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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Tell me if I am wrong, but I do not think anyone can walk into a bank and withdraw 300 million baht over the counter ( or in a seperate room for security reasons ). The bank will have to have been notified in advance to amass such a large sum. The banks will have been fully aware of the recent interest and speculation ( innocent until proven guilty ) in this customer so should have informed the relevant authorities of such a large impending withdrawal. The same goes for large sums of baht or foreign currency. And, what about the linmit of baht allowed to leave the country at any one time ? A lot of questions need to be asked of the ' customer ', the banks and the Thai authorities.

    Lots of questions but will they ever be asked ?

    Hands up those who disagree with the answer " NO ".

  2. Tell me if I am wrong, but I do not think anyone can walk into a bank and withdraw 300 million baht over the counter ( or in a seperate room for security reasons ). The bank will have to have been notified in advance to amass such a large sum. The banks will have been fully aware of the recent interest and speculation ( innocent until proven guilty ) in this customer so should have informed the relevant authorities of such a large impending withdrawal. The same goes for large sums of baht or foreign currency. And, what about the linmit of baht allowed to leave the country at any one time ? A lot of questions need to be asked of the ' customer ', the banks and the Thai authorities.

    Lots of questions but will they ever be asked ?

    Hands up those who disagree with the answer " NO ".

  3. When one of the bankers gets busted Thais could start to be taken seriously on this anti money laundering crime. Until then it's just the Thai good old boy networking shuffling about, covering up, and grabbing money.

    You have to laugh. IN Channel reported on all the government agencies that have swung into action to find and seize all his assets !

    Have they never heard of Old Mother Hubbard ?

  4. Allow him to withdraw 300 million and then freeze his accounts. Well done.

    I suppose he needs pocket money for his US stay and more importantly the money may not all actually be his.

    He will lose potential friends very quickly if he loses their money. We know the DSI is suspect and incompetent but there could be method in this particular madness.

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  5. He's not too popular with some in the cabinet as it is so this won't endear him in any way, that's the problem with this government as they can't handle criticism or the truth.

    Could be facing legal action for speaking out against the government along with those who speak out against the rice scam.

    Now wouldn't that be quite a headline ? I wonder if anyone in the cabinet will suggest it, there's some nutters in post

  6. What's the point of apologising to presumably the Thai public as they have no idea who or what he was and even if they did they wouldn't give a monkey's ?

    So you are saying that If people were made to understand what Hitler was, they would not care. Frankly anyone who finds it necessary to so offhandedly judge the character of so many other people as being that terrible- and you are doing just that- Must be projecting his own vile nature on others. No. Most other people are not like you. Keep it all inside where it belongs.

    I was pointing out that Thais are not noted for interest in anything or anyone not directly affecting Thais or Thailand. Are you saying they do ?

    • Like 1
  7. Coals to Newcastle? How very seventies. The modern saying is like billionaire criminals to Dubai.

    The seventies was the era that produced life as we know it today, Rock n Role, Drugs, street racing, hippies, punks, grate leaders and fantastic con artists, what you youngsters think what you know about life is just a generic version of the actual product.

    Rock & Roll was 50's Hippies 60's

    I can't personally remember those days but the big boys told me about it...LOL. If there's any thunderbolts due from the heavens they've got my name on them.

  8. So it's " eyeing ' now, a few days ago they were " probing ", faculties of journalism really need to teach a new set of vocabulary.

    Anyway the DSI can't arrest him only have him arrested as he's not here.

    It's nice 3 monks will return the cars he gave them as they are uneasy, funny thing though they didn't seem to have any qualms about accepting them

    "funny thing though they didn't seem to have any qualms about accepting them"

    I guess they presumed they were genuine gifts without any shady background, lots of charities "Give" gifts to temples, and its usually all done legally and in good faith (no pun intended). wai.gif

    A Nelsionian blind eye too maybe

  9. why are they attempting to have the US cancel his visa....put a request to the US to arrest him and lock him up pending the commencement of a formal extradition application ?

    Getting his visa cancelled means nothing all it means is he cant be in the US, but wouldnt stop him leaving the US and going somewhere else...so what exactly are the incompentants at the DSI trying to do ?

    while they are at it..couldnt they also send a similar request to Dubai ?...me thinks double standards No ?

    DSI are talking about 8 charges ready to be laid so an Interpol Red Notice could be sent and the US arrests him.

    What you wrote about him leaving the US because of a cancelled visa is spot on and keeps him moving while delaying him actually coming back to Thailand.

    • Like 2
  10. The apple never falls far from the tree...

    "Nowadays, the accuracy of our predictions [on a favourable verdict] is less, because court verdicts don't conform to our predictions"- says it all really,as a man of torts perhaps he should know all cases are reasoned by evidence,proof of illegality and in Thailands case judges sole arbitration(leave the predictions to your palmist)And as for little T Some may remember Thaksin Jr getting thrown out of Ramkangheng universities exam room for cheating in his political science test-a worthy successor!

    Don't forget a senior female member of staff laughed it off with some lame comment about nothing really wrong with cheating.

    There was lots of outrage but I can't recall if she lost her job, hardly likely.

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