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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. A lot of agencies are getting involved in this when it may not be necessary and " too many cooks " although this may be what's intended as if the complete truth ever manages to be revealed this could be the biggest of disaster movies.

    I could be wrong of course and it's just the usual Thai need for publicity but it doesn't matter as long as this is not screwed up

    It would be so easy for efficiency's sake to tell DSI it's your case and everyone else co-operate and only DSi speaks to the media.

    Efficient but not the Thai way.

  2. One may find it hard to believe that authoroties such as the DSI and the Office of National Buddhism (?) knew nothing of this scandal before the Youtube clip that created such uproar was released.

    Yes especially for DSI who have a habit of claiming they knew, had been monitoring etc as soon as a major scandal breaks. Possibly a case of not wanting to know and hoping it would go away but it didn't, not yet anyway.

    We will know depending on how much effort, or lack of, is put into bringing him back. As they are prepared to indict on 8 charges there's no reason not to ask the US to act. His US visa will need to be re-newed sometime.

  3. My MIL was supposed to go meet Yingluck today here in Buriram as she is the head of the village but she sent her 2nd in command as she does not like her... Everybody in Buriram does not support the red shirts its more surin area... They even laid new Tarmac surface on the 2 roads she would exit on out of the City to make it look beautiful lol.. never saw 2 long stretches of roads relaid in 3 days with nice little white lines on so quickly..

    Royalty and national leaders etc must go through life thinking the world always smells of fresh paint

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  4. Hopefully they can hide behind their little mask.

    It may help not to lose face too much smile.png

    So you think that the protests are unjustified?

    Judging by the very (very) low turnout, it seems that for most people the "white" masks' reasons for protesting do not justify the effort of going there...

    I guess most people are getting tired of these silly protests.

    I am today in a place overlooking Lumpini park.

    At 5pm I saw a group of maybe 300 people gathering there. I looked again at 5.45... They were already gone with their cute little masks smile.png

    So 300 white masks in Lumpini park amd 50 in Buriram, maybe a few hundred at some other locations in the country. Small groups but alltogether a voice that is spread all over the country, and they will grow.

    As soon as the protests stop the government spin will be all over it claiming they gave up because there's nothing to protest about. i wouldn't expect anything else.

  5. I hear music, all played on fiddles.

    Agree the story did not mention anything positive apart from one statement

    ".Dumrong Jirasutas asserted that Thai rice was free from any toxic chemical or contamination." They have cleaned out all the rat pieces, weavils and other assorted contaminates. It has gone from some contamination to being free in a spate of 24 hours. These Thais really work fast.

    Nice one ! Thailand the hub of " speed ", interpret that at will.

    • Like 1
  6. I see he managed to give a mention about a royal pardon for his boss.

    He did say he wasn't much of a prosecutor but surely he knows a convicted criminal has to serve some time before they can be pardoned.

    And doesn't it also mean an acceptance that Thaksin IS a criminal. Does a pardon whitewash, or just nullify the sentence?

    Rhetorical Question - " do Thai officials ever think before opening their mouths ? "

  7. You just have to love the timing!thumbsup.gif At the same time economic experts are warning, that public debt is spiraling out of control, this moronic government decides to give creditcards to 4m farmers, who historically have proven, they are not able to pay back a 100 baht loan! rolleyes.gif

    Great move, get 4 million more farmers and their dependents locked even more into the viscous cycle of credit and at all relevant times assure them it's only their friendly neighbourhood PTP government that will help.

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