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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. They can come up with any system they like; that's not the issue. The issue relating to all the problems this country has is corruption and until they put a stop to corrupt officials their systems will lack any substance.

    Note how all the officials keep stating in press releases just what a great job they are doing and how effective they are. It's all BS.

    Bring on the EU ban!

    • Like 1
  2. The project was part of the plan to help strengthen democracy in Thailand through the democratic youth workshop.

    ​How on earth can you strengthen something that no long exists? Obviously they don't have the slightest idea to the differences between a legitimately elected government by a public vote (democracy) and an act of treason that results in a military takeover (coup / junta / dictatorship).

    Must be a Thainess thing I'm missing or something far more insidious as brainwashing kids into thinking that a military dictatorship is a form of democracy.

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  3. So let me get this straight ... I can walk up to any tourist attraction and whisper in the ear of the ticket vendor to hand over 1,000 baht under the table and then he / she will hand over said graft and let me in for free. Then I'll also be able to ramble through any national park and treat it like a garbage dump and the Thais will then be delighted to have me as a foreigner in their country. Remarkable ... or remarkably Thai should I say.

    Seriously can't these clowns come up with anything better?

  4. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday denied being involved with the broadcasting regulator's decision to revoke the licence for Peace TV, but said no one should be afraid if they have not done anything wrong.

    I wonder if Prayut would clarify the term 'doing anything wrong'. Is there a list of do's and don't's and if so how does such fit in with a transparent democracy society .... oh yeah that's right you don't have one. Carry of oppressing regardless!

    • Like 1
  5. Let's be honest here ... this is not about creating laws; in fact laws already exist. This is about enforcement of the law which those in power will ignore when it has the attribute of adding millions to their bank balance.

    All that has been reported on the subject has centered around how bad a ban would be for Thailand's economy ... on one of these low-life's has once mentioned the fact that a change and enforcement of the laws would finally help prevent human trafficking and slavery. Yes we see the true face of Thailand every time a minister opens their mouths.

    Frankly they despicable track record on human rights abuses should have moved all nations to ostracized Thailand decades ago. Let's hope that a ban ensues and they learn the hard way that it is not acceptable practice to profit from slavery and human suffering.

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  6. The first issue of the Prayut government's tabloid newsletter was published yesterday. A total of 60,000 copies of "Government Newsletter for the People" will be distributed across the country.

    So 63 million people have to share 60,000 copies; that 1 copy for ever 1,050 people ... must be hard wearing paper to take that kind of abuse.

    What worries me is that the PM is determined to see peace and prosperity ... the question is for whom? Maybe the newsletter is just aimed at their elitist buddies?

    Prayut appears to be stuck with nothing tangible to report and so keeps repeating his own rhetoric but who is he trying to convince?

  7. This might now be the case if ....

    A) The EU imposes a ban on the fishing industry ... that would release up a few workers. Ops, sorry just realised they are not Thai workers but rather people who have been trafficked and enslaved.

    B) The baht continues to rise which pushes out foreign investment. You'll see the likes of Toyota, Honda etc along with electronics manufacturers heading across the border ... that will certainly put a lot of people in the market for a job.

    The meeting acknowledged that it was necessary to recruit more foreign workers if domestic workforce was insufficient.

    Foreigners meaning Burmese, Loas and Cambodians. Eventually these people will also come to a point where their treatment here is no longer accepted or needed if major manufacturers open up in their home countries. The Thai superiority stance is going to come back and bite them in the backside and it's coming real soon.

    This country reminds me of a fabled ship where the owners claimed it was unsinkable .... funny name ... Titanic .... THAITANIC

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  8. Democracy ... Thai style. When those that wish to speak the truth, uncover the corruption, highlight the issues of human trafficking, slavery and all the other ills facing this country the only thing open to the likes of Prayut and his junta is to attempt to silence and eradicate any form of criticism in the hope that the underlying issues can be conveniently swept under the carpet.

    Things will only get worse.

    • Like 1
  9. Headline ... Marine Department taking swift action against illegal fishing in Thailand

    Not exactly accurate is it because .... According to Deputy Director General of the Marine Department Nat Japjai, relevant laws pertaining to the fishing industry have been enforced rigorously after the European Union (EU) threatened to ban seafood imports from Thailand unless the shortcomings were resolved in 6 months.

    And yet there remain no reports of any officials or fishing fleet owners / captains being arrested and charged with slavery and murder.

    The OP gets worse ... The laws are expected to keep the industry transparent and prevent human trafficking. Thailand has been accused by the EU of not complying with its anti-illegal fishing regulations. Yes and I suspect millions of lottery ticket holders 'expected' to win the lottery ... expecting something to happen doesn't translate in to measurable action that clearly shows something has been achieved.

    The Marine Department is expected to make sure that every fishing vessel is registered and monitored frequently. Fishing vessels with the capacity of under 20 ton gross will be exempted from official inspection fees. There we go again using the word 'expected' and still nothing achieved. Like anything else in Thailand it's all about rhetoric in the hope that someone, in this case the EU, will be fooled by their BS.

    As others point out ... the laws have always existed but unfortunately Thai society is so corrupt and doesn't give a crap about people providing they get their tea money which is why nothing is ever achieved and why this country is now facing a crisis.

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