families in. I would hate to burden my family with something like this.

    But I bet they never stopped and thought about what they were doing, how many lives they could destroy, how people may die. They only thought about quick money.

    It has been said repeatedly, but they did know the risks and likely did not believe they would get caught...in fact they recruited others to courier the Heroin, perhaps thinking that they were the smartest people in the room.

    Indonesia has every right to put Drug Smugglers to death. I have no issue with that. Justice has run its course. It's time.

    Hopefully people learn from this...

    . It's Never Been Proven that this Deters Crime...

    Actually there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the death penalty is not a deterrent; this is one of the reasons why the death penalty is opposed. On the other side of the debate is that the death penalty is a deterrent in that it no longer allows the so-called 'reformed' criminal to ever again commit the crime in which the death penalty is applied.

    In my view there is only one sentence for a drug dealer / trafficker .... the death penalty for it will certainly prevent any repeat and save countless other lives from being affected by their crimes.

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