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Posts posted by Krataiboy

  1. 8 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Not in my neck of the woods, in Tescos yes but then mostly under the chin, in the village nobody wore or wears them let alone 2 meter distancing, in the market town 17 km away there is only 2 meter distancing at the ATM's due to the markings on the floor but no masks are worn now, the novelty has worn off.

    They are largely ineffective in terms of protection against viruses anyway, and if worn for long periods are unhealthy and even dangerous to people like the elderly with compromised respiratory systems.

  2. On 6/13/2020 at 6:49 AM, OzButcher78 said:

    These are new Covid19 policies at our kids school:


    • A “Screening point” in which every students’ temperature will be measured and hand sanitizer will be applied.


    • Students will be wearing face masks at all times.


    • Social distancing rules are applied and is a “must”, all tables and seatings are spaced out.


    • We spray the entirety of the school with an antiseptic  solution several times a day. This is to kill any bacteria and denature viruses. Especially areas that are likely to be touched by students such as the playground, classrooms, canteen and more.


    • There are hand gel and hand sanitizer bottles stationed in every single classroom.


    • Ozone Generator will be used in every classroom after school, daily. These Ozone molecules are able to denature covid-19 viruses.


    • Our team of staffs and teachers will be wearing masks and face shields at all times.

    And i read on Bangkok Post that Aircon will not be allowed. 

    Sounds positively Orwellian. One shudders to imagine such draconian measures could wreak on young minds and bodies.


    Apart from any other consideration, it is downright dangerous to wear a mask for long periods.


    Not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but medical experts say they also create serious health risks to the wearer.


    The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask of any kind - particular the cloth, home made variety.




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  3. 37 minutes ago, DrTuner said:





    Source is the only reliable one in Thailand, their civic registration system ( https://stat.bora.dopa.go.th/stat/statnew/statMONTH/INTERNET/#/statdeath ) . As seen in the chart from BBC, ~5k excess deaths since January ( the blue triangle is 2.4k, it's been going on before that ). Why indeed would the figures be doctored, eh?

    We'll soon find out if Thailand's stats are bogus when schools and universities open next month. If the virus has not run out of steam, we could be in for a second wave with infected students (typically asymptomatic) passing on the virus on to families in multi-generation households.


    For this reason, schools need to screen all children from day one and at regular intervals thereafter, and ensure parents of those found to be infected are informed. Not counting my chickens, though!

  4. 4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    That's killed almost half a million people!

    Your are exaggerating. The official death rate today is actually under 463,000.


    And you must be about the only person in the world who actually believes the official toll is real. There is overwhelming evidence of it being grossly exaggerated. Just about anyone who expires with a trace of the so-called COVID 19 virus in their system as having died as a result of contracting it.


    One US state fessed up to counting COVID-infected individuals who died of gunshot wounds as victims of the virus. In Italy, researchers discovered that out of thousands of presumed COVID fatalities only 12 percent were actually due to the virus. 


    There is no doubt the figures are being doctored. The question you and everyone else should be asking is. . . why?




  5. More bread and circuses for the dumbed-down masses, compliments of the corporate-controlled mainstream media.


    Sadly, it will make little difference whether Republican Trump or Democrat Biden ends up in the White House.


    All US Presidents, even initially stroppy mavericks like our Donald, end up singing off the same deep state song-sheet. Politically, the new normal will be a replay of the old normal, irrespective of who ends up in the Oval Office.


    I'm half expecting the new incumbent to insist on changing the name White House into something less obviously offensive to Black Lives Matter and the oppressed non-white communities they purport to represent.


    Why not? In the wake of the panicdemic, the entire world is being lined up for a giant "reset".



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