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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Make the most of not celebrating this day while you still can. IMHO in a couple of years time, all will be forced to dress up, sing and dance NK style to celebrate the glorious occasion of our eternal brave leaders birthday.

    On death he will be embalmed, put in a glass mausoleum, should that be nauseleum, on public display in Chiang Mai. Foreigners and Democrats to pay double for admission.

    Please do not project your national customs.

    It is unfortunate that despite your having lived in Thailand, you still know nothing of Buddhist funeral rituals.

    i understand only too well but this is not a normal Buddhist family man rather one whose name must be whispered in hallowed tones.

  2. again the intention is good

    however again will have next to no effect

    ban big signs that promote alcohol the banners at sport event will have the same effect , next to none

    the key to effect is education so the people will now what it does

    and perhaps legilise ganja !!

    Some years back I visited a favourite watering hole In Nong Khai and the owner told me he had been visited by the local BIB who said because there were schools, and obviously schoolchildren, in the area he was not to display anything that advertised alcohol. Posters, bunting even beer mats and bar towels were out and all this with me sitting right next to the soi sipping my afternoon tea and in full view of any passing by.

    Adding insult to injury he switched on the TV and on live was an international ladies, very attractive, ladies volleyball tournament from Bangkok sponsored by Singha complete with advertising everywhere in view and parties of young schoolgirls in the audience.

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  3. Noppadon said although the Yingluck government was voted into office by 15 million people, it welcomed constructive criticism and would not give in to threats

    Yes that's been very evident with all the threats and intimidation that have been leveled against those who have criticized.

    They gave in to the threats from the farmers ..Right?

    He said anti-government groups must not take the country hostage by creating internal conflicts or using violence because most of the people did not agree with use of force to bring down governments.

    Crying shame you didn't tell that to your red shirts mates some years back, it would have saved a lot of lives.

    adding that the party was |also planning a reception for coalition partners to boost ties and to discuss its strategy on government policies.

    Party time for the parasite parties, make sure they are well oiled to vote in the correct direction regardless of what those who voted for them might want.

    Great Post. " Welcomes constructive criticism " is fine but have your lawyers on standby

    • Like 1
  4. Always assuming, as others have suggested, that they really want him back.

    I think many of believe there are people, all the way up the ladder, who don't want him back and telling his story. I'll be very surprised if he isn't " taken care of " long before that happens.

    IF he does end up in Thailand and faces justice he may go down and he has the potential to take a lot of others with him but Thailand, the legal " system " and those and such as those have an amazing ability to ignore anything that's inconvenient

    • Like 2
  5. Kornwat said the alleged action of buying a car just to resell it to the owner and then buy more new cars, sometimes up to six cars at a time, was suspicious

    I think he deserves a prize for that bit of detective work

    Here, have this....


    You know my methods Watson

  6. Wow the Lone Tarit, the slowest gun in the east, has finally ridden into town to clean it up.

    I like the bit about AMLO urging the shopkeeper to prove he owns 17 suspect vehicles, " urges " ? What's wrong with demanding proof OR ELSE ! I suppose DSI will summons him to attend on a day at his convenience whenever !

    The problem here is I am a foreigner and don't understand Thainess.

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