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Posts posted by Amusements

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Why not take your car over the bridge ?

    I would, I found savannakhet to be hot and dusty, I spent a fair bit on samlors and taxis and time walking. I missed not having my bike.
    If I had my own transport I would have got out of sav and checked out the surrounding countryside instead of wasting my time sitting in a hotel watching movies on my notebook.

    Is it expensive or difficult to take your car ?

    I stayed in a cheap dump in muk as I stayed there as a backpacker 15 years ago, I should have chosen the ploy palace or riverside.

    In sav I stayed at the leena - ok and cheap enough for a night.

    It is not about the cost for taking a car across the bridge.

    It is about the paperwork needed. Not worth the trouble for just a couple of days or a one off trip.

    If the car is financed it is not possible. It means getting a passport from the land transport department for the car and you need the original car book.

    Just to add. There is a manned car park at border, and if your going to stay at the casino, they have a free bus service.

    Although it is possible to take your car, and does not actually take much longer to fill in the extra paperwork, you have to be prepared to drive on the right hand side of the road.

  2. Having just renewed my 5 year car and bike licenses, I thought I would update this thread due to a few minor changes recently.

    Immigration required a photocopy of my landlords ID card, both front and back, and a copy of the blue book for my address before they would give me a residence certificate.

    I didn't have any photos so was charged another 160 baht on top of the 500 baht for certificates (x2)

    Pre 10am:

    The test center wanted my passport + 2 photo copies of main page and visa, (one for car and one for bike) as well as my residence certificates.

    I then had to watch a 1 hour video in Thai with English subtitles. This was mind numbing to say the least.

    Out of the room... the next step is to look at a mini traffic light, and tell the operator what colour was being displayed. This was randomly positioned red, yellow or green lights, (don't mention amber).

    Next is the old peripheral vision test, where you look ahead and shout out the colour you see either side of your head.

    Next is the good old foot on the accelerator to turn a bulb green, then stamp on the brake when the light shows red.

    Lastly is the depth of perception test, with a forwards and backwards button on a control box (line up a white marker with its static twin)

    If you pass, you sign your forms and go downstairs. When I did it, 4 or 5 people failed and were sent back to the room where we watched the video in, and I never saw them again!

    Downstairs I paid 1060 baht for bike and car licenses, I then got photographed and waited for the cards to be printed. They asked me for 20 baht for 2 card wallets, but I turned them down NP.

    I was out the place at 11.45am with 2 licenses for just shy of 6 years validity (It's just past my birthday).

  3. There is another brand that is quite common here, at many resorts, Brand name not coming to me ... but perhaps ask at a place that has them for rent, they may tell you!

    You might be thinking of Feel Free? Most of the resorts get them off Tuangyot, which is probably the same place the OP is thinking of on the way out of Nathon. His prices are actually pretty low and are listed here http://samuikayaks.com/catalogue (click the models available)

    • Like 2
  4. I also agree that a Lenovo is a good option.

    You could get something like a Lenovo z5070 that comes with an i7 processor and 1920x1080 res for 23490 Baht, and swop out the HD for SSD for 5550 Baht or more, stick win7 64bit OS on for 5090 Baht, and upgrade the memory to 8 or 16gig all for under 40,000 Baht. You could also get a USB3 HD case for the HD you swop out and have a nice 1tb external.

  5. Funnily enough, I tried to get a new ATM card at Kasikorn yesterday, as my old one expired a few days ago. They wanted 700 Baht to give me a new one which was outrageous! I declined and went home and emailed Kasikorn head office to comfirm the price of a new ATM card. Here is the reply.


    Dear XXXXXXXX,

    According to your enquiry regarding about expired debit card, we would like to inform you that you need to bring your passport, passbook and old ATM Card contact any Kbank branch in person. However, card replacement fee will be applied or not depends on these conditions;

    - If you renew the card within expiry month, there will be no any card replacement fee.
    - If you renew the card within 3 months after the expired date, there will be no any card replacement fee but there is an annual fee.
    - If you renew the card after 3 months after the expired date, there will be a card replacement fee and also an annual fee.


    BTW. I recently replaced my ATM card at Krung Thai and it was free.

  6. I had a rat in my car just over a year ago. It got in through the air con duct (which I now turn off when leaving the car). Apart from damaging my air con fan, and stinking out the car when it got diced up, it had also bitten through my water pipe, and was using it as a shower.

  7. I hate this roundabout, it is lethal and it seems to be where arrogance rains supreme. There needs to be large cartoon instructions put up on all the approaches to it - For those who don't understand what give way to the right means.

    I wonder how many accidents there have been on this roundabout? I have narrowly avoided being killed twice on it so far. I avoid it when possible.

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