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Posts posted by diddums




    I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


    what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....


    I have no idea where you would meet and adopt an 11 year old ---do you? It would seem like a good place to start. As you are so wise tell us Oh great one where do you meet 11 year olds to adopt or take care of and offer a family life away from squaller and deprivation.


    you're just taking the piss aren't you.....

    • Like 1
  2. Can you lift hevy fings JD ?

    Lift heavy things? Correct? Why yes Diddums I do lift heavy weights every day when I urinate - do you want to come watch ? smile.png

    You pee your pants at the gym ??

    Yeah - come on down to the gym Diddums - there is a guy there who would like to give you a Golden Shower ... just as you like ...

    While liftin hevy fings ?


    Umm, all these shocked and horrified netizens over this act. Just where do you think you are? I find this act appalling, but no more so than say, thousands of extra-judicial murders in the name of the drug war or towing a boat full of refugees out to sea and setting them adrift with no food or water or say, loading a shipping container full of refugees and dumping it in the Gulf of Thailand. Your western sensibilities cloud your judgement when you make the mistake of thinking that the majority of Thais are actually civilized.


    A child is a child no matter where you are and is deserving of responsible care and protection.


    I could not care less about the pedophile, rot or die I don't care. I care about the girl and her life. The story did not use the word rape or forced. Was the Swede a shitty scum bag --- I didnt read that bit. was she pimped or sold ? I dont know I dont think It matters. Why is sex always assumed . Would it be too much to imagine the guy may want to adopt, you jus dont know, you just attack and kill kill. Ever heard of hearing both sides of a story.


    what a cretin you are.....just meet and adopt an 11yo in soi cowboy....

    • Like 1
  5. Look at fishface's comments;

    "India arranges marraige at this age. Europeans were married at this age 200 years ago. Your judging the east with a Western mind and education." -

    To me, this implies that you think the 11 year old age is a non-issue.

    "She very nearly met up with a foriegner and who knows could have changed her life for the better. Certainly better than the slob of a drunken farmer...It might have been the one and only chance in her life. Gone now!!"

    When interviewed about why they "prey" on very young girls/boys, one of the top reasons given by pedos is that they really just wanted to help the kid, that they truly believed they could be good for them. Its that belief that allows them to justify their actions.

    "Lets not forget what it is and always will be along with the 1000,s of mines left in Cambodia blowing legs of daily then we judge a 11 year olds trying to get out of it. I suppose you think she should get a job as an accountant!!!!"

    This reinforces my belief that Fishface, without any firsthand knowledge, wants to believe that the girl has chosen this path ("trying to get out of it") and that it is something of a proper escape for cambodian girls.

    "You have now incarcerated an 11 year old girl and destroyed her chances because you don't understand her desperation."

    Again showing that 11 year olds with older men gives the girl "a chance". In line with a pedo's belief that they are actually doing good for the kid.

    "Who said the Swede wanted her for sex? Who said the girl was forced? Who said the Swede was told how old she was on the phone?"

    This raised my eyebrows as it is unnecessary justification of the arrangement of an 11 year old to spend time with an older man. The part about "who said the girl was forced" is of particular concern as it implies an 11 year old girl wanted/enjoyed the mans company.

    "You cant even look at a young girl these days because of you guys."

    This implies to me that you wish you could look at young girls more often but can't because of public stigma.

    "Bouncing a girl on your knee these days is porn, leave off."

    Implies to me that you (fishface) enjoy bouncing girls on your knee but feel that the act of a little girl riding around on your knee has been looked down upon unfairly. The only times little girls should be bouncing on an older man's knee is with family or very close friends. Somehow I don't think that is what you meant.

    Top 3 creepiest posters imo.

    I must also confess to be a little alarmed by this post

    Yes very disturbing comments by the fishface person.

    Anybody else remember the previous posters name that was 'pedo' friendly ?..... just sayin


    I agree with you Nisa 100% but I do not think Diddums was trying to justify it. Maybe I sensed a hint of sarcasm on his/her behalf.

    I hope you are right. I am not tracking the posters who are saying what but there is one poster who appears to have had a number of posts deleted because of his clear advocating of children being raped for money and I assumed this was the same poster based on the language and tone.

    Edit: glancing back I see it was not Diddums making the comments and appreciate your heads-up and apologize to Diddums for missing what was almost surely sarcasm but it sounded just like a serious comments the other poster was making to advocate a child being in the sex industry.


    ---------------------------------------------------quotes are screwing up today

    No problems.

    But if I was an arse....I would be extremely upset of being accuse of that....then i'd have to go over to that 'tough guys' thread and huff and puff.

  7. Live and let live.

    Its their country let them do as they please.

    Your home country has no litter I suppose,(balls)

    I copy the local populace.

    Its tradition.

    And when I am ready I will leave it all behind.

    So you throw rubbish about willy nilly alongside them.

    You sir are a pig.

  8. Sweet, but those "Social Development" shelters are nothing more than a "lock-up" where foreign NGO's play with children out of sight of Thai courts. Sometimes they keep them locked up for many many years. Saving a girl is fine, not willing to keep an eye on children and delivering them foreign NGO's is as criminal as pimping out a 11 year old.

    <deleted>.....you must be some twisted individual to think like that.

    Cowboy is an institution - I dont spend a lot of time there either, but bulldozing it would be the thin edge of the wedge. Stickman and his sycophantic horde like to trot out the possibility from time to time, but I sincerely hope it never happens ? Wa. Square was something else again - clearly well past its prime - but there is still life in Cowboy IMO, even if many of the bars seem to have moved to a pricing policy that defies logic. TiT, I guess.

    I have read you mention Sticko many times now.....are you on the payroll...or is there more ??

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