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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. Are we allowed to kill the ones we catch stealing? Are they good on the barbeque? whistling.gif

    It all depends on the sauce :D

    I recommend "low and slow" bbq. A concept that seems to be missing in Thai bbq :(

  2. When I was a nipper, mother would buy dog biscuits for our hounds as a treat; but sadly they only ever saw half their portions as I would liberate approx 50%. They were very tasty and composed of horse meat.

    I still remember our dogs' sad eyes looking up at me, quizzically cocking their heads, their eyes moved from the packet to my mouth and back again.

    Still I got the bad karma in the end when my teeth fell out!

    And you started barking. laugh.png

    Now THATs funny! cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  3. I guess Dubya's password is 123456. rolleyes.gif

    Surely nothing that difficult for him to remember.

    remember that counting up to 6 would require BOTH hands.

    Thats a lot to ask from a 'c' average history major! laugh.png

    Hey i'm no Bush fan. I disliked his presidency immensely.

    But i'm in no favor for a hack to go into someones personal accounts,

    find nothing of value, and then publish a lot of personal information purely as a form of harassment.

  4. I would rather have the drone strikes over troops on the ground anyday.

    My understanding is that potus signs off on every strike.

    Thats the way i want it. compete accountability.

    Its cost effective,

    less casualties,

    higher strike probability,

    focus on fewer, higher profile targets,

    fewer friendly forces in harms way

    did i mention its cheaper?

    you'll have to point me to a negative vs forces on the ground.

  5. Just did my first visa run.

    1) I had opted for 3 re-entries when i got my first visa.

    2) at the Cambodian boarder, i opted to get one of the visa run companies, to get me a cambodian visa.

    -they took my pass port, I sat in the shade for 20 mins, drinking a coke, and my passport was returned , with completed visa

    3) Went to the Thai emigration building, spent 40 mins in line exiting Thai to get an exit stamp.

    4) exiting the Thai emigration building, i was met by the guy who got me my cambodian visa. he asked if i wanted a "quick quick" cambodian entry and exit. I said yes. He took me to a cambidian official, and i gave him 500bhat and my past port. I sat in an office in front of a nice cool fan. in 10 minutes, my past port was returned, with a cambodian entry and exit stamp biggrin.png

    5) Afterwards, i went to the Thai entry point. spent 45 mins in that line and got a 60 day stamp biggrin.png

    I saw my Visa helper friends and gave them each a 200bhat tip.

    DONE. no fuss no mess.

    upon getting back across to the Thai boarder, my friends asked, "how was the casino"?

    CASINO!!?? <deleted>.???

    I got thru the cambodian side so quickly i missed the entire fricken CASINO! sad.png

    Someone shoot me

  6. But the fake ones you buy on the street/market don't have a cut out in the front to easily pull your boy out! Drives me mad....who wants to pull their boxers all the way down just to take a leak!? wacko.png

    dam_n, didnt realize you had beat me to it! unsure.png

    but i wish i had read your post BEFORE i got those dam_n things.

    I think a simple box cutter slit should to the trick. at least temporally.

  7. "What Do I Need To Start Making Fresh Coffee?"

    Is this a trick question? biggrin.png

    and "instant" is not coffee sick.gif

    Lots of methods of making coffee. drip, percolator, espresso, or just ground some beans and steep it in hot water similar to tea.

    I recommend a 4 cup drip coffee maker like the poster above.

    Buy ground coffee, grounded for drip to avoid getting a coffee grinder.

    If you like really strong coffee taste, get espresso roast.

    If not, get french roast. if you're use to instant, get medium roast.

    To make the coffee, follow the instructions on your coffee maker.

    basically, fill water, fill coffee, plug in, turn on.

    making coffee for 1 is no problem, just adjust the coffee and water to taste.

    Make sure you take coffee of the burner as soon as its finished brewing. Coffee oxides quickly and becomes bitter and burnt tasting.

    You can reheat coffee, as long as you took it off the burner quickly. I prefer to re-heat via microwave. I find it tastes less burnt and bitter using microwave reheat.

    just my personal experience.


    • Like 1
  8. It's way too early in the morning to be reading all about men and lack of underwear in Thailand. I think I'm mentally scarred.

    To be fair though... I'd rather have NO underwear on a man than them little briefs that Thai guys so commonly wear. cheesy.gif

    breifs!!?? Good god woman, the boys would be steamed in-situ!!

    Most Thai men wear them... Kinda look like Y fronts but without the Y front. Yagetme?! bah.gif

    sounds like speedo's. only should be worn by russians,

    and as "protection" when waterskiing or jetskiing

    (if you've ever had a "blowout" when waterskiing or jetskiing, you know what i mean) cheesy.gif

    I found a place in the chatuchak market that had boxers my size! I quickly bought 1/2 dozen. the next day my friends wanted to take me up to Nan to see the country. on the way up, i had to go pee. as i unzipped , I realized the dam_n things had NO PEE Slot! it had a pee slot flap, but no slot!!!!wacko.png

    I had this vision of some Thai's walking around to the urinals, and seeing me with my entire hand inside my zippers fishing around for the pee slot.cheesy.gif

    I may have to join one of the previous posters and have one of my female friends or ex gf's, send me some joe boxers. :D

    (somehow it just doesnt feel right asking a dude to send me some boxers)

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  9. My brother told me this morning that lots of snow in front of his walk-up in Greenwich Village in NYC . . . at least this time they still have electricity unlike during the last storm.

    Excellent infrastructure for the leader of the free world!!!

    We like it, lol

    A "storm of the century" Happens every year. cheesy.gif

    I recall a 2" snowfall in the DC area when i was in high school

    school was closed for 2 days. :D. Didnt affect a thing. We still had our football game that Friday.

    On a slow news day, journalist have to "enhance" anything they can find. travel delays, snowstorms, cute dogs and cat stories,

    bla, bla bla.

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