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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. "Do not make judgements or turn personal bias into reason. It could be someone you like personally, but if the person has done wrong, then they are guilty. This person should learn to improve themselves in the future. Certain developments are setting the benchmark for the country and for everybody who will come in and administer the state," he said.

    So if you are guilty of treason then you're happy to face a criminal court?

    We'll see how the gander dishes it out for the goose and I doubt there will be a level playing field. The underlying law here appears to be that those who can pay their way out are the ones that avoid justice.

  2. Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing concern, urging all parties to respect human rights and international humanitarian law, demanding an end to violence against civilians in Libya.

    That's a bit rich coming from a country that is listed T3 and actively abuses human rights on foreigners every day. Take a look at the UN Declaration of Human Rights which Thailand is a signatory too and you will discover that Thailand is one of the worst offenders in the world for abusing even basic rights.

    I would like to know if the Minister could actually locate Libya on the map.

    I'm so happy I no longer live in the Land of Human Rights Abuses.

  3. Mr Sek, the Ministry's Information Department director general, said that the UK-based foundation ignored Thailand's serious efforts to suppress and prevent human trafficking.

    I guess Mr Sek doesn't quite grasp the concept that rhetoric is not considered a useful advancement and that what is needed is measurable action.

    The EJF intended to attack Thailand and turned a blind eye to the Thai government's efficient efforts and development in combating and preventing human trafficking and rescuing victims, Mr Sek said.

    Ah yes, when things don't go the way you like it cry like a baby, throw your dummy out the pram and blame everyone else. Pure Thainess

    I'm afraid Thailand is a LONG way off of getting any reduction in T3.

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  4. My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

    Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

    If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

    I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

  5. Bad publicity about martial law, backpacker killings and police shakedowns of foreigners have harmed Thailand's reputation as a tourist magnet in past months ...

    but not to worry as TAT is on the case and produces figures on a daily basis to how rosy the situation is and how millions more are flocking to Thailand ... I guess some people like being ripped off, mugged, beat up, scammed by all manner of people including the beloved RTP and if that's not enough of an attraction there's always the increasing chance of being murdered by a moron.

    So now they've switched tactics ... no longer the 'quality' tourists but now the 'upscale' tourists ... the truth is they could find their own a-hole if crap didn't come out of it on a daily basis.

    “We're challenged by nearly all the crises we have. We learn from that, it's one after the other. It's quite challenging but we are always able to manage it pretty well,” said Sukanya.

    If you actually learned by the mistakes you made you wouldn't now be living in a country that is often referred to as the S*** pit of Asia. The real challenge the Thais face is being able to put aside the 'Face Saving' ideology, address the problems head on and then start cleaning up the mess.

    I've said it before ... Thailand truly could be a great nation with a thriving tourist industry but until they put their greed to one side, learn how to think objectively and above all value those that visit and live here then the numbers, despite the TAT fantasy, will continue to decline and it's likely that once tourism has dried up they'll be left scratching their heads for an answer.

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  6. The RTP is organising brainstorming sessions aimed at gathering feedback from police and the public throughout the country.

    Brainstorming ... not a trait known to Thais as the only two things they can think of is A) themselves and; B) how to make easy money.

    There's only one way to reform the RTP ... sack the lot and start from scratch. Before that's done the laws need changing so that issues such as sending officers to 'inactive posts' are no longer and option. Corruption should be dealt with by a minimum prison term of 15 years ... if they can do it for something as stupid as LM then they can do it for something that could make a real change and bring about the reforms they keep talking about.

    Unfortunately nothing tangible will really happen but the entire system is corrupt from the top to the bottom - it's like asking a nest of rats not to eat the corn in the corn field.

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  7. Somebody has shelled out a nice big fat brown envelope. When it comes to inhumane and despicable acts in the name of money Thailand is without question the HUB.

    I wonder how the owners and officials would feel about being chained up and drugged 24/7 just to please a few tourists - tourist who should know better to avoid such places.

    Another day goes by that I am delighted in the decision to get out and no longer support such a vile country.

  8. Prayut said that as a state official, he was not permitted by law to meet with someone wanted by the authorities for legal prosecution. And he would be unable to send anyone else to meet Thaksin on his behalf, as that also was against the law.

    That's a bit rich ... Prayut effectively committed an act of treason and the only reason he hasn't been arrested for his crime is that he continues to hold the country under martial law and therefore by force.

    He might want to give Obama or any other western leader for that matter a call to see if he's considered a 'State Official' - the honest answer would be NO because his position was NOT due to a democratic election but by simple force; regardless of whether that force involved violence.

