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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. He said he would assign PACC officials to check the Nor Sor 3 Kor land title documents issued by the Land Department dating back to 1976. "If any plot of land had been issued illegally by land officials from any level, they will face prosecution for malfeasance or dereliction of duty,'' he said.

    So moved to another inactive post ... yeah that'll teach them to steal land.

    He said he ordered his staff to gather evidence without a timeframe because he wanted to ensure fairness to all.

    So how long do you think it will take before people just forget about this? Couple of years maybe and then conveniently swept under the carpet after more cash has changed hands?

    He expressed confidence that Justice Minister General Paiboon Koomchaya, who has been assigned the task by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, would be able to crack down on corrupt officials involved in forest encroachment.

    That's a very tall order and remains to be seen. Certainly we've had a lot of talk from Prayut but no end results as yet.

  2. Tourism rebounds? Didn't the TAT say that Martial Law was proving to be a good thing for tourism and that number were increasing daily because of it.

    So what they said previously was an outright lie because now they admit that foreigners couldn't get travel insurance?

    I've read some clap-trap propaganda in my time but none are more creative, stupid and outright moronic than under a Junta.

    I wonder how they are going to spin Article 44 as a positive move towards democracy and pushing up the number of tourists.

    • Like 2
  3. Is Article 44 like a magic wand? Can it really fix all the ills of Thailand? It certainly appears that way.

    Interesting to note that it'll be fixed in 90 days ... wasn't that always the mantra of Charlem?

    What is truly amazing is the fact that they waited until the likes of Japan took action before they even considered addressing the problems.

    There are dark days ahead and the light at the end of the tunnel may never be reached.

  4. Only 100? That's the first thought that came to mind and I see many have beaten me to it.

    I wonder if they can spell the word 'FARCE' let alone comprehend its meaning.

    Once again the issue of who is and who is not corrupt is reasonable easy to determine ... hold a public inquiry run by the free press to examine the financial interests, bank accounts etc of all those who have served in gov. If Prayut is interested in transparency and fairness let him be the first to be subjected to a full investigation. Anyone who has nothing to hide would openly welcome the move in order to unite the people and it would be a positive step in the right direction to heal the wounds this country has suffered for so long.

  5. The Labour Ministry will be bolstering its efforts to resolve human trafficking issues in a new plan, which is expected to be revealed in the very near future.

    So no actual plan yet but just in the process of writing one.

    It's another top priority but will this one actually come to fruition in terms of arresting those responsible ... they know who the perpetrators are so why do you need a plan or is the top priority plan just an plan to see how they can make some token arrests while leaving those responsible to carry on with impunity?

    Prayut talks about trust all the time and if he really wants the trust of the people and the international community then he'll have to show that he is not cut from the same cloth as the rich and untouchables.

    • Like 1
  6. Start off by enforcing the law that no child should be allowed to operate a vehicle (under the age of 18).

    Secondly introduce vehicle training instructors whereby all must learn how to drive to an international standard before being allowed to take the actual driving test.

    Make the driving test a proper test instead of letting them ride around a track for 5 minutes.

    Make then undertake a proper written test so that they fully know and understand traffic laws.

    Until such are implement and enforced the number of needless deaths will continue.

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  7. This all comes down to money as the number of ill-informed and ignorant tourists pay to go see these poor neglected and abused animals.

    These lot need sticking in a cage and drugged up 24/7 and starved to near death to see how they like it.

    Any tourist who visits places like this doesn't have a conscience.

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  8. Can Thailand be called a democratic country before the coup? What value had that gave to the lives of Thais?

    State coffer being robbed, lives under armed threat, police inactions or used politically against oppositions, corruption rampant?

    Whether you approved of the gov or not is irrelevant ... they were in fact democratically elected (concerns of voting buying aside).

    You have to consider why people voted in the Shin family; ultimately it was their only choice in an attempt to unseat the ruling elite. Certainly a sad situation for the Shins had no real intention of helping the people but rather just themselves.

    Democracy is a painful process; look at the west, UK, US and EU ... it's all a mess but ultimately the people have / had a choice. Under this regime there is no choice and no freedom to oppose it.

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  9. Lifting of the martial law will help boost tourism business and will convince more western tourists to visit Thailand, Mr Bunthoon Lamsam, chairman of Kasikorn Bank, said on Thursday.

    But Article 44 will not bother them? Will the insurance companies insure people travelling to a country that is ruled by a Junta that is looking more oppressive by the day?

    Westerners in particular generally avoid such places and insurance companies are not in the business of taking such a high risk.

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  10. So basically a 14 point document that moves to eradicate any traces of democracy. It's time the UN stepped in and did their job for the removal of democracy is without question the most heinous abuse of human rights at even the basic level.

    This has nothing to do with law and order but simply about unfettered and unchallenged control by a few elitists. This country is going to slip into the abyss like Myanmar and N. Korea.

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