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ktm jeff

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Posts posted by ktm jeff

  1. Heres an idea - lets all spend a little time , and if needed , money , and ensure we have adequate insurance for situations we could all find ourselves in. If you choose to spend that money on "other things" --- dont expect strangers to bail you out .Hope Gerry makes a full recovery , but we here these stories all too often. 5 million baht insurance is absolute minimum cover.IF he was drunk , then no cover provided.

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  2. Masuk When you said you spoke to a sales person , i thought you meant a qualified mechanic. Try to have a word with a good mechanic - out of ear shot of the "sales"people. He will almost certainly advise against E20 for long term use , this is one ofthe fuels you enquired about yes .If your manual says E10 is ok then use that-it will be ok for long term use but not as good as benzine in a performance engine , but your engines "state of tune" will be fine on E10. E20 has been introduced (forced through)by massive political pressure.VERY FEW engines run correctly on this fuel. E20 is 80% benzine(petrol) with 20% ethanol blended in.The long term effects of this is not good for both engines and the enviroment due to a number of factors you will have to either take my word for or not.PS ,i am a qualified technician who owned his own company , and has worked on (and owned) both race cars and bikes for 35 years.

  3. Masuk. E20 will cause damage to your car in the long term. Maybe not during your ownership , if your lucky, but VERY few cars can run 100% on E20. Your mechanic knows his stuff ,and was looking after your long term interests, and the resale value / condition of your car.The "head office" arent mechanics and are reading the corporation BULL. Its your car - your risk , but the few baht you think your saving is being wasted several times over with poorer fuel economy and more engine wear.

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