    "I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty."Don't forget that Khun Thaksin has legal problems. Do you think I can talk to him?"

    If there was any legal justifications forthcoming it would be the arrest of Prayut for treason; again his comments are delusional at best as he already committed the offense of dereliction of duty when he staged a coup.

    Thaksin is another kettle of fish altogether and whether we like it or not he and his sister were duly elected by the people. Yes he's now living in exile by choice because he doesn't want to face jail time and certainly Thaskin is not the man anyone in power should be discussing state matters with.

    This is the underlying reason why Thailand will continue to hold elections and military coups because people like Thaskin and Prayut are self-severing; this has nothing to do with the good of the people for if that were the case Yingluck would still be in power if the democratic decision of the people decided on such.

    So 2016 ... General Election ... 2017 the military and ruling elite don't like the peoples choice ... late 2017 protests ... end of 2017 another military coup .... and that the cycle which will continue until the self-serving elites and military are finally removed from the equation.

  9. All this fuss over a few chairs and umbrellas but NO law enforcement on the illegal activities / scams of the Jet Skis - someone is contributing heavily to the pockets of the corrupt.

    I've had six friends visit me this year; each of them intended to stop over in Phuket for a week but after I had a chat they flew straight into Malaysia.

    With the videos getting a fair amount of attention on YouTube one can only assume this latest madness won't do tourism any favours. Right now the authorities should be bending over backwards to accommodate foreigners and yet the simple task of asking their opinions and taking them on-board is just beyond them and the face-saving values.

    I for one will never set foot again in the Land of Scumbags.

  10. Love it! What a way to treat your paying guests ... come and spend your money but don't expect us to be nice or allow you to use our beaches.

    The issue remains that they don't have a clue how to run a business and just fumble in the dark for new ideas, or rather ways to destroy the ever declining tourist numbers.

    It's interesting to note that they've made all this fuss about a few beach chairs and yet the crooks running the Jet Skis are still permitted to perpetrate their scams without let or hindrance ... something is seriously messed up with their heads and you have to wonder if they are capable of any logical thinking process.

    Still this is yet another bit of light entertainment for those of us who came to our senses and no longer visit or live in Thailand.

    I am left wondering however, how on earth TAT will put a spin on the Facebook videos now being shared; I'm sure their next report will show a significant increase in tourist numbers.

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  11. Or in other words ... the Thais don't like free market competition and this scaremongering is design to keep that status-quo; that is allowing Thais to charge extortionate rates.

    If they are really that worried about protecting tourists from being ripped off then they should look to their own first ... JetSkis, Double Pricing (10x if you look at national parks) Murders and the list goes on.

  12. The Transport Ministry has revealed a plan to better prepare truck and bus drivers for the fierce logistic competition ahead of the arrival of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at the end of this year, training them to drive more safely and strictly follow traffic rules.

    Logistics = Logic .... I doubt this will fly.

    Training them to driver more safely and strictly follow traffic rules is a clear indication they are capable of neither in their own country.

    Let's be honest successive governments, including the current clowns, have been banging on about road safety and yet none have ever been able to achieve instilling even basic road sense into their citizens.

    You wait until they drive across the border they'll be a lot of happy policemen waiting to fine them ... payback is a bitch.

  13. Difficult to reform any system when those in power don't have a clue what they are doing. Reform is what is needed but the Junta, as an illegitimate government, has no legal powers to reform anything without breaking the constitution. Oh yes that's right, just over-throw a legitimately elected government, re-write the constitution to however you see fit and then start the reform process.

    The result ... new elections held, government voted in, the elites don't like it, the army stages another coup ... round and round we go.

  14. Students being arrested and 'attitude adjusted' for freedom of speech and here are the junta fan boys condoning this because...because..."but..but the shins!"

    inexcusable. Stop deflecting away from the argument and at least admit this is on many levels WRONG! Stop making it about your hate for the last ELECTED government.

    I don't agree with freedom of speech or think that democracy (Shinawatra style) is democracy.

    You don't agree with freedom of speech, so why on earth are you posting on a discussion forum and not clamouring for the internet to be shut down?

    Or is it 'My freedom of speech is fine but yours isn't'?

    I do not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire ... clearly democracy means allowing people to say what they want without persecution but others are equally free to admonish or disagree with it. Some people just do not understand what democracy is or what it takes to achieve it.

  15. for violating Order 7/2557 of the National Council for Peace and Order which bans political gathering in public of more than five people.

    An illegitimate order produced by an illegitimate government. The people should be able to protest without fear and the coup makers are the ones who should be in jail ... for the act of treason.

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