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Posts posted by diddums

  1. just dont buy anything you can't picture yourself living in when you reach old age. pick a nice area, good facilities, and good neighbors. i mean, khao yai is a nice place and will grow over time in value, but the rush to build now is also driven by new zoning laws that will prohibit further building of high rises and resorts in the near future.

    What do you know about that rezoning issue ?

  2. That's funny. When I visit the USA, my friends get annoyed and bored with me talking about Thailand. They don't care! Some are jealous but hearing about it annoys them even more.

    Exactly the same for me.

    When I was based in Thailand, but working abroad, or even in the days when I regularly holidayed in Thailand, back home no one was interested about my adventures in the LOS.

    When the time came that I was nearing my retirement and getting myself prepared to be here full time, quite a few of my work colleges, friends and family actually took my leaving as a personal affront to them, the attitude being that they are stuck with their mundane lives and I will be living a life of luxury with a dolly bird on each arm, sipping cocktails by the pool and partying every night.

    If only they could see the reality?

    It seems that you've met my sister. One seriously judgemental bitch who likes to burst into tears and scream 'I cant believe you would even consider going back to Asia after the way they've treated you !'. Some people just dont get that, for a Thai women, chasing you down Soi 22 with a knife is a sign that she cares .... ;)

    For my sister, life is all about predictability - for me, that's as slow and painful a death as anyone could wish for. Horses for courses, I guess.

    God I miss Asia. Those of you who are about to embark on yet-another-12-hour-day in BKK might grimace at that, but what I wouldnt give to be surrounded by all that pollution and those limbless beggars on lower Suk. I'd get a cab straight to Pattaya :D

    I woke in asia this morning at 6am ish.......another day at the grind.

    Golf to start the day......coffee in starbucks just now with a constant stream walking by of hotness.

    I wish i was in melbourne.

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  3. How about some context?

    What'dya mean ?

    Just need another word that has a similar meaning to Beyond, endless, lots of it, goes forever, and so on.

    But must start with B

    <deleted> you've had correct answers which you've ignored. There are no more.

    Fix up, look sharp. Or go back to school.

    <deleted> wake up....they are not suitable as mentioned.

    The only one that comes close was 'boundless' but that is not quite right.

    'Beyond' is the perfect word, but cannot use that as taken.

  4. To late to buy at the right price now...way too expensive.

    The greed about town has turned to mountains.

    5 million per rai is not uncommon and that is not on the main road.

    The only ones that can afford it now are developers and what comes with that high price is intensive development.

    No more big blocks with space, it is all 200wah blocks or condos now to be affordable to the masses.

    But if developers can afford those plots, they will need to sell them with a profit to the same people who can't afford them now blink.png

    No...they cut them up much smaller, or did before...now the price has stepped up to the next level so the only way to cash in to the affordable price is to go up...and build condos so that they can sell multiple levels above the same single rai of land.

    The market is for thai/bangkok holiday homes and 5 mill for land and then 5 mill for a house...or say 3 even, so 8mill for a holiday house is out of most bangkokians reach....so build up and sell condos for 2 mill etc.

    There is one block that was for sale 4 years ago for 160 mill as a foreclosure from the bank. The developers are now selling homes on it for 50 mill plus. This is in an estate of 160 rai.

    The number of condos going up in the last 18 months is ridiculous.

  5. To late to buy at the right price now...way too expensive.

    The greed about town has turned to mountains.

    5 million per rai is not uncommon and that is not on the main road.

    The only ones that can afford it now are developers and what comes with that high price is intensive development.

    No more big blocks with space, it is all 200wah blocks or condos now to be affordable to the masses.

  6. You are what you are....no point hiding it.

    if you are half/half one race or another....that is what you are.

    Like black is black and white is white.....it is a fact.

    By the way, my daughter is the cutest thing on the planet.....hybrid vigour has kicked in and produced a perfect example.....although she has bucked teeth

  7. I have to admit...this music video is pretty much a porno....yes, western music video's can be just as bad....true. But I could see why people are getting a bit upset over it. I don't care too much...since I'm not a guy....but I mean, the MILK?? Come on.....some guys fantasies just go too far in my opinion....and anyone who think it's a turn on....mama's boy maybe? weaned too early as a a baby perhaps? whistling.gif Honestly, it kind of made me throw up a little but that's just my opinion...but for some reason people like music video's that are more like porno's these days. And the guy is NOT a good singer....at all. It should be a crime to call that music.

    You're right about the milk...it goes sour at room temp quick.

    I prefer honey drippings or choco syrup.

  8. Laying in m hammock this afternoon....dark blue it is....quality and strong.....nice comfy pillow.....devising an automatic rope tugger to keep the swing going when I fall asleep.

    Nothing worse than falling asleep and the swing stops.

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