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Posts posted by diddums

  1. In regards to expensive clothes....I dare someone tell me the red leather pants I bought my missus for $400 was not worth every cent.

    More info required and maybe some pics to form a opinion.
    Let me go looksie....stay tuned
  2. Whats the long term plan with this school and such ??

    I mean you cannot be worrying about this every day.....something might happen tomorrow....or in 6 months.

    As I said...I would not leave her at that school if it was my child in same situation.

    But if I had to or wanted to for whatever other reasons and if I could afford it, I would hire a body guard to keep an eye on her all day....sounds and seems extreme until you think of the possible alternative...again....and if it is only for a week or 2 then not too bad, plus the cost would be well worth it.

    Myself in same situation could not let it happen again for want of not going to a few extreme measures.

    Anyway...best of luck with it all whatever happens.

    • Like 1
  3. Well diddums it is a Samui specific question so fair enough hes asking you where you found it.

    Some interesting comments on the wikipedia page


    Post #2 asked re its effectiveness.

    He did not state where it was not effective....if he said it was only not effective in samui, then fair enough.

    2 people appreciated the answer....even some PM's asking about them....so why you feel the need to butt in ?

    I did mention 'elsewhere'.

    • Like 1
  4. No, but a friend has stayed there and he had very good things to say.

    I treat a hotel as just somewhere to sleep. Usually I am there to do other things in the area and just go back there to rest for a moment or to sleep late.

    So for that use, it is a useful and nice comfortable place, I saw the place when my flend stay there, he took me back there one night, I did not have to pay a joiner fee.

    Unless of course you are going to a resort hotel then that is different.

    It is about the destination, not the bed.

  5. Yes, love hammoks but sometimes sitting in one of those suspended basket chairs has the same relaxing feeling along with the kind of security feeling that you are in your own little world and what's outside has no effect on you. I just kind of feel secure sitting in them.

    Couldn't the etymology from your post be assigned to, the feeling everyone has experienced being a fetus in mummy's stomach, when she went to the market whilst carrying you inside her..?

    You mean frustration right....all the toys n shit you could see....but could not get your hands on yet.
    • Like 1
  6. Are you suggesting I'm stalking you??? Nah... too lazy! I's be happy swinging in a hammock, but it'd take too much effort to hang one.....and it'd be too darned cold here!!

    On the contrary, I am suggesting i feel comfortable with you being here.
    OH <deleted>!!!!! Now the rumours are gonna start flying thick and fast..... cheesy.gif

    EDIT: We'd better find a bigger hammock wink.png

    You had better watch out Street Cowboy will be along shortly for swearing like that.

    He gave me a right bollocking for it in another fred...and I diddn even start it.

  7. Actually I'm thinking long term here ... but does/has anyone dug an in-ground tank and made that part of their slab and then used the dirt removed to raise their dwelling above the natural ground level.

    Building on the higher ground (might only be 300 mil ... but that could make the difference) after the fill has been 'seasoned'.

    Just tossing round ideas for a build in a few years time.

    Its costly....think swimming pool without the trimmings....however does not have to be engineered to the same level...but still costly.

    But having said that, we may be doing that shortly....we shall be digging a huge pond that shall surround the house.

  8. We bought 2+ Rai in 2008, genuinely thinking we'd live there in a few years time. It has changed so much - the peaceful place has now become "commercialised trash" (the words of someone living there). So, we sold in 2011 making a 73% return.

    I think it's overpriced and set for a price "re-allignment" but who knows?

    There's plenty of other nice, up and coming places to invest that have not yet peaked.

    We bought 2+ Rai in 2008, genuinely thinking we'd live there in a few years time. It has changed so much - the peaceful place has now become "commercialised trash" (the words of someone living there). So, we sold in 2011 making a 73% return.

    I think it's overpriced and set for a price "re-allignment" but who knows?

    There's plenty of other nice, up and coming places to invest that have not yet peaked.

    You must have bought it really high..or sold it really low if you only made 73%.
  9. How about some context?

    What'dya mean ?

    Just need another word that has a similar meaning to Beyond, endless, lots of it, goes forever, and so on.

    But must start with B

    <deleted> you've had correct answers which you've ignored. There are no more.

    Fix up, look sharp. Or go back to school.

    <deleted> wake up....they are not suitable as mentioned.

    The only one that comes close was 'boundless' but that is not quite right.

    'Beyond' is the perfect word, but cannot use that as taken.

    There's really no need for obscenity, even in abbreviation. People are trying to be helpful, and it appears you are trying to be abusive.

    Perhaps a more appropriate forum - given your temper, perhaps a cross word forum would be the place to ask


    He started it.

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