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ktm jeff

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Posts posted by ktm jeff

  1. Masuk When you said you spoke to a sales person , i thought you meant a qualified mechanic. Try to have a word with a good mechanic - out of ear shot of the "sales"people. He will almost certainly advise against E20 for long term use , this is one ofthe fuels you enquired about yes .If your manual says E10 is ok then use that-it will be ok for long term use but not as good as benzine in a performance engine , but your engines "state of tune" will be fine on E10. E20 has been introduced (forced through)by massive political pressure.VERY FEW engines run correctly on this fuel. E20 is 80% benzine(petrol) with 20% ethanol blended in.The long term effects of this is not good for both engines and the enviroment due to a number of factors you will have to either take my word for or not.PS ,i am a qualified technician who owned his own company , and has worked on (and owned) both race cars and bikes for 35 years.

  2. Masuk. E20 will cause damage to your car in the long term. Maybe not during your ownership , if your lucky, but VERY few cars can run 100% on E20. Your mechanic knows his stuff ,and was looking after your long term interests, and the resale value / condition of your car.The "head office" arent mechanics and are reading the corporation BULL. Its your car - your risk , but the few baht you think your saving is being wasted several times over with poorer fuel economy and more engine wear.

  3. "Green" Hello, In reply - maybe i worded it too strongly and /or badly - my bad.I was refering to people who think ALL Thais are out to rip them off. There are many scams by different races of people in different countries , and it saddens me to think some people have no trust in their life. Dont assume you will always be overcharged. Have a little faith/hope/trust. It pays back most of the time. Sorry if my rant upset anyone. NJ

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  4. Sorry - after re-reading my post i may have caused some confusion (confuse my-self often).The bike i consider perfect is the Yamaha SPARK not the KSR ,although a very well built bike is not suitable for big trips.Hope this helps.

  5. Motocross "rip-proof fabric" gloves are best bet , as leather can be hot. Some open face helmets have deep visors to prevent you eating too many bugs ---- however this is Thailand , and bugs are a high source of protein - LOL. Those "flip up" police helmets are safer than open face or try a motocross style with goggles. Fuel is cheap here , and although a twist n go may use more fuel,it may be easier in traffic. The Yamaha SPARK has a 4 speed gearbox but auto clutch (and the engine is in the center of the bike) but its not a true step-through. Has 17 inch wheels rather than the more normal 14 inch so handles like a bigger bike.The Kawasaki KSR may be too much of a "fun bike" as you do sit low and not realy suitable for two .Every-one has different requirements but this is - i consider - the perfect town bike that can still do the longer journeys in comfort.Yamaha has offered some of the best quality bikes for 5 or 6 years now and selling would be no problem but a bike with a manual clutch may be more difficult. Dont get it painted ! This will de-value it. Accident insurance - get the best - (Thai Visa advertises some).Good luck

  6. Yamaha MIO / Yamaha NOUVO / Yamaha SPARK (4 speed-auto clutch)will be perfect, but go for the 125/135cc models for better acceleration .Liquid cooled,fuel injection cast alloy wheel models, six months old, about 35,000 baht One year old about 32,000 baht Two years old about 25,000 baht.Yamaha has some of the best build quality out there and will serve you well.Good resale values too.Hot as it is - please wear helmet / gloves and thick jeans. Take it easy and keep your whits about you.Learn how the traffic "works", as it looks chaotic but it works very wellGood luck

  7. After having such a poor job done on my girlfriends honda , that could have killed us the next day , by a ("trained honda mechanic" at a main honda dealer from which the bike was brought new six months ago)that i corrected myself the next day , i advise staying away from faceless dealers . if its quality and resale you want then have a go an the Yamaha T-MAX - better build quality, better fuel consumption, better spec ,and i presume safe quality work from their mechanics People are looking at the alternatives to honda, THEY ARE OUT THERE ,and making their own buying decisions on value and service nowadays,not blindly buying a honda "cause this is Thailand "

  8. Honda build quality is nowhere near as good as it was just a few years ago (SYM are at least equal)and Honda resale values starting to show lower returns now,as this lack of service care and dealer back-up from Honda takes its toll in a competative market place. Took girlfriends Honda to main dealer , where she bought it from ,to check tyre pressures as due to a design fault with the wheel shape i cant get my digital gauge on the rear tube (only the front). "Mechanic" simply blew tyre up till it FELT right.I watched horrified - main trained dealer dont forget - girlfriend was happy and even told me to pay for this service LOL. Got home and checked pressure - - - 65 PSI !.Could have easily had a blowout and a nasty accident.Girlfriend wouldnt have re-checked mechanics work.Lucky i did.Honda has had its day. Industry insiders have said for the past 4 or 5 years Yamaha is the class leader in terms of quality and service.If Yamaha dont do a model you like then buy the SYM as it should prove a better bet nowadays . Good luck

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