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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. The only way they would add 'maturity' to Thai TV is scrap almost the entire programming on all the state channels and start showing intelligent programs instead of the garbage that is served up daily. Even the news on all channels is a cops&robbers half hour or political meeting showcase, both which fail to educate the masses in any way.

    Whenever i see any programs featuring young people; lets say 18-30, they are in the main acting like 10-12 year old's, coy, shy and dopey. Either that or they are screaming, fighting, crying and being general idiots in one way or another. How can these people ever hope to 'GROW UP ?'

    Years back some idiot politician suggested Thailand could make a lot of money by selling their soap operas to other Asia countries where they could be dubbed.

    Considering YL's suggestion of " Thainess " overseas it would have been a great advert for the nation to see the luxury houses with the conniving wife, the screaming bitch daughter and the always handsome and sensible son and the ordinary house with the drunk husband and abused wife. All the mainstay of the same soap, different name and channel.

    One of Thailand's better exports I don't think.

  2. I have a list of impossible dreams I would like to come to pass before I head off to wherever it is I'm going, have a good idea though. It starts with Scotland winning the World Cup and includes some I'd rather not mention but I'm adding a statement from TAT which says " this was a bad year for tourism " or words to that effect.

    Actually I've more chance of seeing Scotland win the World Cup.


    They are both on zero. Can't get less than that.

    Scotland has absolutely zero chance of winning the World Cup (unless Denis Law comes out of retirement), which puts it on a par with the tourist projections..

    I know Scotland's failings and nil chances but TAT live on their cloud and will not see anything other than tourists flocking and don't expect them to admit otherwise. It's against government policy.

  3. He (Songkran Atchariyasap) said the network (Wirapol's) comprised more than 20 people including businessmen and a former national politician.

    Well I never.

    Finally, links to the influential and corrupt are slowly being acknowledged and - possibly - examined.

    I also wonder what snippets of useful, truthful (sic) information - if any - the DSI has so far managed to glean from Wirapol's inner circle of senior monks and hangers on from the so-called temple?

    And finally, I wonder how the delightful Mr. Wirapol managed to transfer all that money from his 41 one bank accounts so easily, and to where exactly? In this day and age of readily traceable electronic information, it shouldn't be too difficult to find out.


    It was reported earlier that the government's drugs unit have joined the fun and have discovered there's only a couple of million left in his accounts. Is there anybody left who isn't involved ?

    All these transactions should be traceable but only if you want to find them.

  4. If an independent lab can find traces in 3/4 of samples tested, then I can only assume that the Agriculture Department, the Medical Sciences Department and the Food and Drug Administration (who said they found no contamination) were lying on government orders. Of course, that would be a white lie to prevent public loss of confidence.

    Exactly, spot on. The same as the strenuous denial of bird flu for a month to protect chicken exports.

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  5. If we presume the clinic has been breaking the law in some respects for 20 years and consider the speed with which the authorities have caught up with them a certain fugitive monk has nothing to worry about.

    Presumably 20 years ago the doctor was performing the surgery so it was OK. The equipment may have been alright then as well.

    Yes, like to think so. Wonder when it all started to go illegal ?

  6. "No related agencies have said anything about the health impacts of consuming rice with high levels of methyl bromide," he said, adding that he was not thinking of filing a lawsuit against the foundation yet.

    Isnt it wonderful, if you find that our product is contaminated we will seriously think of filing a lawsuit against you.

    Surely it should be the other way round, if you are selling contaminated products we will sue you.

    They could take a leaf out of a certain personality's book and smack the shit out of them first then go for defamation.

  7. Two institutions held in extremely low esteem here, the "police" and the " judicial " system. Funny to see them having a go at each other...

    I really wish the TAT would put a rest to the ongoing falsehood that Thailand is a nation of cool hearted people. It simple confuses tourists and gets them in trouble when they find out otherwise.

    Great Post, so accurate.

  8. "investigate Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit’s ethics concerning his Hong Kong trip"

    not much of an investigation required....he doesnt have any ethics, this would have been bad enough if the gentleman concerned met up with and was photographed with our man in Dubai in civvy clothes...but in full Pol Lt Gen uniform...now thats really taking the p*ss

    I wonder if he requested permission from the Hong Kong authorities to wear uniform in their jurisdiction since he wasn't there for an official purpose ? Of course not it was authorised by Mr. T.

  9. Just seen a news item of a meeting between the military top brass, the Dep. Defence Minister and the Permanent Secy. at the ministry to discuss military displeasure at an inadequate budget. Needless to say the Defence Minister was absent.

    Two ways of annoying the boys, ok they can live without her being there but " show us the money " !

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  10. Tell me if I am wrong, but I do not think anyone can walk into a bank and withdraw 300 million baht over the counter ( or in a seperate room for security reasons ). The bank will have to have been notified in advance to amass such a large sum. The banks will have been fully aware of the recent interest and speculation ( innocent until proven guilty ) in this customer so should have informed the relevant authorities of such a large impending withdrawal. The same goes for large sums of baht or foreign currency. And, what about the linmit of baht allowed to leave the country at any one time ? A lot of questions need to be asked of the ' customer ', the banks and the Thai authorities.

    Lots of questions but will they ever be asked ?

    Hands up those who disagree with the answer " NO ".

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